Discussion of moderated threads is also a violation of the forum code of conduct.
If you can still post, then your account was not actioned.
If you do receive an account action, you can put in an appeal via a ticket.
Posting here to argue the fact that a thread was removed isn’t really appropriate.
This is customer support is it not?
It’s a forum primarily for players to help guide other players. It’s not a means to appeal or argue that your thread should not have been removed.
Politics has nothing to do with WoW. Your thread was removed because it was reported by others - for advertising/promoting a streamer.
I am pretty sure most of the forums and the mods have no clue what that streamer’s personal values are. Just that you can’t promote them.
Blizzard actually has every right to determine the rules here, and to enforce them as they see fit.
Yes, it is an Information Desk to help folks navigate the support system, explain policies, and explain account services.
You have had the policies related to your thread explained. If you wish to appeal you can do that.
I didn’t say anything about politics in these forums, but some players were offend by me saying great again. I which i was hoping Swifty the best in pvp.
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Therefore you cannot be discriminated against as any such grounds were hidden and irrelevant much like this thread.
To be clear, we don’t have any horses in this race. We don’t know what you said. We don’t know what other people said. We don’t know if anyone was offended, and we don’t know whether the thread was removed because anyone was offended.
Threads can be removed for many reasons, and we don’t personally know why it was removed.
Also, these threads don’t really tend to go anywhere.
Your very first post in this very thread proves that wrong, however.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you phrased it in such a way in that thread that it paid homage to a well-known motto used by the current administration, thereby making it painfully clear that it was intended to be a parallel to current real world division. And that is against the forum code of conduct.
This forum in particular is an exceedingly poor choice of places to do so. A lot of stuff might fly under the radar on the other forums if it never gets reported, not so much here.
Maybe you should take it as a win that you can still post and cut your losses here.
Also just to touch on this, no. Political affiliation is not currently a protected class covered under federal discrimination legislature.
I’ll reiterate that these threads don’t tend to go anywhere.
You’re not going to get a great big conversation going here. We’re just here to clarify policy.
Except you did.
Your personal views are yours to do with what you want. It has nothing to do with the forums. You can discuss those elsewhere.
Promoting/advertising a streamer, and intentionally trying to bait people are both against the rules so. Again, if you feel it was wrong, you can appeal. I gave you the link.
There is no constitutionally protected right to freedom of speech on private forums such as these. Private entities can remove any speech they want to that’s hosted on their own platform, and us as users can either accept their rules and follow them, or leave.
No one but the people who reported your post know why it was reported. You don’t know for sure why your post was removed. If you were posting about a streamer, that might have been seen as advertising for them. Your statement could’ve been seen as likely to lead to a disruption in the forums as people argued back and forth.
At the end of the day, there doesn’t need to have been any better reason to remove your post than because the moderators decided that the forums would operate more smoothly without it.
What i was doing was trying to bring back pvp back into WoW which was desperately needed. I wasn’t doing anything wrong , but trying to support the game.
Pretty much this. #1 rule of both traffic and forums; keep them running smoothly.
Then leave politically charged language out of it. All it does is hurt your case and risks your posts getting removed for breaking the rules of these forums, rules you agreed to.
There are other ways of accomplishing this without resorting to trolling or making it political