The bloodlust cooldown + CC everything every pull doomers are delusional.
Some people would still try to complete them quickly because they value their own time. People who struggle at a certain level might wait on harder pulls and CC more on harder pulls but why should anyone care about that? It also means if a run isn’t going well, instead of people just quitting, they may change tactics to finish the dungeon. Your group isn’t as good so you poly one of the mobs every pull. Why is that worse than rushing as fast as you can and just leaving if you aren’t doing well?
You could also just add a timer to 11+ (or whatever level in the future is the level after the last gear breakpoint). The timer only matters for people who care about ladder competitions which take place after the ilvl breakpoint anyway.
and? so what they could easily do it for the current system. its not some crazy new tech, its there it can be controlled to not be crazy and guess what there are already other systems in place or are you going to start arguing against the catalyst as well?
Fractured player base. The population is already low. Giving people too many options thins everything out . The only thing worse than no content is too many choices.
The timer is a big part of the difficulty in mythic +. With all of the different things you casuals can do to enjoy content I do not know why y’all feel the need to attack anything that presents a challenge in this game. Go do dungeons, heroics, delves, lfr, normal raids, or mythic 0s if y’all want easy content. Not everything needs to be boring af.
yeah, that would be great. as long as the gap in effectiveness was very big.
yeah, just perhaps designed with removing braun and npcs in mind. i think delves could be great for people that hate mythic+, as long as they give those guys a way to get mythic track gear. everyone deserves a path, imo
They’d also have to balance them, instead of applying major nerfs to already-low content. Mobs would need to enrage, especially bosses. Every delve would need a boss.
The OP doesn’t play M+. Quite frankly, I see no benefit to trying to bring people into M+ who don’t want to run challenging content, they should stick to the lower dungeon difficulties where they will enjoy themselves.
I fail to see how “I want fully deterministic gearing” is a reason in and of itself for fully deterministic gearing. If you want a particular piece, you can farm it out at hero track, no lockouts.