Removing my thread was discrimination

No one even remotely said that.

You’re free to do so while also following the code of conduct, just like everybody else.

Leave the politics out of it. You’ll find the “National” and “Spamming or Trolling” headers to be of particular relation for this case.


No. That’s… Not it at all.
If by “mindset” you mean “political beliefs” then just keep those beliefs to yourself. It doesn’t matter what those beliefs are, political talk is not allowed here. If you see someone breaking that rule feel free to flag the post.


I think it’s time to hit the mute button, because this thread is progressing exactly how I knew it would.

Tigerfist, the only person making this topic about your political beliefs is you.


If you’re trying to be crafty and wording it in such a way that it can’t be mistaken as anything other than homage to the current political climate, yes.

But this will indeed be my last contribution to this topic. Heed the advice given or you will eventually find that the moderators will not stop at just removing your posts in the future.


There is nothing wrong with being conservative and that isn’t the problem.

The use of that specific terminology is blatantly inflammatory and is likely to result in a madhouse thread.

It isn’t like that. The Customer Support forum is heavily moderated, and mostly consists of users that are far more controlled and mature than those that run rampant in general discussion. Also, this forum is an information help desk between players as well as moderators, so any posts made here are going to be responded to by players attempting to address them. I’m really sorry if you don’t appreciate the response you received here, but this is entirely in line with how CS posts are typically addressed.


This is a private forum. Blizzard can remove whatever they want. There is no “freedom of speech” here, it’s just like being in someone else’s house. If people like you were in my house and said some of the things you say on these forums, I would throw you out the door even if there was 8 feet of snow outside.


Nobody said that. You were the one that mentioned politics and made assumptions based on what you believe your post was removed for. It probably had nothing to do with anything being “great again” and more so with the fact that your post bordered on promoting a streamer.


lol yep it going down hill faster then a band wagon.

Atempts to summon a summoning portal to summon vrak or orlyia then rembers hes a druid and reminds people sometimes its better to let a thread die then continue all nite.


You need a lock for that lock closet. I gotchu.


Honestly, who cares what you believe in with the world of politics. World of Warcraft forums are for talk about the game.

The World of Warcraft forums are not:

  • A place for political talk
  • A place to adversities content creators

This has nothing to do with discrimation, but knowing what you can, and can’t post on the forums. If you wish to make political talk, go to a private location and talk politics with friends or neighbours. If you wish to talk and adversities about a streamer, share it with your friends or go do it on a platform that is allowed.

Your thread being removed for any violations of the Forum Code of Conduct are not discrimination.


Post being removed is not because of difference of opinion.

If moderation removes your post/thread, it is because it does not fall inline with the Forum Code of Conduct or Guidelines.


Players don’t remove threads.

Blizzard forum moderation team does - if the post is against the forum code of conduct.

If a post is reported and there is nothing wrong, nothing generally will happen (unless the entire thread is off, then the thread gets nuked).

You are NOT being discriminated against.


Guys. Let it die. Mods will deal with it in the morning.


Hm, we’re at a familiar crossroad again… who’s it going to be?

march of the centaurs