Removing Wrath Servers is a mistake!

Guess what everyone, you all fell for Blizzards plan a second time where they removed the part game you wanted to play… Why is the consensus of the WoW community to berate players for wanting to play this game in a way that’s not force fed to them? Why is it so hard to ask for wanting to play the game the way it was meant to be played at your own pace and time?

I think its an utter travesty that you can’t play era classic, then move to era TBC, then to era wrath, and so on without following there forced timelines. (Especially removing Wrath due to the game significantly changing). Having a permanent progression system through all the classic servers is so obviously the way it SHOULD have been made, that the reason its not is strictly monetary to force you to play what Blizzard wants you to play. Playing through classic WoW at your own pace and your own speed of progression, whenever you want? Ha! Suckers, were gonna force you to play Cata and if you missed out on TBC, Wrath, well then too bad for you because what they do best at Blizzard is not allow you to play the game in its entirety when you have the time/ability to play the way it should be played. You got to play some water down version of it on retail. (Which again does not have the classic play style or classic quests/world). I will not play anything beyond vanilla classic until they fix this if at all. Forced Cata is a mistake in my mind. I have no problem that Cata IS there for people to play same with other expansions in the future. But forcing us there is the mistake and the same mistake they made 10 years ago. Let the players choose what era to play in and when. It may not make you a ton of money, but it will make you money. What it will do is create goodwill to your customer base (which you suck at doing) to offer ways to play and you would likely see in increase in subscribers.


Shocking this thread was made by a character with 0 posts.


Because of what I’ve been saying for years…

Form of control…

They want to herd around the playerbases like cattle for the benefit of the company and its primary liaison target audiences.


Vanilla is still there, that content which got removed. What are you on about?

Expansions are meant to be played in 2 years. The only exception is vanilla which wasn’t initially designed to have expansions.

Not much from Wrath no. Stats changes as every expansion, revamped Vanilla which nobody plays in Wrath and talent rework.

For whom? You?

Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can just quit or play sod.

I mean it is. TBC and Wrath have been available for nearly 7 years now. Thats almost half of WoWs lifespan (20 years). If you couldnt find a moment to play it, its on you.

Cata has absolutely nothing to do with current retail: Dragonflight…
Why do classic andies always think that retail hasn’t changed for the past 15 years lol. There is a much longer period between Vanilla to Cata (6 years) then Cata to Dragonflight (14 years)

Are we now ignoring that half of the game is still tbc and wrath which you arbitrary decided to be Classic?

People like you are the reason I say Classic was a mistake. The fact they went ahead and gave us an authentic rerelease to once again re experience nostalgia, which is clearly only nostalgia, makes people think that Blizzard is FORCED to have non profit Era servers for each version of World or Warcraft.

A normal 0 post alt clown I suppose. My guess is Mktaar


And who are you?

To decide what versions of WoW should be available or not?

Or to better quote you…

And who says you absolutely have to have Cata? You can play era, SoD, retail, hardcore, if you don’t want to play Wrath forever…

See how it goes both ways?

Just a rhetorical question…

I know it all goes in through one of your ears and out the other.


I’m me.

I didn’t. I said I say. Are you saying I’m not allowed to say something? Are you against human rights?

Nobody said that except the voices in your head

The rogue is right you’re an actual idiot. Its the first time I’m reading a post of yours. Your post makes no sense at all

Nice meme bro


What?? You act like people create alts, to post new threads on the same topic all the while pretending they are new and that Blizzard has no insight that they can see how all of the accounts/toons are connected, even those that have actual different accounts.

Nope that never happens.


Of course blizzard can tell if they want to. That doesn’t mean people aren’t using alts to try to build a band wagon hoping to get people to jump on it and create a movement. We’re just guessing and we’re probably sometimes wrong, but it’s been proven that people have used alts a few times in the past. And no, I can’t prove for you. It would take too much time to find and link several posts. If you haven’t seen it at least once you just haven’t been paying attention. /shrug

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That’s a good thought but mmo’s only work if you stick with the crowd. The crowd generally moves faster than me but even so I won’t play on an era server. If I did by the time I finished vanilla it’ll be months or a year into BC. And no one would be doing the normal dungeons and the early quest areas would be empty. I’d always be behind. I’d never get to raid. By the time I finished BC wrath would be over. No one to do anything with. Maybe you want to play the game on solo mode but I don’t, so I adjust my speed as much as possible to the speed of the crowd. Most people do, and if most people do there’s not enough left behind to make it sufficiently profitable for blizzard to maintain era servers.


This is true for WoW, but not for all mmo’s. FF14 works extremely well for players who start late or take longer to get through content than others. It’s really a WoW design issue rather than a mmo issue.


they aren’t removing wrath servers because they never promised to make wrath-only servers, or that the progression would stop at wrath forever


Of course they are and I don’t need proof, I already know they are.

Dude, TBCC came out June 1st 2021. It’s been almost 3 years.

If you didn’t play, it’s literally your own fault.

This is just like saying “Jesus Christ Blizzard, I didn’t play Shadowlands or BFA. I just came back after taking a short break in Legion and I missed TWO WHOLE EXPANSIONS? Wahhhhhhhhh.”

So mad about it yet you still find the most consumer answer and choose to give them money still.

I have a feeling this is why Blizzard really doesn’t care. They trained their player base of two core facts. The first is that waiting is somehow content, and the second, Blizzard can do literally anything they want and people like you WILL STILL GIVE THEM MONEY EVEN WHEN YOU DON’T LIKE THE PRODUCT PRESENTED.

Literally just quit, or, keep being a brainlet consumer.

Same goes for you too.

You people sit and mope and whine when you could literally just stop and move on.


Form of control? What are you even going on about? What and who is Blizzard trying to control?

Give me a reason (non-emotional one) of why they would want to “herd around the playerbases like cattle” and to what benefit?


what a threat… :scream: :fearful: :ghost:

I love when people use word 'forcing". Is someone making you do this?

Jesus christ man. Grow up. The odds are, this thread was written by some 35 y/o dude.

I played through the entire Shadowlands with crazy completionism approach. I earned almsot every achieve and mount Shadowlands had to offer. Progged Mythic and did 24-25’s keys. I had ZERO interest in DF. So HEY GUESS WHAT - I just didn’t play DF. At all. I just login weekly to do WB in ED for shapeshift.

No one is forcing you to do anything. You’re an adult. Or at least mature enough to reach max level in DF. Act as such.


Blizzard couldn’t care less about silly rants like this. You didn’t even use a wrath character to post it.

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Everytime I see a post saying that they’re deleting characters or that they should let us have as much time playing whichever Era server we want makes me want to ask what is Retail to you? Do you think that even for Retail that they shouldn’t move from one expansion to another or is it fine for Retail to do that because it’s the actual live game.

As for everything else pretty much this…


Or good gameplay, tbh.

Don’t @ me. :smirk:

I don’t see a Rogue here…now I gotta watch my pockets just in case. >.> <.< >.>

I think the only movement most of the people here could cause is a bowel movement. :rofl:

Which, as a fun fact for everyone else, the game the devs played as an idea source for ARR?

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

Most of the extremely-played-friendly design choices made in FFXIV were a direct result of seeing how things were implemented in Cata, for good or for ill.

For what it’s worth if you lock your character at 50 you can do essentially everything in those expansions outside of raiding.

I’ve had the opposite experience; I was so bored by SL that I didn’t even hit level cap, while DF has been the expansion I’ve enjoyed the most since Legion. :smiley:

Actually it’d likely be harder because of stat squishing and scaling.

Surprisingly, not really; once you hit a certain ilevel, somewhere around 145 or so, things become fairly easy to the point where it takes quite a lot before you need to worry about, say, eating to restore your health since mana is effectively infinite for anyone outside of raid healers and Arcane Mages.