Removing Wrath Servers is a mistake!

Seriously. Why would anyone pay blizzard to give them what they want. And blizzard isn’t giving them what they want. When those players can just have like, 90 percent better quality and everything else on a private server, for free. People have been asking, and now demanding, for quite a while now.

Like it’s so stupid that blizzard won’t provide the wrath era experience. Like I don’t even really care as much anymore. And arguing with some of these people, is pointless.

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you deal with even more useful pay to use store stuff.

Bills don’t pay themselves.

I’d have ascension the nicer of them since mostly cosmetic. But it has xp items too.

Others skip even gdkp. They will take the money directly for items. Technically it solves rmt gdkp debate. No need to buy gold to gdkp items in game.

It’s there in the store since looking to spend irl money anyway lol.

You’re still here? Thought you’d leave once pre-patch started.

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Because private servers are mostly PvP and with increased levelling speed. I won’t do either. I’d like to play the Trilogy as it was, and be able to keep my characters foreve - or at least for the rest of my life. Only Blizz could guarantee this if they had made their mind up to do the rigt thing aka. Era servers for the whole Trilogy.

I guess you missed it. He was so upset with Cata pre-patch he just bought a year subscription. Then he unsubbed. :rofl:

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No way that’s true. lol

It really is. I didn’t make it up. That’s what he posted.

Makes absolutely no sense, absolutely baffling, love it.

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It’s comments like this as to why I can’t take you seriously heydownthere, as well as many others. And why I just blatantly disagree with everything you say lol.

Oh give me a reason mktaar. Like why should I? Everything you and several others have said, has just been straight up wrong. Doesn’t matter what you say. It’s just wrong.

And I did unsub. But I can still comment until next year. I was on the yearly sub list. My sub started in I think march of last year. So yah. I have until march of 2025 until I can’t post anymore. I wish I had cancelled earlier. Or at least had a month sub.

Enjoy your super buggy cataclysm classic experience.

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Yes. I would to vanillataur. But I quite frankly am starting to give up. And it doesn’t seem like blizzard is listening to us either.

I just simply am not playing wow much atm.


I saw something that left me confused, perhaps you’re not aware but my use of langauge there is simple… You claim to hate Cataclysm or at least not willing to play without the option to play WotLK Era servers and yet here you still are complaining at this point just to complain.

You want to know why you should give a reason? Because this is a forum, you’re conversing with other people on this forum so you should state your points as to why you want what you want otherwise you come across as a whining annoyance who’s rolling on the floor in a tantram just because mum won’t give you what you want.

It’s also how you get others to your side, by sympathy etc. In nearly every post that I’ve replied to you, you typically reply back with a massive wall of text (which in of itself is fine) but 95% of which is pointless fluff.

Give me an example, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

You are aware that you don’t have to post on the forums right?

Most of the bugs are gone and to top it all off I got the Dwarven Archaeology staff, am I bragging? Yes because I’m happy that I got it, so I think I will enjoy Cataclysm thanks for saying that.

here’s why I think we should keep wrath Era realms,

I have a friend that’s unfortunately got very sick at the start of Wrath ( and their young which makes it all the more depressing)

They asked me about Wrath and if it was still up and if they could play it, I had to break the news it moved over to Cata, I felt bad because even when I said we could level in Cata and then play Wrath content together, they didn’t want too

And it sucks because they missed out due to an illnesses out of their control, by the time they started to feel better, Wrath was gone, and now they are depressed because they lost their chance, a chance they may not even get later on.

This idea of fomo for these Classic expansion is wrong, their should be a way for folks like my friend to be able to access those old versions of the game without having this anxiety of missing out

And we should be getting communication on what is the plan for Classic, will they do re-releases for those old expansion, will their be seasonal that pushes outside of just Vanilla to TBC, Wrath but no it’s all radio silence. The amount of bugs and no comment from Blizzard is beyond sad

It’s just depressing.


Unfortunate to read but life moves on, I’m sure that there’s many people it’s happened to but companies aren’t going to see if everyone’s fine with their decision, they made Vanilla Era realms and didn’t make TBC Era realms which should’ve hinted you at them not planning on making WotLK Era realms.

You can see me as callous and uncaring about your friends position and it sucks that they had an illness so debilitating that they couldn’t play WoW but again that’s life.

We get told what they have set in stone, no WotLK Era servers, Cataclysm, SoD phases, Cataclysm phases… These things are set in stone, they don’t need to communicate more, they’ve stated what bugs in Cataclysm they are aware of which means they’re working to fix them, they talked about Childrens week not working and what they’re doing for the event by giving us more time, they reduced honour costs.

They are communicating, just not the way you want.

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A massive number of bugs have already been fixed. I’m leveling my priest, druid, and a worgon now without problems. I’m not saying all bugs have been fixed. I don’t pvp and I’m not doing archeology so I wouldn’t see any problems there. I won’t get to my mage or rogue for a while so I wouldn’t see problems there. But I’m not experiencing any problems with what I’m doing while I did launch day.

Archaeology is fine, people are saying that the chances to get the epic items is too low but honestly I think it’s fine. It’s a secondary profession that provides pre-bis items but I think people are making too much of a fuss, the difference between the second/third BiS and the Archaeology items are like 1-3% dps increase.

A pity mechanic would be nice but I don’t think it’s needed really.

I’m convinced that the people that are against Era servers for all expansions don’t understand that there are some people that just want to play certain expansions sometimes. Sometimes I’m in the mood for TBC, sometimes I’m in the mood for Vanilla. Maybe one day I’ll wake up and I’ll be in the mood for Wrath. I don’t see why this type of stuff should be timegated, and there are thousands of us that think like this. The forum gremlins won’t understand. This game is life to them and they learned to accept FOMO as a part of their daily routine.

I don’t want play on a private server when Blizzard could provide a better experience. Vanilla era was better than 2019 Vanilla because it didn’t have nearly as many sweats. I was hoping for a Wrath Era for the same reason. The classic community that likes the progression servers are generally too toxic to play with. If there was a Wrath era, it’d be likely far more pleasant to play because the type of person that wants to play a stagnant server with no updates typically isn’t the sweatiest player.


Some people just reflexively defend every decision Blizzard makes.


Jesus christ on a motor bike… Its not happening so quit crying for it.

That’s what they said about RDF


glad its over ngl