Removing the timer on Mythic +

lmao delves absolutely destroy m+ in the early game gearing. its not even close. its only when you get to heroic gear that m+ becomes the viable method for gearing and honestly is that so bad? delves early game,m+ midgame and raid late game doesnt seem like a horrible system.

I think alot of ppl dun understand what’s gonna happen when timers are removed.

Destiny 2 already have this and it’s call Grandmaster difficulty.

If you remove timer, which is the primary KPI to judge your performance today, and replaced it with Death counters, you ARE gonna end up having a situation where mobs inside WILL hit you VERY hard. A good example would be a +8 today hitting at a +14.

And yeah that’s YOUR +8. (as an example)

Why? Becuz there’s no other KPI anymore. What else’s gonna decide if you ‘‘clear’’ the instance or not? Each and every packs is gonna be like a boss by themselves. Those talking about waiting for lust every pulls are extreme but in reality it’s not gonna be really far off either.

The challenge will then shift to how perfect each party can pull without dying excessively. And if ppl think THIS is a better model, i can assure you, the frustration of that is gonna be alot more higher.

If they do scale it this way, a 32 min instance today will more then likely be a 40 min run or even longer.


Maybe just make the timed version optional? Have every boss drop loot 2 M+ levels lower on the un-timed version. Players can select which version they want to run.

So you don’t like m+, but care about gear instead.

They could even put it under a new name, how’s about… delves?

I feel like they need an option for insterting the key:

Timed: Everything works like it does now
Untimed: End run rewards are slightly lower and the key doesn’t degrade

Then both sides can have what they want.

If the rewards are lower, players are gonna leave even more than they are now.

Oh nevermind, misread.

How do you figure if a key should upgrade?

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It happens. I was simply adding the 2nd option. If folks can just clear a 10 and the key jumps up each time for a completion, they could use untimed to get higher keys to practice on, then when ready, choose the timed option. It’s like practice mode vs actual Mythics. So the key upgrades, but not the gear.

So you can only upgrade through timed and in the mean time can farm a lower reward key that can’t upgrade nor degrade, without a timer? I like the idea, although the gear should be significantly lower since it can never degrade. And no vault unlock?

It’s none of your business why I enjoy doing something. Just like it’s none of my business why you care so much about plaid or turtles or Atari 2600s or whatever it is that brings you joy.

Just accept that many people enjoy Mythic + and advocating for its removal is a selfish act.

or just run delves? or m0

i get what he is saying. M+ is fairly fun but if i had to gear for both raid and m+ separately i would honestly just probably stop playing the game in general.

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If you want to play something, I don’t see anything wrong with needing to start at start.

It’s not like my progress in WOW translates to other games I want to play. I have to start… at the start.

its another grind in an already grindy game. i dont mind grinding out one gearset for a char i dont want to do it twice. plain and simple.

when a game turns into a job from the amount of grinding you need to do to play then you wont have time to play other games lol. i would just drop wow at that point and move on.

The grinding needed is greatly exaggerated.

if it was then why did they just nerf it?

Eh, keep all the rewards 2 or 3 levels down so you’re capping at hero 1 EoD, hero 3 or 4 vault, that’s not a terrible middle ground solution. Though I suspect that people who ask for that will then complain that it shouldn’t be lower than timed just because it has no fail state.

The same reason they nerf everything. People hate playing WOW and want to move on to game #2 asap.

We have people that wanted crests uncapped from week 1, and well, if they did that, maybe the forums would be drowning in complaints too about “the grind.”

or its because as pointed out the grind was insane.

there needs to be a balance or people will leave the game. 90+ m+ dungeons is an insane amount for one char and only the most diehard will accomplish that.

No, it’s just removing time gates (as time went on) as a natural consequence.

The idea that people who did it first, can do 90, and someone else only need to 30 (because 90 is too much for some reason.) lol.

I don’t see the point. If people start ultra-late, they don’t need to wait for their crest cap to go up. (Which is what some people want removed to begin with.)

The real issue: M+ is not prog, and grinding sucks.