Remove wow tokens from the game! Make WoW Great

actually you said boosting itself was different back then. Which isn’t true. Carries are Carries. Boosting is Boosting. It’s all the same thing.

How it’s approached is different now than it was then, but it doesn’t change the fact that boosting is still the same. Someone(s) doing the work/effort for you.

How advertising, getting into the carry/boost is done is now different due to game design. But that’s it.

The tokens were added to combat against Chinese gold Farmers, just saying


Just the individual. Doesn’t hurt my psychological aspect if you boost. I’m unaffected.

This is also false. There’s always a wall someone hits. I took a break during 9.0 and came back after 9.1.5 and am all caught up because there’s no more room for others to progress.

There’s always a limit. It just changes the speed in which one hits that limit. If someone wants to get bored that much faster, more power to them. Doesn’t change my outcome.

This is where I’m getting at when I say I don’t like tokens. When people buy boosts through tokens in huge amounts, it incentivizes the company to create even more content that people would want to buy boosts for. So in the end the player experience suffers.

This is corporate America, gotta try to make those stockholders happy.

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Not entirely. Any form of content where someone else can be involved can be used to boost. Even down to quests. It’s human nature to take the path of least resistance (universes way actually).

Outside of a single player game, you won’t be able to get rid of boosting/carries. Tokens or not. Sadly

Yea but how many other games have it set up where a source of income for the company is the currency used to buy boosts. It just makes sense from company standpoint that if you wanted to make the most amount of money, you would try to sell the most amount of tokens.

Maybe blizzard isn’t like that. Maybe we can give them the benefit of the doubt. But when I see them repeatedly try to put obstacles in the game that make it more difficult for people to get gear or make it more expensive to get gear (like legendaries) I’m just putting 2 and 2 together

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Quite a few actually. A lot of MMOs are/have incorporated a currency that can be cashed in for game time.

Their worth differs from game to game and server to server.

But these “tokens” are a win win. Increase company revenue, and conserve subs by allowing those who can’t afford to pay a monthly fee to pay with in game currency.

My leather based legendaries have all been free. And blizzard isn’t the one that put costs onto the legendary materials. That’s players doing. Players are 100% in control of that.

Prices too high, don’t buy them. They’ll be forced to lower prices if they want them to sell.

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How many players do you think have bought WoW tokens in order to buy their legendaries pieces this expansion?

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Regardless. Players set the prices. Players are to blame for that, not blizzard.

No. Go away Trump.

JK. In all seriousness many folks I know like not having to pay for wow with real $$ and so do I. Its one of the best things Blizz did imo

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you forgot one to put ‘to kill the game’

a lot of people wouldn’t pay for this game anymore, I have a hard time even logging in and even though I pay with gold I suspect I won’t bother paying them again for awhile.

You are really splitting hairs here.

That’s great for you and people in your camp, the question is ultimately one about how it impacts the playerbase as a whole.

Yeah, it’s really not other than the fact that it’s subjective. Again, it’s ultimately a question of how the playerbase as a whole reacts to the system. You and I are anecdotal.

And hitting walls are fine, especially if hitting the wall is because you don’t want to invest more time into the game than what you are investing. Making decisions on how far you want to go or what your purpose in the game is part of what makes an MMO an MMO.

Once you decide that outside of game can impact how far the playerbase goes you’re moving towards P2W gamestyle.

Context is important. Boosting is no different than it was in the past. The approach and the availability or access to boosting is more open. That’s the difference.

It doesn’t. Unless the playerbase as a whole is getting boosted. Boosting is about the individual purchasing the boost.

The fact that there is a wall where someone tops out means I am able to catch up and am not left behind. If there were no walls, and progress was infinite (like M+), then one could argue about being left behind. But the fact that there is a hard limit, and a long gap before that limit is raised, means I’m not left behind and am able to catch up.

I came back after an 8 month break and am all caught up, because of those limits. I’m not 8 months behind someone else, I’m right there beside them. This is true for the entire player base.

Again, outside influence can only go as far as in game limits. That in game limit was the wall I was referring to. Progress is stopped right there. You can get to that limit in a week, or in 6. But in the end, we’re both at that same wall until the next limit increase

remove wow token! no more p2w!

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I’ll rephrase it, you heavily parsed my words. When I said boosting was different or boosting was a different beast I was never referring to how boosting worked at a fundamental level and I have no idea anyone would think otherwise. When I said boosting was different I was referring to what was available and the frequency of what they could do.

One obvious example is profession kits used to be a boost people offered because they didn’t start compartmentalizing the way profs were tied to expansions and grinding out professions was a lot of work, so people offered profession leveling kits, which is basically a boost. These are no longer offered anymore because they don’t make any sense.

Dungeon boosts didn’t exist outside of whatever level boosting happened because max level dungeons, outside of TBC and early Cata, were intentionally designed to fall over.

If people quit the game because boosting feels like the only way to catch up and boosting is fueled by gold with WoW tokens being the obvious way to get gold quickly then it impacts the playerbase as a whole.

That’s under the assumption that most people who don’t buy boosts actually ever hit the wall. They won’t.

This is a very insightful thought process to have. I had never considered that the influence of money would stop as far as the end of the game.

10 out of 10.

Tokens are tied to the game design and if you think not i’d say thats being naive…Weeks of doing chores to get to point B or just swipe your card. I get it alot of players don’t see an issue with this it suits them in their situations. But I would say by the continuous drop in subs far more didn’t.


Don’t even have to look that far.

Legendary prices are insane, and what better better way to keep up with them than a WoW token?


Hate to break it to you dude, but boosting was prevalent before the WoW token.

I was literally in guilds that sold MC, BWL, AQ and Naxx-40 boosts in vanilla, and you can bet that we charged a premium (in gold or valuable in-game items only) for the privilege of a Naxx-40 boost, we even had one bloke pay for a boost by trading a Teebu’s Blazing Longsword to get into the group. Then before I left the guild in TBC the officers were already preparing to sell TBC raid boosts. It wasn’t cheap, but you got guaranteed loot if it dropped and if no loot that you could use dropped, you got either one or more BoEs that dropped instead that you could either use, send to an alt or sell, your choice.

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Quote me where I said boosting didn’t happen before the WoW token.

Go on, I’ll wait.

+1 this.

I would like to see the WoW token removed.

Then put a game time token on a vendor ingame so people can buy it to get game time, it cannot be used for anything else.

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