Remove World Buffs From Raids

read my question, was the premade discord you inevitably used to que av cross server intended? no? then QQ about world buffs

if you ranked during phase 2, then when bgs hit you inevitably used premade disc

No, and I didn’t like the premade discord meta either, I was extremely happy when they buffed WSG and nerfed AV.

You’re really pulling some wild logic to say that using what’s necessary to rank even if you don’t like it makes any suggestion invalidated.

Anyone that ranked seriously in p2 did so planning to do either WSG or AV whichever was better.

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im saying, you cant use one thing because its necessary, if you were really about that life you woulda taken as long as possible to rank the correct way, get over world buffs, people have lives and wanna farm equiv gear to r14 gear because they dont have time to sit waiting for some bot to say “3 2 1 queue” in a discord with a bunch of paraplegics. get over it. this version of classic is a joke

No I set the goal for myself on classic to get r14 as fast as possible. Unfortunately that meant using a premade discord (not the one you’re refering to) and then premading WSG after. I won’t subscribe to the logic that doing that begrudgingly means that I can’t have an opinion on other things that are bad.

You don’t need world buffs to collect your gear.

and people wnana collect pve gear as fast as possible, you cant get mad at people for doing exactly what you did, you got all your gear so now you wanna infringe on how others get theirs? h3ll to the naw


I’m not mad at anyone for getting world buffs, you’ve got some really weird projections in these posts. People are more than entitled to them, but I think for server health and to be more true to actual vanilla it’s better that we not be able to stack world buffs to this extent.

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you need to realize, classic is over. it was over the day BGs hit. once everyone else saw how everything was min maxed to hell, the game lost its soul. it will never be the same experience we all had. time to get over it and get to a real expac that doesnt take a 3 month grind for “pvp gear” and where you can choose to do one or the other and not have to rely on one or the other to be competitive in your favorite part of the game.

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Yes you’ve shared that opinion already, but TBC isn’t here yet. When TBC does get here it’ll be fun to play arenas and also to raid without world buffs, but in the meantime I intend to enjoy the rest of classic, and opening a dialogue with others about world buffs is fun for me.

No change is going to happen because of my post but it doesn’t hurt to talk about the benefits and negatives of the change, this is a forum after all.


yeah well now you know how i felt desperately pleading on the forums after farming 150k a day in AV to nerf soul deadening AV or ban cross server premades and them not doing it for over a month. ggs only

I was also asking for AV nerfs. My friends that I ranked with in wpvp quit because of the discord meta, I was really looking forward to doing WSG with them but the AV discords killed any hope of that. Thankfully blizzard made a good decision and CHANGED it. Hopefully they continue to make changes that make the game more healthy and true to the original.

they arent going to change world buffs bro. lol its nowhere near as awful as bgs

Yea they probably won’t, but it doesn’t hurt to talk about it.

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That’s not how mmorpgs work.


Not going to happen. If this were 2006, and what is going on now with the coordinated buff stacking was happening then, they would almost certainly have nerfed it heavily. But Blizzard thus far has been very hands off with Classic, and that’s mostly a good thing. But it also means that we have to live with some warts.

So we have to wait until TBC until this gets fixed.


Ugh this is the same wiener garbage as “I hate boosters” its not affecting you. Make a guild that refuses to use them, then be smug about how “you did it all without world buffs”

You don’t like it don’t get them, don’t whine and ruin it for people that do like it. Its not ruining your experience… You are ruining your experience worrying about this.


Actually, it did happen in vanilla to a small extent. Then in tbc everyone was getting wb and blizzard removed them from raids by the first patch iirc.

This argument is misguided at best and is brought up anytime someone wants to make a change that others disagree with. These things DO affect other players (the fact that others are saying it affects their experience is one way it does already), especially boosting as you mentioned, it: affects the economy and lessens world population (along with who wants to run dungeons normally at those brackets) around certain leveling milestones. Those all affect me. Now, you can argue if one is better than the other, but to say they don’t affect others is simply untrue. This is an MMO, most things have larger effects than the single event itself.

World Buffs, just like boosts, does affect more than just the people getting them, with three main things that jump out: It changes server dynamics of guilds and their status (ex. Tier 1 guilds, Tier 2 guilds, progressing guilds etc.), it also trivializes content, making the standards across the game different (ex. Don’t need certain resistance gear anymore and Tier gear is less of an accomplishment), and makes some classes fall even further behind (see Hunter). Of course, as you mentioned, you could hinder yourself to make it harder, but let be honest, VERY few people want to make something willingly harder without something to show for it.

Personally, I believe something should be done to World Buffs, either shortening their length or spreading out how often they can be dropped. In Vanilla, world buffs were a rare treat, I never remember having more than 1 or 2 at a time, and those were special. I also remember Vael being a big gear check for BWL or Ragnarose having a Phase 2, but those don’t exist anymore, and would like some of the challenges brought back to raiding.


then dont get them?

if you dont want them then dont get them. is your guild forcing you to do something you dont want?

is spending 30 minutes online to get buffs 1 / 2 times a week too much for you?

find a more casual guild then.

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I’m so done with world buffs.

I am not exaggerating when I say full world buffs increases the DPS of my crummy alt Warrior with mediocre gear by around 70% (according to my own sims). SEVENTY PERCENT! In any version of the game: Players have to work really hard, and do very involved things to optimize their rotation and cooldowns to maybe gain a couple of percent or even a fraction of a one-percent increase to their output. The idea of raiding without world buffs in Classic by anyone who cares about their performance is just a complete non-starter.

This is not small, this is not min-maxing, this is NOT a sweater or parse-chasing exclusive concern, this is a barrier to entry. If you’re one of the few, often terrible guilds that don’t get these buffs on your server, you aren’t even in the same world, you’re complete trash, forget about it. People will tell you that nobody “needs” these buffs. But that’s not the emergent culture of raiding guilds. You can say you don’t need them, but at the end of the day to the rest of your guild you’re just a guy not pulling his weight, leeching off the effort of people who do go out of their way to get world buffs, and probably getting passed over for loot by the guild’s leadership to boot. And probably rightfully so might I add. It clashes with player and group psychology to not get world buffs for raiding.


They should just make it to where you can only used buffs/consumes that are put on inside of the raid.

Anything brought from outside in is cleared upon entry.