Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

Yeah, lots of pots calling kettles black in here. Been following threads about the MT for the last few days now. Its actually gross that Blizzard sides with some of these people. I had a guy tell me he hopes I get hit by a car because I wanted the artifact skins to return. The best part is his comment hasn’t been removed by a moderator. Hell it hasn’t even been hidden.


Didnt they also say those are going to be put on the BMAH as well – similarly like AH mount?

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No, it wouldn’t, everyone should be able to have these warglaives and others mogs


If you put value on having a weapon skin in a game and a limited amount of others players having it… Take a hard look at yourself and reevaluate your priorities in life.


Because of the argument “I got it and now you can’t so neener neener.” There’s no reason to not bring them back.


Thank you for acknowledging this point Blizzard. This is a very good change and a very happy compromise for everybody involved.


Then Demon hunters should also get a recolor of there glaives: Not only is there nothing else like it (I MEAN THEY ARE BLADES OF FIRE) Demon hunters lack Glaive transmog in general. And yes I want my monk skin but what’s fair is fair right?

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It’s very sad that Blizzard still follows this mentality, of keeping things locked forever.


I agree with you but since mostly everyone complained about the Druid tank form it’s the only one they brought back. I don’t really care for the armor re colors as well it’s like doing old raid for transmogs except it’s a different color. I have some of the mage tower appearances but I wouldn’t mind it coming back for those that never got it :blush:.

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You’re in a 4/10M guild that only killed Remnant last week. Don’t try to tell others that content is hard when it is actually easy. You’re the last person to determine if something is hard or not, rofl

And you lost me.

No reasonable reason for you not to let us get those original rewards.


If I want to operate my business in say Florida, you’re suggesting because I’m based in Delaware I’m exempt from Florida law? You’re not suggesting that I hope.

They didn’t say that at the time. It was after the “limited” announcement. Why didn’t anyone sue?


Sounds like they’ll still be challenging to me. /shrug


Respect for a development team of many people who know more about the game than you

It’s just a game, Champion
They should not return the MT to start …

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Massively disappointed in the werebear skin. First chance to obtain it since MT went away, and it looks nothing like a druid skin. I understand wanting to make it more Legion themed to celebrate the expac moving to timewalking…but none of the other tmogs (excluding classes that normally use fel) seem to be excessively fel-themed.

I don’t know, it just sucks that it doesn’t even look remotely druid-y besides being an animal. I know tons of druids, myself included, like to coordinate our forms with the rest of our mogs, and there aren’t even fel druids anywhere in canon that I can find.

I really hope they introduce further alternate werebear skins that actually look like the class they belong to, maybe keep the same fur color but different armors? Keep the tattoos and alternate colors? That way the armorless, og skin is still unique and recognizable, but the overall skin actually matches the class aesthetics while still allowing for unique looks and customization with tmogs.

That, or pick an overall theme, and keep it consistent across the new MT rewards.

No, I would suggest making your business into a Walmart-sized large corporation where it would be really dumb for the state to pursue litigation against you.

Source needed.

Please reconsider and make the artifact appearances obtainable.


Disapointing, recolor tints of old sets as a reward for MT is very underwhelming. And Guardians get the appearence, “there is nothing like it in game so we will allow them to get it”, bs excuse, just allow everyone to get them. There are no flails in game either, so allow paladins and warriors to get them too?

Stop overthinking Blizzard, just let people have fun and get them, let people play your game.

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People find value in any number of things, be that virtual or reality. Judging others based on that is more of a key you should look hard at yourself and recognize some people are just different than you are with different opinions.


Do me a favour and stop talking, you are being unbelievably ridiculous. Also, are you one of those Rhielle loyalists people have been talking about?