Removing Wrath Servers is a mistake!

Necroing threads is not going to make Blizzard give you a definite answer, they have already given you one.

They already said they have no plans on doing it since Blizzcon of last year, were 2 weeks left of till prepatch, if they said something about doing Wrath era servers, they would’ve said something by now but as it stands right now, were still not getting wrath era servers.

Stop necroing threads, you already got your answer. I’m going to have to start muting these threads so I don’t have to see them on my timeline (unless its one that has been active).


Some people that you call this have been around since Vanilla classic or TBCC. You’re clearly just mad.

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I mean, I don’t know about this guy. But I am kind of upset.
I mean, it doesn’t mean anything to you zihkari. I mean, you are getting what you want.

But to me, cataclysm just isn’t classic. That is just my opinion. But I don’t think it shouldn’t exist either. I do find it stupid that most average pro cata players just think that permanent wrath classic server shouldn’t exist. It’s pretty narrow minded. But that is my opinion to.

And as mentioned, I have never once necroed a thread. Also my opinion to. Everyone can keep thinking that also. Whatever helps them sleep at night and floats their boats.

Like why are pro cata players even saying anything anyways. They are getting their way. They are getting cata. Blizzard is deleting permanent wrath classic options. There really isn’t much more to talk about. And I don’t think it’s right.

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You are under the false impression that what I want is no Wrath servers. I just want you to stop spamming.

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You did what is the literal definition of necroing a thread.

I’ve asked him a few times what his definition of necro is and how that definition excludes what he’s doing but he has never answered.

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Just bias because we aren’t flocking to your cause begging for wrath servers.

Most people don’t care. I didn’t care, until you necro’d threads for a week straight and flip flopped every possible idea you could while going through the stages of grief, and now honestly, I’m happy you’re seething. Be annoying and lose sympathy.

Says the guy who necro’d many threads in an attempt to make it seem like there is a lot of support for wrath era servers, when in reality it’s one guy (you) posting in threads that were long dead and about to be locked.

You can cope that you haven’t, but you have.

Vanilla, TBC, LK, Cata, Mop, WOD, Legion, BFA, SL, TBCC, LKC all have moved on.

Only classic and it’s sub game of HC are the only permanent non retail clients.

Where you got it in your head that LKC would also be one is a headcanon you created off of nothing. You left reality, and have to wake back up to reality, disappointed. Move on my guy, you’ll feel better.

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Also keeping in mind this person, by self admission, no longer plays WOTLK. Not to mention changing his story frequently (p-servers are good, then bad, then back to good) Credibility is sub zero and that is MY opinion.


from my experience in Chromie time, If you level in SL or BFA, you’ll be fine for 60+ when you get there, even without dungeons. But anywhere else, good luck. Legion artifacts are worthless except for T mog and base level heirlooms are only good for a few levels. Had one toon geared that way and at lvl 50 the vermin in my panda garden were killing me. It was shameful.


The Legion fishing artefact still works iirc, not a weapon but I like fishing so I thought I’d mention that.

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Well, I will tell you what my definition is then feywaif.

Responding to a thread that is at least a year old. That is a necro. Anything less is not a necro. You happy now.

Now that is MY definition on that. So, in my opinion. I am not necroing and have never necroed a single thread since the permanent wrath classic debate started in the first place.

I have necroed things on my death knight and I had spam for lunch. That’s all I have ever necroed or spammed.


No one, not even blizzard agrees with you. They consider a thread dead after 2 months. Often you get in and necro the thread just under blizzard’s wire.


Oh look another thread about wotlk servers he bumps after a day of it being dead.


Go do it on these forums then. I’ll lower the bar by 75%. Go do it on a thread that’s 3 months old since last post.

You physically can’t. Threads close 60 days after the final post.

You are posting in threads at the 30, 40, 50 day mark since last post. You’re nerco’ing threads that are close to being closed.

I get Fey asked you what your definition is, and you can have that definition in forums where threads stay up for your time frame, but that’s not here. Here is 2 months. You’re nerco’ing threads.


“Necroing” does not have a specified time limit in the first place. The “official” definition (as official a definition for slang terms can get) of necroposting is “To post to a long, inactive discussion thread on a forum.” You can argue until the heat death of the universe about the definition of “long”, but the important takeaway is that, if it has been several days, and especially weeks and months, since the last post, and your post provides nothing of value to continue the discussion, it is a necropost. And no, saying what amounts to “I agree with OP” in as many words as you can possibly muster is not value to contribute to the discussion

Spam is repeating the same thing over and over in as many places as possible, typically done as either a form of trolling or attention seeking. Usually both. See the above “I agree with OP” example, whether or not you’re using the same literal words does not matter when the ultimate message of each post is exactly the same. “I hate guns”, “Guns suck”, and “Anyone who owns a gun is an idiot” all use different words but still carry the same message of “Guns are bad” and would thus constitute spam

“In your opinion” is not a catch all defense for you being factually, objectively incorrect. “In your opinion”, the Earth could be flat, but science and research prove that opinion objectively incorrect


I consider a thread dead after a couple weeks, ain’t no chance a thread that hasn’t had anyone post in it after 3 weeks will get any new traffic.


I think it’s funny how people who don’t want expansion era servers feel the need to poopoo on those that do, writing them off as an insignificant minority or only posting on 0 post alts or whatever. Not sure why they seem to feel threatened by the notion of other players getting what they want out of the game.

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Funny you should say that old chum, because it would appear you’ve got quite the history of necroing old threads. Like back in November of 2023 when you necroed a thread with the previous comment of August 2022. Back before they had the 2 month rule obviously. I’ve got four examples so far and haven’t really been looking that hard.


At the same time, people do some crazy things at times when things are going south.

Just feels strange. All this arguing over permanent wrath classic servers. And whether we should get them or not.

People are just being petty about it. People are just mad that I keep posting about classic wrath servers. I think it’s a legitimate concern.

At the end of the day. My opinions matter just as much as the others. Regardless of whether they are for or against classic wrath or not. Or whether they care if they get made or not.

And I can admit I have been going a little overboard on the issue and the posting and all that bullcorn. I mean, it is what it is. Those who want to crucify me can crucify me at that point. We don’t need to act like we are all perfect human beings. Because, everyone has a history to them. With alot of bad stuff to boot. And yah, necroing posts is one of those things I have done. But I do feel pretty strongly about this issue.

It is annoying though. Anyone who wants a wrath classic option Might have to go through a third party company to get them now.

At the end of the day, no one posting or arguing for or against me on wrath classic, or even those pointing out necroed posts. None of you all are saints. You all have done some stupid things to. Just not during the past few months possibly.

Can’t stress enough how stupid this decision to remove wrath classic servers is. It is such a kick down. Said it a couple times now. But if I had a time machine. I would take all the money I ever gave blizzard back. Who knew they would turn out like this. They definitely didn’t deserve my money from 2019 forward. If I knew they were going to go 2010 all over again a second time. I would have just not came back. Not even for retail.

I thought you play Retail though?

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