Wow, it’s so easy of them to design a good vote kick system, well placed kick questions supported by logs that the computer then verifies or disproves.
Just scrapping the system instead of fixing it is just about the most toxic thing you can do.
They are scapegoating hard on LFG and blaming it for all of WoW’s woes. When in reality most of us filled up our friends lists from random people we meet in great LFG’s.
Yay they brought back the days of begging to get groups and lying like Aber Heard just to wedge myself into a run…Thanks Blizzard, for making me glad I am now maining in FF14.
You don’t have to kick players for pulling too many mobs. With the best dungeon runs I’ve had we cleared the mobs as we went even trimming around the boss if possible.
One up side of doing that is that some DPS players have AOE as one of their best weapons. If you clear the mobs there’s nothing for your AOE to pull. It’s just something else to drop on the boss.
Truly said by someone who never uses the random finder. Sure you’re going to talk the group into typing that out.
If they made it harder to kick trolls, afk’s, and dc’s, there’s a reason. They want those people to have free reign to troll in dungeons and get their free stuff courtesy of victim-blamers like you. Trolling levelers is free content.
Depends entirely on how you approach it. It seems that most forum elitists think that calling people names and ordering them to git gud is constructive help. So it’s not surprising it rubs people the wrong way.
Case in point: Atal’Dazar, a dungeon where nobody knows the mechanics anymore. The first boss should be tanked next to one of the ramps on the side, so when he starts casting his fear people can hide and not get feared, which would result in them running through the purple crap on the ground and spawning adds.
When I’m tanking I tank him in that position. The healer usually doesn’t keep my health up, so when I hide behind the pillar I pop a heal and am back up to full health when I come out.
The healer scolded me for line of sighting her. I pointed out that she should have been hiding too, because of the reason I gave above. It was a new concept to that player. “Oh.” Now they know.
Can confirm, there was no ability to VTK anyone from any of the random dungeons we did while low-level dungeon grinding yesterday. We had people trolling, people offline for the ENTIRE run, etc. No option to VTK them to get someone new. One time we had the tank say “EFF this” and go offline because the healer was bad and we couldn’t VTK. So we had to disband and get deserter debuff, because we couldn’t VTK the tank even after 15m passed.
I’ve never got kicked for an unsalvageable reason though. Usually it’s a dumb reason like I don’t know skips, or I don’t understand a mechanic that would take less than 30 seconds to explain.
I mean maybe it’s a bug but if not I’m cool with it. If someone is really hindering the group I’ll down one boss and gladly leave, if it means I don’t get deserter because the group is too gogogo. I think they should just remove the deserter penalty regardless, encourage people to leave groups that aren’t working out instead of kicking someone for a reason that’s at best petty and at worst nonsensical. Like that stupid stitcher guy, the one you have to let the abom pull him off the pedestal, on my dh I just didn’t understand it (when not melee it’s literally never an issue) and I got kicked twice in the same spot before someone explained in group 3 what the problem was. The second group I stopped dpsing and moved away asking “what am I supposed to do?” Kick. Because people are such butthats in this game they assume everyone knows what they know and probably thought I was trolling.
Nobody has said “they are not getting kicked for interrupting in dungeons”.
No, i think the real joke is your response here and how much it tells you don’t know how to make a convincing argument for yourself.
Okay? but you still said 2 out of 10 times. Which again confirms that it doesn’t happen as frequently. I don’t know why you keep making it sound like it’s a lot, when the normal is that rare dies pretty fast.
I think you’re trying to put the blame on the person who wants to teach the person here, i.e, being a team player here. If were talking about people teaching the player who is a grade a jerk, then yes, it’s on them because they were a jerk about it first. But i’m simply talking about those who aren’t.
And again, this is still you applying your subjective experience and making it objective. You’re assuming this is normal for people to just be jerks when teaching people, or that people are jerks back to being taught.
I am not going to continue along with your assumption that being you think i’ve said something else (especially since you complained about other people assuming you), when i am clearly saying to you and now being overt about it… if you don’t have the experience of doing these dungeons, then you don’t particularly have the right to be talking about this with other people.
And just simply saying it while on a classic toon, is about as convincing as filming myself infront of a greenscreen, put myself behind france and go “Look guys, i’m in france!”.
I know you hate burden of proof and want people believe your word so badly because you said so and don’t want people to check to see if you have experience on this stuff, but that’s not how the world works.
In a group with 4 other people, one of whom needs to be kicked, and stop playing the game for the 2-3 minutes it will take to whisper all of them individually and explain how it now works. Provided they speak English, of course.
They have yet to admit it’s a “bug” that they intend to fix. THAT is the problem.
While this is true, it is unreasonable to expect a player to have to convince other players and train them to do this while trying to do the dungeon. Do you speak Portuguese?
I ran around as an idiot gearing strength on my Rogue (str gives AP) and int on my hunter (more mana means I can cast more abilities right?) until I found a guild
No and I don’t have to. Put simply, I target the griefer/offline type /kick and the VTK interface starts up via use of the manual command. At that point it’s up to everyone else if they want to vote yes to kick.
This makes sense to me. Because It Is true that I am completely confused right now. Due to the fact It Isn’t working and the company hasn’t made any state to confirm or deny It as a bug. I genuinely want to know.
It is annoying that you can’t kick someone who logged out and very clearly isn’t coming back.
I was leveling my ret pally earlier and queued into black rock depths. Healer sat down and logged out. We waited 5 mins, and when they didn’t come back I swapped over to holy and we continued (with me setting up keybinds on the run) on without the option to get a new player in. Took longer than necessary and to top it all off that logged out player will come back to any personal loot that dropped for them in the mail.
Call me paranoid, but a move like this comes across a bit like they were testing the waters, see how we behave as a community and what the backlash looks like, all under the guise of an accidental bug.