Remove wow tokens from the game! Make WoW Great

If Blizzard created servers without the WoW Token System and the In Game Store I would pay twice the sub fee to play on them!

Before Steve Bannon decided to support creating a dictatorship, he ripped off investors by sayng he could turn huge profits selling wow gold. He just needed some front end money to line his pocket. Just the same as claiming to build a wall, but keeping the donations.

What we don’t need is thousands of gold sellers with questionable ethics, like we had before the wow toke .


No thanks. I prefer my game with out all the gold bot spamming me in my in-game mail, whispers, trade chat, and seeing a clutter of dead bodies in SW spelling out their site. Once the tokens came out I never see any of this anymore and I rarely (maybe have gotten 1 in the past 5 months) get gold spam in-game mail. I haven’t gotten any whispers in years for it etc.


Let’s look at this shall we

Token = boosting? Right?
Can’t trade a token directly, so you sell it for gold and use gold to boost. But let’s remove the token anyway

So now it’s gold = boosting. Now to get rid of boosting we need to get rid of gold. Okay

Next hottest commodity since gold is gone…Alchemy/Profession mats = boosting. Now we need to get rid of professions to stop boosting.

Now it’s BoE’s being traded for boosts.

Point being, either you stop the game from being playable, or accept the fact that boosting happens with or without communities/tokens.

They did.

They’re called Classic servers, and they’re flooded with gold sellers.

Like, I genuinely think the people who want the token gone weren’t around before the token arrived. They had to at least have started during WoD, if not Legion or later.

Because anyone who played from Vanilla to WoD knows full well how bad the gold seller spam was on every server, and how it effectively went away the moment the WoW token became a thing and took the legs out from under every gold seller trying to make a quick buck.

I refuse to believe that anyone who lived through that would want to have that type of gameplay back just so the WoW token isn’t a thing anymore.


No way to actually prove this. For all we know, advertising just became more popular since it’s all done in game and no longer through 3rd party sites

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First of all, boosting is not gone. As stated in the post, organizations are banned from doing so. Your guild can still boost other people and you can still boost people individually using in-game functions.

Second of all, I like it when other people are so willing to pay for my subscription.

Also, in a lot of developing countries (take Brazil/eastern European countries for instance), minimum wage is $200-$300 USD a month. So I guess if you live there and want to play WoW without tokens, you are just out of luck?

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Game didn’t have LFR at its peak, so let’s remove that too. /s

Listen to me. WoW tokens will NEVER be removed from the game. if you can’t handle that, then maybe this isn’t the right game for you.

if they remove tokens , they would lose 30%-+ of playerbase , eastern europeans don’t have money to pay wow subs , they use token . lot of them

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Stones of Jordan for boosting


Yeah, again, as someone actually involved in it and on one of the bigger realms I’m confident in calling you a liar, or at best misremembering. It is nothing short of laughable to pretend that prior to WoD boosting happened at the same level, but even if I just give this to you because maybe you played on the biggest server out there that it would mean that at best the boosting community was fairly centralized rather than widespread like it became over the years.

And you want to know how I know it was never like that prior to the WoW token? Because mythic plus nor being able to repeatably run the same raid existed yet either an in fairness to the WoW token both of these forms of spammable content aided to the rise of boosting services. Not saying that they are bad features, just saying their design is beneficial to boosting.

Yet RMT boosting is a real thing anyways. Buying illegal gold as your average every day player is certainly down because it doesn’t make sense when you can buy a few WoW tokens, but RMT never went away. It just moved and now it’s done in extremely large quantities at a better rate than the token.

You don’t seem to realize that the back end of boosting communities involve RMT, and this is likely a part of why Blizzard is cracking down on them. Gold only communities are gold only because the gold gets sold off after the fact. RMT upfront from the buyer is riskier which is why most communities explicitly prohibit it and stomp it out as much as possible.

Same reason boosters are grtting negatively impacted by the boosting community ban and why all automation software/hardware got banned for MBers. If the impact of a change is net positive then there’s your reason. This is ultimately going to be subjective from our perspective and potentially objective if we had data to review.

The problem is the WoW token generates Blizzard a lot of extra income, so even if we could look into a crystal ball and everyone could come to the conclusion that removing it would make the game better asking Blizzard to police it for the good of the game is a massive conflict of interest.

You don’t seem to appreciate that scams move. People adapt. You seem to think WoW tokens are a victory because scamming and illegal gold selling is down, but whenever the system changes people change to adapt to it. The token didn’t stop illegal gold selling/buying, it just moved places. Top end guild players regularly admit to buying vast sums of gold to fuel their WTWF effort.

Nir did people stop preying on careless people when Blizzard revamped the AH that curbed a lot of predatory AH practices. No, they found a new grift via posting items at 1c. And, at some point, people figured out a newer one that is heavily utilized in Classic via low bids with outrageous buyouts. Not sure when that got popular but it’s heavily abused in Classic nowadays.

Neat. So by that same token you have no way of proving boosting is happening at the same rate as prior to the token.

It’s laughable to try to argue this though. As I outlined above the way boosting was done back in the day was vastly different than the way boosting has been approached over the last few expansions, and that part isn’t on the WoW token, but because of the newer content design that boosting benefits from.

If they deleted M+ and went back to weekly raid lockouts you’d definitely put a dent in boosting since you’d take hamper the ability for you to spam it as you’d be limited by the number of characters you were willing to run with and buyers would be also be limited in what they’d be able to purchase weekly.

And none of that stuff existed prior to the token. So can I prove it? No, but there’s not a lot here that we can prove so it’s really just a red herring. I can look at the facts of the situation, and know from my own personal involvement in the system in that timeframe and just laugh away anyone that would s attempt to argue it might have been as prevalent as it is today.

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Different doesn’t change rate of boosting. Just HOW it’s done.

Boosting has always existed. RMT has always existed. You can’t get into an MMO that doesn’t have boosting/RMT in the game. Just the nature of the beast.

Tokens for account time I’m alright with in game.

What’s NOT alright and what the OP is getting at…

Is that both the Shop Level Boost and gold token for carries deprive the player of the content they are bypassing, yet playing. Sure, they get through it, however, is not the point of a game to Experience it? Both take back from the enjoyment of playing said game.

Now, I’ve level boosted. Because, to me, it was better than playing awful content.

If the game were better, in terms of the story actually showing why, making sense, NOT leaving narratives unfinished and left in game, like a certain blade thrust into Azeroth?

Then we can talk. No, I can’t take it back. Would I? If the content were quality, sure!

The difference in game design is crucial to the analyze of the rate of occurrence in this situation since the change of game design allows much more frequent occurrences.

You’re talking to a guy who used to boost and did it so long ago that it wasn’t actually even called that, it was just called a carry.

I have not once in this entire thread stated we need to ban boosting and I believe I have said boosting for gold is fine because that’s the way an in-game economy works. What I don’t like is that the game allows out of game wealth to impact your ability to progress in-game.

Other people have posted the same experiences so you are either a special case or deflecting onto me.

They created this new rule to help legit boosters so there is no need to resort to extremes.

It is a victory because gold selling scams are down. This isn’t opposite day. It did what it set out to do. People being preyed on less is what it was intended to do, and that has happened.

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But that’s for the player to decide. Like you, I’ve used level boost from the shop because I make more than enough that the convenience of paying for it outweighs the cost i’m saving by leveling the old fashioned way.

Not the difference you were talking about in the part I quoted though.

It’s still called carries from time to time. Especially in PvP.

Never said you did

You don’t have to partake in it if it bothers you. Why would it matter if I worked 8 hours a day and was able to buy a token, sell it on the AH, and garner the same rewards as someone who spent 8 hours a day playing?

Where’s the difference, and who does it hurt in the end?

The idea here is that technically you hurt yourself by NOT earning the gear, skills, experience, and ability to repeat the clear yourself.

Paid carries, no matter the form, detract from the game by helping you clear content without actually earning it all yourself. And, if anything, gear is one of the best ways to tell if you’re actually good at the game based on the item level, stats, and add-ons.


I told you boosting was a different beast back then and that difference is because of how the game design was different. It had to be different because we were limited by the way the game was designed. You couldn’t log on for a Friday night boosting zero session like you can today.

It hurts the psychological aspect of the playerbase wanting to engage with the game or not.

Per your example:

In this example you must have a decent chunk of disposable income to do this whereas I may not, but chances are I also work 8 hours a day as well or maybe I’m in school or a stay at home parent who gets some alone time. Whatever.

So you come home, swipe your card, and you’re off to the races while I am left to come home and grind for 8 hours to get the same point which means it’s difficult to keep up with you. At best I can become skilled enough, but outside of joining Echo or Limit can’t exactly best you.

That’s just not going to feel good for that player and they will always be behind because of this. They will continue to fall behind because they are spending all of their playtime trying to keep up with you while the playerbase moves beyond them. That causes them to become disengaged with the game to where they will see no reason to try to do it anymore because they cannot keep up with other people’s spending habits.