Doing 10 man stocks with all mages was awesome.
We could pull like the whole thing.
Blizzard said no fun allowed and ruined it.
Doing 10 man stocks with all mages was awesome.
We could pull like the whole thing.
Blizzard said no fun allowed and ruined it.
I was on my priest then.
We also raided SM.
I was also 2 pulling ZF with a paladin tank LOL.
Well the trash anyway.
Paladin tank and multiple mages.
I say do both. Have world buffs wipe when you enter any raid that is considered current content. Allow world buffs to be used when the next tier of raid comes out. So right now no world buffs in MC/ONY, Phase 2 comes a long and there are no world buffs in BWL but MC/Ony become world buffable.
What a dumb idea.
They should just remove world buffs when you enter a raid like every expansion of WOW does from TBC onward.
Classic doesnât need world buffs in raids if all the expansions donât allow it. Itâs stupid design.
People played all those expansions just fine without needing world buffs.
No one will ever even remember the world buffs used to be a thing after like 1 week. People have short memories and attention spans now.
We might not remember them if they are removed but we sure know youre crying with them here.
No, that sound you hear is your tears because GDKP is banned.
I know you easily confuse it.
I enjoy world buffs, especially when the ZG buffs come out. I have to go around the world to collect the buffs, and that makes the world feel more important and alive.
I enjoy going to the Blasted Lands to farm, to Felwood for Songflower, and running a DMN tribute run for the buffs. I enjoy that I have to prepare during the week for the raid.
cool theyâre still overpowered and should be bare minimum nerfed
Then join a guild that doesnât use them. Why are you trying to force your views on other people? They are literally optional buffs. If your guild doesnât want to use them, then donât.
By nerfing or removing the buffs, youâre changing the game for everyone.
invalid argument things that are OP should be nerfed
by your logic, we should make a vendor that sells OP BiS items for every class for 1 copper each
donât like it donât use it broooo
No, Iâm not advocating for adding something new to the game. I like the game the way it was released in 2019. Iâd rather not even have chronoboons tbh.
Youâre the one advocating for a change that would impact other peopleâs enjoyment.
There are OP things in Vanilla. When you get into Naxx, much of the gear is totally OP. Thatâs what makes the game fun.
Lots of people play without them for a fun challenge. You should try it.
They wont be.
But keep trolling see how that works out for you guys.
Heâs just trolling like he always does.
He did the same thing with dual spec and we see how that worked out.
the vanilla devs themselves said raids were not designed with world buffs in mind scroll up. zero justification for keeping them in the game as is
i agree chronoboons should be removed tho
The vanilla devs are out dated.
That was 20 years ago.
âit was a long time agoâ does not invalidate anything they said regarding world buffs and raids
The current devs LITERALLY made an item to hold onto world buffs.
They LITERALLY disregarded what the devs from 20 years ago said.