Remove wow tokens from the game! Make WoW Great

lol RMT was happening long before the WoW Token even existed, Boosting wont go away until it is fully outlawed, WoW Token just protects people from getting robbed.

That’s what I’ve been trying to say but alas falls on deaf ears

But boosting at a fundamental level is still the same. Someone else is doing the work for you. That’s what boosts/carries are. They are not different. What’s available to boost may be different, but that doesn’t change what “boosting” is at its core.

These people would never make it in the game regardless, boosting or not. Their numbers for leaving would be minimal and not really affect anything at all.

Now if it was a sizable chunk that quit because of that…then sure. But that’s not the case.

Umm… gear only goes so high. Difficulty levels only go so high. So you’re saying the only way to hit that wall is to get boosted? Who boosted the first people to reach that wall and start boosting themselves I wonder?

Weird how that works huh. First you say that no one will hit a wall, and then describe the wall that everyone hits.

I haven’t bought a boost, and I’m at that wall. How did that happen? All that’s left for me to do is complete Mythic raiding, which sadly my schedule wouldn’t allow for. But I can get to that gear check/achievement level without boosting. And that is the wall. Gear tops out, difficulty tops out, achievements top out.

With or without outside influence, there’s only so far you can go. Those who used outside influence and those who do not end up at the exact same wall/limit.

And that is player derived. Blizzard has nothing to do with that. Even without a token, those prices would be sky high.

Quote them where they said you said it didn’t happen. They said it was prevalent. That word does not mean “was happening”. Just means it was commonplace. They’re not saying you said it didn’t exist, just that you’re pretending it was a much more rare occurrence than it truly was.

And it will never be outlawed. There is nothing saying another player (or group of players), cannot help others along in their quests for…whatever it is they’re wanting to achieve.

In game currency for in game acts is well inside the ToS.


It should be a solution to boosting, but unfortunately it is a victim of the circumstance of the toxicity of many players, they abused a system in which it helped more people who had little problem in economic resources, to people who see it as if it were an important monthly payment. As if the consumption of power, water and internet were nothing to the subscription.

The gamepass is a nice option, but on the way to 2 f2p MMO’s in the case of Riot Games, Blizzard would leave the use of monthly subscription fees behind as it was in the good old days of the 2000’s.

That is why I would give these options if the WoWtoken leaves.

In that case it would be.

  • or WoW at once would be f2p, yes… i know, laugh or get angry, but I already said that we are in 2020, and that is in the 2000’s when Blizzard has strong competition and leaving or quitWoW is not an option in playing a video game whose desire is good entertainment.

    And that is why toxicity is freed through subscription, no, it has never been in fact from a community that values ​​​​subscription because it feels like it, just like boosting, and elitism within this game, never the subscription he was born in the very toxicity of the community.

  • or we would only buy the next expansion or the new Warcraft game as long as we no longer pay the subscription of the game itself, that is, as if it were in the old days of blockbuster where we only bought the game for a console that we need.

  • or all Bnet will be gamepass, which 6 bucks vs 15 bucks, would be very efficient not only for WoW and other games.

I only know that I did not take it as a solution to the toxicity of boosting and elitism, since they will exist, and think about it that the wowtoken was never to blame for that knowing that it was an advantage to continue playing the game without losing much money, to that the community abuses this system badly, which I will always blame the community for killing the WoWtoken.

So much so that just like my brother would not give a single penny to fatty Gabe in CS, I would never give a penny to ambitious Bob except to buy the next expansion, I just know that I lost the opportunity to farm to keep my separate account current of making raiders and mythics enjoying the game itself, as well as a reason why gold in WoW was important to the token.

But now I know that only time will tell if it dies or not.

Yeah I was getting alts “boosted” all the way back in TBC. It was just called power leveling then and people were buying carries into the easier raids in vanilla and TBC too because a halfway competent guild would have them on farm anyway.


Yep just goes to show the game hasn’t really evolved beyond its original design and with the developers involved in the RMT will never evolve. It had potential to be something else but never will now imo. Actually it did kinda evolve it facilitated and encouraged the behaviours of RMT /Boosting/Botting that dwarfs the original third parties in vanilla.

That’s…not how it works. Thats a money loss to the game maker.

They sell the token. players buy it… so its all least an even exchange. WOW ofc makes their $5 extra ofc. Other games like eve with its plex…profit cut above equal value varies. As eve’s isk/plex value is more player controlled.

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Sure, then again I was never trying to argue otherwise so no one really cares and I’m going to stop debating you on this irrelevant point.

Sorry, I didn’t realize I was talking to someone who had these numbers available, my bad. Mind leaking how few people are currently leaving, and what current sub numbers are then?

Umm… do you not realize the bulk of the playerbase can’t do mythic raids? They aren’t going to hit the gear wall on their own. Good lord there’s a portion of the playerbase that cringes over the idea of ever stepping into a normal raid let alone mythic.

There are other gear avenues too, but still involves some level of skill via M+ timing, which some loathe, and then PvP which I hear is horrible to try to go far in because of how much boosting goes on.

Obviously people can go as far as you want, but let’s not pretend the top end content of WoW is being consumed by the masses.

You don’t look full BiS to me. You hit your wall, not the wall, and if you were interested in hitting the wall boosts would get you there were you otherwise wouldn’t or couldn’t.

Probably, but would they be as expensive in a world where accumulating gold so readily wasn’t a possibility? I’d wager no, the ability to log in and, make up to ~2M gold a week simply by swiping your card changes the equation quite a lot because gold has less value when you can get it whenever you want (as your budget allows). Instead of 400k takes me a month to farm so I won’t spend blow it on all willy nilly now it becomes “Eh, I have $40 burning a hole in my pocket anyways”

Ultimately as long as the WoW token exists anything that involves gold means the token can influence it which means status outside of the game has an influence in what you can accomplish in the game if you are otherwise not able or willing, which at its core is how F2P/P2W games operate.

I guess you just have to decide if you like that or not. “Doesn’t impact me” is a non-answer that doesn’t address whether or not you think that’s good design.

Right after you leak how many are leaving over this issue, sure.

No one made that assumption. Different content has different walls and different means to getting to those walls.

My point being, boosting is not required to hit those walls. The “masses” are not trying to mix/max at 253 ilvl. Hell, does enough gear drop weekly for Limit to get their 20 man roster to 253 by the end of the season?

My argument is that even if someone is topped out at 253 ilvl…that’s all the further they get to go for awhile. People have time to catch up. They are not left behind indefinitely. That player is at a wall and has to wait for the wall to come down before advancing. In that time, people who are “behind” have the time to catch up, without boosting being required.

I’m sure it would be proportionate. The prices are that high because there’s enough gold circulating around and pieces being bought that high.

As long as gold making exists. As long as there is a need for in game currency, outside the game can influence what you can accomplish in the game. It’s been this way since the games inception. And that holds true for any MMO.

But that doesn’t mean the legendaries were made with the token in mind. Doesn’t mean content is created with tokens in mind. Tokens were created with human nature in mind. Gold farmers have always existed and always found their way into the wallets of those who are happy to pay for the convenience. Blizzard has just decided to capitalize on it instead of allowing all that revenue to go elsewhere.

Boosting/carries have always existed. They will continue to always exist. And it’s not because of Blizzard. It’s because of the nature of the player base to be willing to pay for that convenience.

I think the token is a perfectly good design. Can it allow legitimate cheesing…sure. But it’s legitimate and through Blizzard. It’s a lot better than using 3rd party sites that ended up getting players accounts hacked/banned.

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I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you could buy gold at literally any point in WoWs history. The difference is that you would often get scammed, or banned, or be directly funding botting and account theft.

Now Blizzard offers a safe and easy way to do it. If you don’t want to participate that is absolutely fine, but its not going anywhere and there are a bunch of reasons why. Removing them would simply increase the amount of illicit RMT and remove almost none of the RL money for gold transactions going in, and in most cases reduce population as people pay for subs with gold every month and would not pay real money otherwise.

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its not sunday but… what if instead, they expand the wow token to be able to get stuff off the microsoft store/ Xbox pass etc. :sunglasses:

I mean, it was also much newer. Haven’t subs been going down since before tokens were introduced. The existence of the token has little bearing over the population. The game is old, the player base is much older than it was, and there are lots of options outside of WoW. All of those things factor into the population. There is also no guarantee that removing a stream of income would make the game better.

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All removing the token would do is flood trade with more gold bots spamming “visit for the BEST prices on WoW gold ANYWHERE!”


That’s good, I occasionally have a use for them.

This will return without the Blizzard token: the Chinese gold Farmers, just saying.

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(post deleted by author)

I’ve played retail since Wrath and I play Classic now. The Classic servers don’t have anymore more gold farmers than the retails servers now. They exist in retail because they offer better deals than the WoW token. Just do a google search.

Yeah nah…

You’re not going to convince anyone with that horsecrap. Gold sellers may still exist, but you don’t see much business for them on retail, there’s just not enough of a market. If people want to buy gold, they do so legitimately rather than risk their accounts.

I remember the ‘old days’ because I’ve played this game since vanilla. Trade chat on any given day was filled with gold spammers, and they even got creative sometimes, using bot characters to spell out their advertisements as corpses on the ground. It was an absolute mess and no matter how many you reported there were others that just took their place.

And that’s the state of WoW classic and TBC classic right now.

In fact, a google search for gold selling, as you mentioned turns up ‘buy wow classic gold’ as the first search result.

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The old days are gone. You need to let them go.

Prove it.

But why would it matter to you if there’s servers without the WoW Token? How would that hurt you? Just play on the ones with them and throw all the money you like at your monitor.

Obviously, and that’s already done.

But that’s how the game was pre-WoW token, going back to MoP and that’s how it is now on classic WoW servers where the token does not exist.

Why don’t you google it.

Turn about is fair play.

As for why it matters, gold sellers rely on botting and hacking accounts to get the gold they ‘sell’ to players. I don’t want to see that behaviour return to retail, which it would, and anyone with a functioning brain knows that.