Remove wow tokens from the game! Make WoW Great

I was here, so yes I do know. It was worse. People just have some rose colored memory of it all for some reason. People were getting scammed, hacked, the whole thing.

insert Sylvanas burn it GIF

I would be okay with this as long as there is a heads up. Imma just blow like a grand on tokens and be settled for next few xpacs.

Clearly your definition of worse is different. When I say it’s worse it’s because it’s objectively true that the frequency of boosting is vastly higher than prior to the token. The safety of boosting has gone up as it became more mainstream and communities were formed that turned into a true business, but honestly as far as PvE boosts went prior to the token you went to the top guild on your server. If you went elsewhere that was ridiculous on your part. It was plenty safe if you went through the proper channels, just like it is now.

None of these are really tied to the WoW token’s existence.

It is worse to get ripped off than be inconvenienced by chat because you can put that in a separate window.

The token was created to stop gold scams, so they are linked.

If you think the WoW token issue is about what our chat windows show then you fundamentally don’t understand the topic.

No I understand it. People think it’s caused some degradation that wasn’t there before. But boosting still existed. And existed a lot in chat, whether you want to believe it or not. Only it had the added layer of people being scammed by gold sellers. Now they just get that gold from Blizzard. Boosting will exist regardless. The only difference you brought up is that YOU see it more now. Which is easily remedied.

Of course it did. I participated in offering those services from WoTLK through BRF.

Not anywhere near the same level. Not even close. It’s ridiculous to pretend that this was ever the case until post-WoD. There’s a few other changes to the way raids and lockouts worked that likely played a role in boosting being a lot more viable of a service to offer regularly, but that’s about it.

Gold sellers still exist because people still buy gold from them, they are a legitimate business that have little interest in scamming you in the same way that people who offer boosting services also don’t have much desire to scam you. Obviously scams still exist, but in the same way that you will never get rid of boosting you will never get rid of scammers, which is why the WoW token doesn’t solve any of that.

No one is pretending otherwise. Anyone who thinks boosting needs to be outlawed is ridiculous, offering in-game services for in-game currency is just a part of an economy and is totally fine if there are people who want to buy and sellers who want to sell.

The prevalence of boosting obviously plays a role in how trade chat evolved, but it’s not really an issue in and of itself, it just shows how massive the boosting community became over the years.

Boosting via raid carries was not a viable option for the majority of the playerbase prior to the WoW token because the ability to get their hands on the amount of gold needed to buy them was much more difficult without illegal gold purchasing that would have raised a red flag. I know this because I was there, selling carries for the Mythic mount, transmog items, or some gear for actual use if the player wanted it. That was the bulk of the players you sold to, which was a far more niche of a market. Most people, over time, stopped buying carries for better gear, but instead for achievements or mounts.

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What you experienced and what I did were very different. Because it was everywhere. Both in an out of the game.

It is against the ToS to sell for real life $$$. Those have lessened in time. It use to be much more prevalent.

People still very much took that risk, which was how they got scammed and hacked. It’s their fault. But Blizz decided to do something about that.

Them making boosting communities also against the ToS is about the best they can do that won’t negatively impact everything else. Because the token also helps people who just want to resub or buy things off the store. Or just add gold to their account. It also helps guilds. So why should they be negatively impacted?

If they got rid of the token and gold selling scams became more common again, people would complain about that too. So they are doing what they can do for now.

Because people don’t think this was true friends of mine would boost my alts and other people’s alts all the time back in TBC. It’s not a thing new to WoW that the tokens created.

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The only thing the token enabled was that since you could now buy gold with real money directly from Blizzard it meant that some people who had never earned much gold before could do so much easier. But it wasn’t the sole reason boosting exists because earning gold is just so much easier in modern wow than it used to be.


Boosting isn’t gone. They’re just not allowing it to be publicly run as effectively as a company model. Huokan and stuff are going to be hit by this, but it’s just going to shift into larger guilds, who will still benefit from advertising wherever they can.

Also, that defining line is super flimsy. They specifically said Guilds are fine, but what’s really the difference between “Boosting Communities” and a Raiding Guild that sells boosts after prog is done? Functionally, pretty little IMO. What they added to the ToS is functionally another wording of the typical “We reserve the final say on the interpretation of the terms of service” or whatever the phrase is.

Anyway, this will not happen. It’s been in the game too long, and too many people pay for their sub with exclusively Gold and will absolutely quit if that’s taken away from them. Tokens also make Blizzard tons of literal free money. They’re not going to go so far as to remove them.

Best bet in that regard is to push for them to revisit the concept of ‘Pristine Realms’ that they brought up as a potential compromise back during the Nost takedown when everyone was screaming about Classic servers. I’m sure they could prevent the posting of WoW Tokens to the AH on those realms or something.

I highly doubt they would cut their own revenue. If they’ve manage to do so, it certainly will not stop boosting, since people were originally buying Gold from third party websites.

Your idea sounds more like a game of Whack-o-Mole, OP. :wine_glass:

I know for sure the only true winners are not going to be the Playerbase but the druid botters who spam the Auction House with random herbs instead.

Tokens are bad for the game it is very easy and inarguable (from a player perspective)
-If you make your money from subs you design a game people want to sub to
-If you make your money from tokens you make a game people want to buy tokens in
Simple as, irrefutable truth, end o’ story


What? How did you reach this?

Do they not benefit from both?
If you’ve had knowledge of economics, you would already recognize the opportunities they are taking advantage of.

I don’t think Blizz has made a decision they have benefited from in years

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I know they are making an extra $5.00 USD from those who are buying the wow Token. the best or worst thing about it is that they are not limited to buying one a month.

It seems they are not only benefiting those who pay a subscription base but also players with too much free time.

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Why would they limit to one token a month? That’s stupid

I was doing comparison to the subscription.

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