Remove wow tokens from the game! Make WoW Great

Not happening. It’s Ion’s brain child. IIRC, Ion even said in one interview that WoW Token is something he was proud to have worked on.

If getting rid of WoW Token meant we would get a new game director though then I’d be all for it.


and the game was fully reliant on sub numbers. sub numbers are now relatively irrelevant.

Banning WOW tokens would just give these boosting communities their old jobs back as gold sellers.


Invite gold spamming back to the game? No thank you.

Because that’s what you get by removing the WoW token.

You can have no gold selling spam and the WoW token. Or you can have no WoW token and gold selling spam.

You can’t have no gold selling spam and no WoW token.


Dont get me wrong but if you have a main and 2 alts and you do callings you never getting out of gold to buy any leggo lol.
literally 5k per day by doing callings only. takes like 30 minutes to complete all 3, well, most of the time.

Some mats also sell really well.
I mean all in all SL is a very ez exp to make gold compared to bfa and legion.
I do think leggos linked to profs sucks though.

Removing the token or the in game store isn’t going to magically make WoW a better game.

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this is how bliz makes money, they arent removing it, even tho id like it if they did.

From the perspective of those who can gather whatever resource needed for consumables, gold would honestly be rendered Useless outside of the WoW Token.

I could effortlessly see the community is heavily unfavorable of those of the Sigma Status…

Leave it to a Vulpera on an RP server with the name Yipper to make the most insufferable possible response.


Doesn’t make it any less accurate.

They’re not going to remove the WoW token.

And there are plenty of players out there who would rather Blizzard keep it around, either because it’s helping them maintain their subscription, it’s giving them gold they can’t otherwise easily farm and it’s getting rid of the gold spam.

You get rid of the WoW token, and the gold spammers will return. Want proof? Go play Classic for a while, the gold sellers are there in force because the token doesn’t exist there.


Asking Acti-Blizzisoft to not make money is not going to work

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Yes, let’s go back to gold farming pirates hacking everyone’s accounts and stealing their stuff.


They are not gone. They just went under the radar now.

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Yeah … no this is game not a second job I’m not doing chores rofl.

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They aren’t going to remove the wow token and there’s really no point in discussing it lol. Get as mad as you want it won’t change anything

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No thanks, I earn 37 an hour, a token costs me 20 dollars, it takes 4-7 hours per week to farm raid/m+ supplies or 40 minutes at work and one token per month.


Who is to say they aren’t?

People can multitask.

They can get rid of the WoW token all they want, I’ll still multi-box every day as I have been for years.

This is where I stand. I think I’ve bought 3-4 tokens since their implementation to the game.

I’ll definitely pay for the convenience they bring when they’re needed

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Imagine knowing that some people spend thousands on this game a year