Make the Mage Tower Challenging So We Can EARN the ORIGINAL Appearances

—EDIT 10/1/2021----: Since a “Complete all 36 challenges” FoS was added to PTR, attaching appearances to the FoS also makes sense


…So people can rightfully earn the originally removed skins when Mage Tower is up during Timewalking.

An idea is to create two difficulties:

‘Normal’ Challenge - a challenge equal in difficulty to the Legion days, and where completion will award any spec recolors
‘Heroic’ Challenge - a difficulty mode tuned to be harder than the original Legion challenges and where completion will award the original spec appearance (people who already have the appearance won’t have to do this). Call them “relic appearances” or whatever to justify the increased difficulty if need be

Such an arrangement will undoubtedly quash any “I worked hard for the original ones!” people who are reasonable, while also offering new rewards for the same group (and everyone else). It also means that anyone else who wants to obtain the original skins will absolutely need to put in the effort, while those who already have the appearances have no extra work to put in, etc

Also, keeping MT up only on Timewalking preserves the “limited time” feel that some appear to be passionate about.

Remember, “limited time” items have consistently been reintroduced into the game, whether via BMAH or some other mechanism. “Limited time” does not mean “never coming back”. Ever hear of the McRib?

Example of Blizz reintroducing a limited-time item (mount):

Finally, keep the original achievements unobtainable (maybe even make them a FoS) so the “I was there!” crowd have something of ‘prestige’ to hold onto, and create new achievements for the base Timewalking challenge.

This approach should be a fair and balanced compromise that directly addresses the “I was here!”, “I earned them!”, and the “I want to earn them!” crowds.


No thanks.


Don’t know what’s more annoying. High elf threads or Mage Tower ones? :thinking:

They are like that one turd that you have trouble flushing down the toilet because it keeps coming back.


I’m not against it, never was. To me this fomo, feel special thing is silly, most won’t even get it. Those tints in Legion were for the most part one of the better looking stuff Blizz has put out so it’s a shame they’d limit it.


“Rightfully” was back in Legion. This isn’t Legion.


No. Either a updated mage tower with all new items to collect. Or a new challenge
with new items. The old MT items should never be available again.


Did you hear about a person that went crazy trying to throw a boomerang away? :smirk_cat:

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Rather they didn’t waste resources trying to tune old stuff and give us a SL themed version with new appearances.

And I say that as someone who didn’t play during legion and plays a guardian druid as my primary alt.


I’m against it, but seeing other people’s point of view I’m rethinking it. If it’s a precedent for them to release everything, then yes. If it’s just the mage tower, then don’t


What the frigate is the mage tower? Like the Garrison mage tower?

I’m tempted to give this post a like, but I really don’t agree with the last part. The first two are good.

The people who rightfully earned them already did back when the content rightfully rewarded them.


It’ll be hard to do that since artifacts were a cornerstone of the towers encounters and they’re gone


Annoying works though. We’re getting “high elves”.


Thank you Next.

No. I worked hard to earn them. Stop it. Sorry you missed out. It was a limited time feature.


No. Because rightfully earning them would have been earning them in the proper expansion, during the alotted time. Not during a remix of the event.


Nope, no matter how difficult they make it it’s not the same content

Though I am in favor of bringing back removed things :slight_smile:


Why defend FOMO, it benefits nobody but the industry selling it.


Why log onto your alt to reply to your own thread?

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