
Will these devs ever stop tying everything to renown/rep?

Its BORING!! Stop it!


Because they use them as time sinks and time gates to pad out content.


Bad developers need bad systems


We’ve had rep since the game’s inception. Back then it was 1-2 rep per kill and it took weeks (although far shorter now for people optimizing for classic) and now it takes weeks but we get 250 rep per quest.

Y’all are never gonna be freed of rep grinds


Now that rep/renown isn’t tied to player power, I don’t understand why people are annoyed. There’s just cosmetics locked behind it. It also doesn’t take long to get renown.


I don’t mind it being tied to rep at all. I’ve done reps even as late as this expansion on multiple characters, Nazjatar/Mechagon to exalted on multiple characters, same thing in other expacs. What I dislike is that the renown isn’t account wide. If I want to take a week off and get my sweaty on maxing it all out by playing 5 characters let me. Its my choice to eschew social life and other responsibilities. It’s honestly probably better for most people playing the game because I am betting the ones with a single character are actually the minority here (and probably by a very wide margin).

You can’t just make it account wide though without offering a way to grind it to people who only have one character. That’s why I propose we bring back the arguably better system of rep tabards and let everyone grind as much as or as little as they want. Rep tabards were one of the best parts of wrath and cata and I miss them immensely. Being able to do content I actually enjoyed for rep instead of boring drudgery was amazing. As a side effect you give people a reason to help their buddies out in low keys or content they’ve outgrown on top of it.

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Yeah back then you could get a tabard and gain rep in dungeon runs etc.


Because their cosmetic chest piece gives their max level character xp kind of like how some max level player characters will kill all trash mobs in a dungeon for that sweet max level xp. How Else are they going to reach leve 70 ++ without it .


Just be glad they haven’t revisited early MoP, where reps with low daily progress gated more reps with low daily progress that gated the ability to spend valor currency.

That wasn’t introduced until Wrath.

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might wanna look and see what kinda game your playing


and outside of the city tabards, I don’t think it lasted beyond MoP if not Cata

We’ve always had rep grinds. The difference now is, we get more rewards more often for doing them.

I will say they need to remove the rep requirements for the story quests now. For someone just coming back the story going to be massively disjointed.


Rep back then was more optional, though. Hell, most of the reps in the game didn’t even give you anything. Now literally the main story is locked behind rep. The only time I ever thought that worked was back in MoP, where some of the reps (most notably the faction war reps in Krasarang) told ongoing stories at certain rep points and that only worked because they were frequent enough that you often got a new chunk of quests every couple of days.

Of course, Golden Lotus had to ruin it by being Golden Lotus and having like 20 daily quests all to themselves that awarded the same amount of rep that ~4ish daily quests all the other reps had did… but that’s another story… and why I wasn’t sad when they got nuked along with the rest of the vale…

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I do miss that.

This xpac freed us from rep grinds. They are pretty much optional at this point unless you want achievs and cosmetics.

Also professions and normal flying.

Meh. I work order everything. Rep hasn’t stopped me from my 447 crafted, dragonriding items and such.

Not this xpac :wink:

I prefer making Chronocloth Reagent Bag and Azureweave Expedition Pack over buying them for all my alts.

Also wrong.