Removing Wrath Servers is a mistake!

I do. Because there are things I like about retail. And if they had cata classic, permanent wrath, and whatever is coming out for retail with war within. I would be 100 percent satisfied.

Like I legit would never jump on the forums again after that. Sure there are other things I thought were annoying. Like the stupid BMAH. And other stuff to. But it’s alll pretty mild compared to not being able to play your favorite version of the game anymore.

Would you like me to call you the Waaaaambulance? Once again, it makes no difference whether you liked the BMAH. if you don’t like it, don’t use it. It’s really that simple. And if you don’t like the way Blizzard manage their games, don’t play them It’s really that simple.


I would love the waambulance to be called. Nurses are hot. Send me to weeni hut generals.

Also. You want me to call the waaambulance on you people. Like omg. Mktaar. He won’t stop necroing the forums and talking about wrath classic. Like man. It’s pretty hypocritical in my opinion. Like keep crying about How I won’t stop talking about wrath classic.

On the bright side, that wall of text is in two paragraphs rather than one.

It isn’t anyone’s fault that the average forum goer can’t read past a kindergarden level.

Like if you can’t read more than one paragraph. I don’t know what to tell you.

I could read it. But a 21-line paragraph is generally not the best way to present information.

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Talking? It’s called spamming.

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I agree, I would love to stay with a strictly TBC or WotLK server. Please leave us one.

The toxic attitude in some of the replies is exactly why people out there made their own private servers.

Instead of doing that, I would prefer reward Blizzard’s hard work and creativity with my money and express an honest opinion about being able to play old content. And here are people giving those like me crap for it.

I like the nostalgia. Yes, I love retail, but I was excited for classic because I thought I wasn’t going to be rushed into the next expansion.


They’re removing Wrath servers?

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No. Wrath is being upgraded to Cata. Same as usual every expansion.

There’s not enough people to warrant Era servers, Vanilla Era died within a month of the TBC launch and remained largely dead untill a small amount of players decided to play hardcore which gradually gained traction which eventually lead to SoM and SoD which currently has more players than WotLK.

Then go play SoD/Vanilla Era, initially we didn’t even know if we were going to be getting TBC servers and when we did at the very least I knew it’d be going through the other expansions as a progression server. When TBC didn’t get any era servers I knew that Blizzard were done with Era servers after Vanillas “failure”.

As for the toxic attitude, people are making a lot of threads about this, most of which make it their first post to the point where I’m wondering if you’re an alt of a character I already know. Even this thread was started by someone with 0 posts, this is their first thread and they’ve yet to reply in this thread with 90 replies. Almost as if they posted this on a character they don’t post on normally, switched to the character they do post on and replied on that.

People are getting tired of this happening, this isn’t the first thread that this has happened and it won’t be the last. Not until the Cataclysm pre-patch… Or it’ll hit a fever pitch in the pre-patch, who knows.


There is enough people.

No there isn’t.

Yes there is.

No, there isn’t. If there were there’d be a WotLK Era server but there isn’t because there’s not enough interest in one.

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You can not remotely tell me, regardless of subjective opinion of WotLK that Classic and WotLK are / that / similar. Maybe I didn’t play enough of it when I had the opportunity too. But I feel there are enough differences there, that make players like myself want to play WotLK. Not Classic Vanilla, otherwise I would be doing so.

2004 vs 2008

And I entirely understand your point, but only thing that will do is make players look elsewhere to play those expansions that Blizzard refuses to keep available via even a single realm server. Other servers that solely run that expansion stayed open for years without upgrading and kept a playerbase.

IMO I feel like that should be reason alone to keep a realm for TBC and WotLK open, especially with them continuing into Catacylsm and maybe even further beyond that. Which then just kind of null and voids the entire point of it all in the first place.

2030 with Draenor Classic, yep totally looking forward to that. /sarcasm


Man. I can’t wait for draenor classic. Like my good lord lol.

And everyone will be like, what do you mean it lacked all that content. Like yah, it was an incomplete expansion.

Cataclysm isn’t really classic anymore in my op. So annoying doing 2010 all over again. LIke I wanted a permanent wrath classic server more than anything else. So sad to see wrath classic go.

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no ones reading all that

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Thats cuz there is a few really big ones based in the EU that are Wrath servers. People went over there. 4 in total that I know of. One just popped up in 2023…wonder why that happened…oh thats right, cuz Wrath…the last true version of Classic Closed.

The world from Cata is in the wow world today.

