Remove world buffs from raids

yeah and they’re bad and making bad decisions :expressionless:

Sounds like you and Frossty the grey just shouldnt get world buffs.

Quoting devs from 20 years ago is irrelevant when the new devs changed their stance and even added an item for us for world buffs.

invalid argument, as stated countless times :expressionless:

Your whole argument is invalid based off chrono boons being added and reduced in price.

chronoboons being added just emphasizes how world buff babies are bad at the game and can’t even stand to deal with world pvp on their way to the raid instance lol :expressionless:

Thats a non argument.

It shows you the stance of the current devs on world buffs and how they will be in the game, not only in the game but an item made specifically for them, and at a reduced price.

You lost.

That’s a great point.

Removing world buffs would stop them from having their feelings hurt from PVP.

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Chronoboon was added so people could play their characters and not have to be logged off to keep buffs for raid. It has nothing to do with losing buffs to pvp, that is a side effect.

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Nothing but posts from 2 trolls who sit here all day.

One of them has an account banned and literally paid for a new sub, leveled to 10, just to troll on the forums again.

wrong :expressionless: if that were true then they would have made chronoboons only useable in rested areas or some other restriction like that.

You sure about that?

actual reason: streamers complained to blizzard about getting owned in world pvp and losing buffs :expressionless:

So we’re just making stuff up now, gotcha

just answer me this: do you support chronoboons only giving you the buffs in rested areas or not :expressionless: