Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

Yeah? Im not even on the raid team or actively playing lmao. Whats your insult here exactly?

Also speaking behind a lvl 27, who are you, you little brat? lol


Seems like you guys only favored the tank Druid form appearance for it to come back.

Guess I should sue McDonalds for their ā€œlimited timeā€ McRib they do every year then.

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Please reconsider making the artifact appearances obtainable.


Unless they say ā€œThe McRib is never coming back againā€ then your argument has no point.


Originals and artifact looks need to come back. Stop making things limited and short time. There are already less contents to enjoy.

Go make them less limited time and less exclusive


I completed guardian druid as a clicker. Wow much difficulty.

There are zero legal reasons they can never bring the appearances back. The only thing that would apply to would be the Warlordā€™s Deathwheel.

Highly disagreed.

I have said this before all around the interwebs several times:

As a player who has all 36 appearances I totally approve bringing back Mage Tower with scaling during Timewalking and a Feat of Strength for old achievers.

I would love everyone who missed it for any reason to be able to get those and have that fun experience.

Plus: Iā€™m personally against any content to be totally removed from game, so hopefully (I was hoping that) next step would be bringing all similar Challenges, Legendary questlines, Longbois etc. back with scaling and giving old achievers a Feat of Strength like Warlock Green Fire.

Still, even to this day, Iā€™m still hopeful about leaving this cruel FOMO mentality one day and to pull one of the biggest ripcords ever, together with our lately very nice Warcraft Devs.

Please keep listening and stop holding good things back, game is fun and full of content already, let people enjoy it as it is with certain small tweaks instead.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Bringing back MT for some tints is justā€¦ughh

I wonder if the soaring spelltome is the same one before when everyone, unfortunately, voted the big, dumb tree. Iā€™m stoked to get the mount, I actually voted that one back then. I was bitterā€¦until now. :grin:

Though Iā€™m curious, do we have to do complete 7 characters all over again? Even the one back during Legion doesnā€™t count?

Thank you, I greatly appreciate this.


Nah, on the contrary, plenty of people who were thinking that Blizzard was finally going to quash this FOMO trash are going to hop right back over to FF14. Glad I waited until the official announcement before deciding whether to resub. Thereā€™s a reason I donā€™t have a recurring sub with WoW anymore, but I do (6-month) with FF14.

Anyhoo, as Iā€™ve said in previous posts, the mere fact that MT is back is a victory. But the war is not over.

Now that Blizzard has walked back on a toxic mistake, it needs to take that momentum and continue doing so by bringing back artifact appearances and/or potentially recolors. Unless they want to continue ignoring the tmog community and the new player base, of course. But, Blizzard has shown us again that theyā€™re capable of walking back bad decisionsā€¦they just need to keep moving in that direction.

Blizzard has stated theyā€™re normalizing player power for the challenges. My feedback at this stage is to (and this is consistent with my other thread), add a ā€œheroicā€ or ā€œrelicā€ or whatever name they feel like giving it, difficulty that amps up the challenge and allows everyone to EARN the old appearances.

Of course that leads to the ā€œyou shouldā€™ve been thereā€ toxicity that some spew, and at that point itā€™s merely an ā€œI was there!ā€ argument rather than ā€œI overcame a challenge to earn prestigeā€, but I digress.


Yet they didnā€™t and targeted on one spec for one class only. Which makes the situation not very good.

I am in the boat the armors are not good enough. I will not bother to do it. I bet a lot of players will feel this sentiment.

They have lots of time to add other weapons. Rather recolours like they did for this class. Or even better make new items to obtain in general. So players actually want to come back and play.

So not actively playing but still crying on the forums about it.

You still run M+ until 2 weeks ago, so even if you were 3/10M 2 weeks ago (your Eye parse of 0 is epic btw), you still sucked. You were 6/10M last tier, 1/8 the one before, and 1/9 the one before that. Once again, youā€™re in zero position to talk about if something is hard or not.

This poster provided an imagine to the announcement. They said limited rewards near the end. The core hound mount is now on the BMAH.

Not to my knowledge.

It was promoted as being available for LFRing a special version of Molten Core between November 21, 2014 and January 5, 2015. Neither the special version of Molten Core or the related achievement that went along with it have reappeared in the game.

Third? Try seventh. LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Horde PVP, Alliance PVP, this. Speaking as someone who didnā€™t play during Legion and didnā€™t even know Mage Tower was a time-limited thing at the time, I think itā€™s BS that we canā€™t go back and get those appearances. In particular as a mage, missing out on that frost artifact skin is quite painful.

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But I still suckā€¦ :neutral_face:

I stopped at 30/36 back then, it is time to suffer again.