Remove wow tokens from the game! Make WoW Great

Then just farm the materials.

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I wish they would. But I think that ship sailed a while back. :frowning:

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Everyone already knows that MOST not all people who play wow, only play wow. Console players don’t mind paying for their subs and the general consensus of gamers at least online claim they spend more money on certain games for support for developers. Such as not buying games while they are on sale. It’s a hard convince that anyone is going to quit over $15 a month. Many other things to quit for but, the game is still enjoyable despite its issues.


what are you even talking about

What are you talking about?

I doubt they’d ever remove them as it’s probably a decent income, especially when you count in people who buy carries, expensive mogs, mounts, legendaries and what not. It’s basically a win-win for blizzard. If anything I would think we’ll see even more gold sinks in the game added over time or rather ways to encourage people to spend gold.

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The game was far more populated with people who bought gold from an outside source*

And the number of real money traders will explode.


Wants to remove a safer way to get gold and add back in the bot farming way that compromised accounts and got people’s stuff stolen.


I promise you. I would quit if this happened, forever. Now you might claim that it would be better for the health of the overall game, but I disagree.


so you think all teh adds from gold sellers was a better gaming world . hundreds of dead bodies outside of SW AH spelling out the name of teh gold service, Accounts being hacked left right and centre. 100s of emails from scammers in your inbox every month .

yeah no thanks . I much rather tokens . I havent payed anything for subscription for wow since they were introduced. Gold is so easy to get anyone who buys tokens to put on the AH to get gold is just plain lazy


yep --its so easy to get --I have made over 5 million this expansion so far and spent 3 million of that .

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Tell me you don’t understand the boosting change without telling me you don’t understand the boosting change.

OP went first

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I take it you swung by tbcc ? lol.

you aren’t getting a pug ramparts or other basic dungeon for under 50 gold. add 15 for summons.

the amount of 50 gold runs in channel 4 for basic stuff (not even talking heroics and raid)…unless a true no life there is only 1 way people are getting this money.

Its so bad.

How bad is it?

Hit up reddit. You are looking at a better than 50/50 chance the gold will still be there after a 3 day “vacation” based on many reports.

Wow tokens were here before boosting was big though?
I realize you’re just trying to justify your own personal feelings against the tokens by tying it to a recent policy change but it’s a bit ridiculous :laughing: It’s like saying ‘Now that boosting communities are gone remove LFD as well’.

They already do all this

this isn’t against the rules


The problem with TBCC is Blizzard, out of stupidity and greed, added the 58 character boost that essentially gave bots an easy and quick way to make efficient gold mining characters without having to sink hours into leveling a character up from scratch.


Nope. I haven’t played it at all. I just remember the old days of account hacks, shady websites and compromised accounts.


Not jsut 58 boosts here imo. the 60 mage farmers were already in eastern plaguelands in droves the day this opened up to support strath power level/gear ups.

The 50 gold strat runs started weeks before out in channel 4. I was playing around in classic before boosts to settle in beforre the 2 week prelude.

not ssaying it did not add more. It may have.

I will say more proactive 60 mage carriers farmed this before the boost. Strath and other runs were already asking for money before the boostie boys arrived.

and then later…well some tanks were starting to charge. Not for a carry. Jsut to show up. it was then tbcc interest fell off for me.

I will last longer in wrath. If…it opens with LFD level patching. give me LFD and I am fine.

The return of ICC GDKP’s lol
That was the first time I ever was involved in selling carries

It will likely be quite profitable as well, especially selling Shadowmourne carries, and it’ll be much easier since we all know the LK fight AND we’ll have the 30% stats+healing+health buff

Oh and let’s not forget there’s 4 modes in Wrath 10N 10H 25N 25H

Which is fine.

you provided a service…someone bought it.

I can be content to be a lfd spamming “scrub” in wrath lol.

Begging for free runs all night in channel 4 was not my thing. Nor is paying for them lol. as if I had the gold to this lol…