Removing Vote Kick Was A Step Too Far

really it still hasn’t died since wrath when I learned that.

you work your way up - blizzard put proving grounds into WoD for a reason and guess what all you people who did dungeons were for it then.

Lol I’ll still carry you and not even care. You could be 1dps on boss and I’d still brez you if no one else down. Guess there’s a lot of entitlement on the alliance and why blizz had to cross faction because y’all so toxic and not good

Please do not lump the entire Alliance faction with this one poster. Dalinar is Alliance and doesn’t agree with them. I don’t, either.

Now you would but when the group is struggling nope.

This is the disconnect with some of the community though. Why wouldn’t you be willing to help people learn when that can create a bigger community of decent players? Why push them away instead, or kick them because they’re inexperienced but willing to learn?


Firstly, you are assuming people want to be singled out and ‘taught’ during a dungeon. A lot of people don’t - they are uncomfortable with that. Secondly, you are assuming you are even capable of knowing what a person who doesn’t understand basics is doing - I can guarantee you can’t. Should we test that?

I assume none of that. I do this thing that’s been around for a long time called communicating. I ask if they want feedback, and try to help if they want it. Weird, I know…


and if they say no and the group keeps on wiping because that person can’t do the role?

blizzard removed vote to kick??? trash company.

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Then that is where the vote-kick option could be used. But, as said by some above, people have abused that to kick folks wanting to learn, so we all get stuck with the trolls or have to leave, ourselves.


glad i dont do any dungeons in wow…lamo.

lol - I have played 13 years. Never once has anyone asked anyone else if they ‘wanted’ help in a dungeon and I can count the number of times people have been kicked for no reason whatsoever on one hand. And have done dungeons horde side too.

You’re pushing this pretty delusional view too hard. There are things you simply aren’t introduced to in the outdoor world, or at least not to a degree where it applies to something like dungeons. Solo gameplay and expectations for open world content are barely comparable to group/instance mechanics. For one, you aren’t usually surrounded by elite mobs in the outdoor world where you have to be careful where you move and attack, then there’re also opposite situations where most of the time you can pretty much just faceroll through whatever’s in your way. The latter doesn’t really push people to improve because there are no skill checks. Dungeons are where you’re intended to go to learn these things beyond the basic surface level. They’re supposed to experience them as they’re leveling up and learning the game, not after they’ve already basically mastered it.

Maybe you had bad experiences when you were learning and now you’re lashing out at people who aren’t as nasty because of it. There’s nothing wrong with players learning how to play the game through entry-level group content, alongside whatever they may be doing outside of that group content.


I can only speak to what I do, which is what I stated above. Sorry you’ve had different perspectives, and sorry for the folks you’ve grouped with that you haven’t decided to ask when you seem to believe you have the knowledge to do so. You should do better, and you’re probably part of the reason the vote-kick was removed.


if it hasn’t been mentioned yet, you can still use the command
/kick name
to initiate a vote kick - for some reason it’s just bugged in the ui.


lol - I haven’t done a dungeon this expansion yet - but nice try blaming things on me.

don’t have a clue what this is

my way is better - you should do better

yeah, people figured it was just a bug - all sorts of nasty things happen when people are forced to play with others they don’t want and I can’t see blizzard really be so delusional to go there.

Kick first and don’t ask questions isn’t better for the health of the game.


WHAT??? they removed kick??? Thats stupid as hell… this company dude… digging their grave non stop

I really doubt that it was removed, surely blizz remembers what happened every time they tried removing/limiting vote kick before.

thing is just day before yesterday I was doing a leveling instance and we kicked a d/c player, so this seems more like a bug.

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