Removing the timer on Mythic +

Please do this. While it is NOT my first choice as I would prefer Mythic + just be its own self powered game system that has no effect on raiding or pvp, removing the timer would at least bring me back to give it a try for a month or two to see if that is enough to keep me playing.

It’s a start and one I and many other players would probably settle for because at this point anything other than the current system is a win but still have hope that raiding, Mythic +. and PVP drop their own gear and none of that gear is useable in anything other than open world content.


My hope is that they create a different game mode that doesn’t have a timer for people to play that enjoy that sort of thing. But they can’t really remove the timer from mythic+.

And as far as standalone gearing pillars, like I said in the other thread, I’d pay double the sub price for that. But that being said, it’ll never happen. Ion loves raid too much to do that. High key pusher will always need raid to do high keys, and raiders will always need mythic+ for early prog


“Destroy this mode in favor of a mode I would prefer instead of just adding the mode I would prefer on top of it.” -you


No. The timer is the fail state. If you’re looking for a non-timer activity, delves are right there. Not raids though, since they have enrage timers.


As long as they remove all the loot and achievements from raid so I can ignore that as well. I’d also allow scaling down to 1 person so I can just solo it.

And PvP should probably just be dropped. It’s super toxic since the best you can ever hope for is to go .500 lifetime. Locking any rewards behind that is just asking for a complex. But I would also allow a mode where you play against comp stomp NPCs for full rewards. But it would also have to scale down to solo play.

The rolling expansions get the form of Mythic + that doesn’t use timers and goes along with the death count system being proposed. We’re still a bit off but Cata → MoP (already planned) → WoD → Legion and it starts there.
(Oh god I’ll be in my mid 30s by then)

Retail maintains the timer system and it continues as it is.

My first choice is allowing Mythic+ to drop as good as gear as Mythic raids (via high keys ofcourse) but that gear is not useable in Mythic raids and Mythic raid gear is not useable in Mythic +. Seperate the systems and let both go ham as their hearts content in the playstyle they love.

This option allows people who only love one, focus on one without and disadvantage but those that love both to still be able to play both. But keeping Mythic + in the game in it’s current form has drastic effects on Mythic raiding which is NOT allowing people to “play how they want”.

The failstate of a death counter or just straight up not being able to beat the dungeon would be significantly worse.

No, that’s even worse than the trash with BfA sets, which is an exceptionally high bar.

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Love to hear why instead of just “no” Tell me how separating the two would be “bad” for the game.


Go read it in the first thread then.

They’re not gonna remove the timer on keys. :dracthyr_a1:

Because then it’d just be afking between packs until cds came back up as well as ccing all but 1-2 mobs to keep things as safe as possible.


in a way, blizzard already removed the timer from the lower end of mythic plus.

this is why mythic plus keys from 2-10 are now heroic - mythic 0.

If I couldn’t use my M+ gear/crests for raiding, I wouldn’t do M+.


Which is a strong statement for my point. Some people do Mythic + because they have to not because they want too. If Mythic raiding disappeared from the game…there would be a mass exodus. If Mythic + was removed from the game, the impact would not be as dramatic. The game was sound and still top dawg (minus a brief period when FFXIV released) and still a powerhouse. The core reasons why WoW is WoW and why people played would not disappear.

But I am not wanting Mythic + to be gone…just not tied to raiding in anyway. That system allows everyone to play what they want…

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It’s also a strong statement that by making them competing interests you drive players away from branching out into other content, which is to nobody’s benefit. If you don’t want to run M+, don’t.


I would like to ask overall what is the point of Mythic + what makes it so good to do, the drive to push for more, makes it different from at the the heroic or just normal mythic introduce in WoD

It provides a challenge and functions as an endgame progression path, whereas previously dungeons were just stepping stones into raids, which were the only endgame progression.


But I don’t have to do M+, I do it because I want to. I just wouldn’t do it if it didn’t reward me with gear for raiding. It would actually be less fun for me if I didn’t have the option to do M+ as a means to supplement my raid gearing.


You like that it supplements raiding gear more or because you like Mythic +? What if Delves supplemented raid gear equally? Which would you choose to do, which do you enjoy more?

I don’t think that there shouldn’t be ways to supplement raiding gear for Mythic raiders, I just dont think that Mythic + should be the only option and that option has to be to speed raise high keys to farm crest/weekly vaults. There should at least be multiple options to achieve this.

I would be willing to put in 2x the work in something less demanding that would allow me to do it myself or with a buddy that I could do at my own pace. Why doesn’t Delves drop more crest that effect raid gear? Why can’t they drop say 2 per delve?