Removing Vote Kick Was A Step Too Far

you do dungeons and other low level group content like everyone else that wants to learn.

Or if you’re like me and have never once touched a healer, then you go into mage tower and just wing it all the while beating your head against the wall the entire time.

Kicking someone causes bodily harm so I can see why Blizzard removed it due to the new social contract you signed.

now you can just afk in LFR and not even get kicked. Thanks blizz, for your stupidity once again.

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right? blizzard is just idiotic

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I agree.

The dude i was replying said you shouldnt be learning in dungeons though, thus my question

It’s a bug. ffs, 9.2.5 broke everything somehow, and it’s hardly even a patch…

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If it is a bug, they sure are taking their sweet time fixing it.


Ya its sort of tied to the prominent feature of the patch for a lot of players…cross faction…group content.

Idk lol hopefully it gets figured out.

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From Vrak himself it is most likely a bug due to cross faction.

Guilds are not there to help levelers level, to teach them how to play, or to gear them up. The “leveling guild” hasn’t existed in many expansions. A player will not find lots of levelers in their guild looking to form groups to do dungeons with. Guilds are looking for max level characters who are fully geared, know the raid and the dungeons.

I would say this is interesting. But it sounds like he’s guessing himself.

then perhaps they should get rid of LFD also. far less chance of meeting new people and playing with complete strangers

Access to LFG for sub 50 players was removed at the beginning of Shadowlands. They can’t use the group finder to find other players who need to group up to do elite quests anymore. New players are supposed to have a full friends list of players at their level on day 1.

is it really that hard to /kick (players name)

A few hundred people read the forums daily. Out of how many actual players? More than a million? So are they supposed to just know this? Where were players notified?

They weren’t. They’re supposed to realize that the option to vote kick has been removed from the menu, which now keeps anyone who doesn’t read the forums A WHOLE LOT from kicking your lazy alt you are dc leveling in their dungeon.

Confirmed it is a bug


thats their fault for not trying commands that have been in the game since day 1

So you were under the impression that everyone who is currently playing has been here since day 1?

HAHAHAHAHA… I can’t breathe… ROTF;LMAO

WHAT?!? OMG No…!

you’ve audited every realm and every guild in all of wow?

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he made a generally agreed-upon statement. your snowflake case outside the standard deviation does not invalidate his claim.

the exception that solidifies the rule etc.