Absolutely. These forums are frequently like
I miss it too. I would make everyone angry at me and they would all take a stand “waiting for the kick” time, only for me to vote kick one of them and most of the time their attention spans are pathetic and they would just vote for whomever popped up, leaving them stuck with me. Good times.
Queue as tank and then just afk whilst watching a movie and hold 4 people to ransom (or even an LFR and do it to 24).
Sounds like they paved the way for even more toxicity.
Seen tanks deliberately wipe people on Xy’mox, they get the pull debuff and then jump off the edge pulling everyone off with them.
Now they could do that without recourse repeatedly, seems like a stupid idea.
Wonder how long it last before they are forced to add it back in.
Edit: People are saying it’s just a bug, which makes a lot more sense.
If anyone suggests that a change capable of causing all this mayhem was deliberate, I can only say…umm, probably not so.
Well I think it’s a bit amusing that we just had this social contract be a hot topic and instantly feedback here is well people shouldn’t be in my dungeons if they are learning.
Not very accepting of players with a different level of experience or skill is it?
I’m talking about legit players who seriously are trying to experience the content. Not players being afk or intentionally messing up pulling mobs unnecessarily etc.
The biggest “put off” in this game I would say is how players treat others in instances, when they are legit trying including trying to pay attention to the group.
Now I’ll give you this much if the group is guild only well then the rules change a bit because that’s invite only.
But if you jump in random pugs some more patience should be exercised.
It’s a tough call but people do abuse the crap out of kicking folks. I’ve been a witness to some over the years and been kicked myself over the years from instances that were going fine and had at max one wipe.
For little more than egos and poor attitudes “too slow” being a main one. In some cases people need to step away from the computer and breathe…it’s a computer game.
I doubt that’s true but since you know the answer possibly instruct others and instead of calling the police on someone, ask them to turn their music down. Seriously like your one in a million doesn’t deserve administrative action.
If I were in your shoes, beat the culprit to the correct point then move along. If not possible, work with mates, pull all side adds ad let the dude wipe constantly until leaves. Last alternative would be to use your brain and convince him to stop with words.
Correct me if I’m wrong but you come off to me as someone who thinks everyone should play like you and if they deviate outside, it’s intentional. The fact is that the inability of folks like you, and most others that play, to befriend people in team focused content to accomplish a task with varying skill/gear has become a problem that the developers have addressed.
Look in the mirror.
How dare you use the T word! Haven’t you read the newest post about how it offends a LGBTQ royal?
I agree, although I can see where the misunderstanding can occur given the coincidence of it lining up with the social contract.
Both could be seen as “inclusiveness” changes from a perspective.
No one to blame but ourselves. We as the players abused vote kick for what was always petty reasons. I can honestly say I’ve never seen someone be vote kicked for a legitimate reason such as being a jerk, racist, or etc. Its only ever been for people being slow, who wanted to explore the dungeon, or people (who were typically new players) not doing “enough damage”.
We’re really one of the worst communities out there. Why is that?
lol, you can certainly improve a lot of things without doing dungeons - like your dps, like understanding the fights
no you just need to learn how to read
there is learning to play - i.e. basics and secondly,learning how to heal which can be done in normal dungeons or world bosses or events, etc. I have done both.
Know how else you can improve? By doing group content. That’s probably the best way to get better at group content as well. Y’know, by actually experiencing group content. I don’t get how you’re simultaneously saying ‘don’t do dungeons until you’re good’ and ‘do normal dungeons to get better’ without realizing you’re contradicting yourself.
do you have no consideration for others? if you aren’t capable of pulling your own weight should others carry you just so you can learn in dungeons instead of improving on your own?
and there is no contradiction - there is just people who can’t understand.
the basics should be learned solo - there should be no don’t have a clue how to do anything going into dungeons. After the basics are learned then you start out small and progress into more difficult content.
Far too many of you people think though that your time, your experience, your rewards are more important than the experience other people have with you in this group.
All you people figuring new players should learn in dungeons, I would love to have inflicted myself on you people when I was learning. You wouldn’t have been able to help and you would have had to carry me right throughout. All your virtue signalling would not have held up.
thx for letting me klnow, didnt realise they removed it, was wondering why it was blanked out in all my dungeons, thought i was bugged
Game is now empty and dead you meant?
Yup, and that thread is 404’ed now. I guess even Blizzard disagrees with “The leader of LGBTQ+”.
Because World Content is pretty easy to the point where it has hardly any learning value can be applied to normal dungeons. Normal dungeons aren’t exactly like that in terms of difficulty, which is why it needs the group.
How often you need to CC, Interrupt, debuff, heal other players, tank aggro or even watching the group or learning group dynamics in open world content, vs pretty much any dungeon?
Maybe for Classic, but for retail, that learning style is extremely outdated because of the two different difficulties and situations for both world and dungeon content.
…did they actually?
pretty often - do you do world content? I interrupt and heal regularly doing world content and often cc as well - you rely on everyone else for interrupts doing shifting stargorger ? It would explain why you end up with him healing to full 3 times.
This is precisely the mentality that will kill WoW. This weird gatekeeping on basic group content prevents folks from developing the ability to manage mechanics, group dynamic, and how to play their spec/class in each of those scenarios together. Just overall a real bad take.