Remove World Buffs From Raids

I’m not sure if that was a typo or if you’re just agreeing with me.

Correct, a 95 year can compete against a 20 year old in his prime. That doesn’t mean he’ll win, of course.

Similarly, someone without world buffs can compete for higher rankings in WCL, but isn’t guaranteed to get those rankings.

They should just not change anything because this is meant to be a faithful recreation of the original World of Warcraft.


I have a better solution for you if you don’t like the idea of world buffs in raids.

Go back to retail.

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World buffs are lame asf and consumes (flask in particular) are lame asf too! Wow classic is rampant with a bunch of lame-o’s that prefer to cheese trivial content in whatever way possible.

Worse part is that these type of players consider gaining every single possible advantage serious or competitive gameplay. It’s not, it’s a crutch! It’s like Michael jordan gloating about dunking on toddlers after he spent the afternoon doing mandatory warm up.

Horders, mafias, gold buyers, and multi boxers run this game, thus dictating how everyone else plays because they are the loud proud majority. Look at me and my parses I blew G for I’m such a better player get good scrub. Somehow the modern player base has made a 15 year old game pay to win.



Its just the new meta, back in vanilla it would be viewed as a waste of time to get worldbuffs for a raid since raids are where you go to wipe.

Marty… Not everyone is a TRY-HARD . The buffs are optional. Don’t use them. We don’t have to take away from the people and the game . You have the option to not use them . Do so if you really care that much.

Coordinated buffs did not happen this often and this consistently. Now, you can get a WB typically after CD immediately. I guess it really depended on server pop but it is what it is

Perhaps it happen more due to that world buff addon.

The add-on was developed to serve the meta, not the other way around.

1 month from release of classic, gamers were already wanting the world buffs removed from raids. Nerfing content by the use of stacking multiple world buffs during the raiding environment, in my opinion, is what is killing wow classic subs. The easier the content becomes more people become less interested in the content and continuing to be a sub. Once Naxx is released if content is rolled over by people stacking world buffs subs are going to drop like mad. For the health of the game remove world buffs from raids, pls blizzard.


No. 10chars

Tons of people are playing this game to push the envelope of what’s possible now with our improved knowledge of the game compared to 15 years ago. World buffs are part of that. You don’t like them? Don’t get them it’s that simple.

Having Tier 6 dps numbers in Tier 2 gear is not good for the game.


Subs are growing, though.

Agreed 100%. Raid buffs give so much edge to the one who has it and had the ‘chance’ to not die, get purged, or get killed on his way to the raid.

Just because something “was possible” in vanilla doesn’t mean it’s "vanilla like. " I have no doubt that if the world buff stacking that is going on now, actually happened in vanilla wow, the developers would have stepped in, same thing with alot of other issues plaguing classic wow.

The content is supposed to be tuned to a certain difficulty, The tuning of current content is pathetically weak, let alone with full world buffs. This is not “vanilla like.”


There are people who actually bother getting buffs for such an easy game in 2020? Lmao what?

You simply had less. Raids were harder because a lot of us knew nothing, servers were smaller, and thus we had less drops.


We spend more time getting world buffs than the amount of time we save by having them for the clear. It’s very ‘vanilla’ and I don’t think I would want it any other way. <3

Yeah and youll look like the absolute noob on the DPS meter if you dont have the buffs and the other ppl in your raid do.

I get every single WB every raid and yes it cheeses the content and makes it insanely easy. This game is too easy how it is but if you want to be competitive you have to do it. Remove them. People want to talk about the “spirit of vanilla” and this is anything but the spirit of vanilla.