All that matters is I saw you get your rear end beat down by ZF zombies and you know I did.
Don’t try and hide your failures.
You are a bad mage. Own up to your inadequacies and do better.
All that matters is I saw you get your rear end beat down by ZF zombies and you know I did.
Don’t try and hide your failures.
You are a bad mage. Own up to your inadequacies and do better.
I openly addmitted to dying 6-8 times learning the pulls again because they changed some of the spots from 2019 era.
If you think dying 6 times was a lot leveling from 42-54 idk what to tell you lmfao.
Then i did ST from 54-60 and died like 3 times learning it.
Youre still the worst player on the forums.
No they didn’t change anything.
You’re just bad.
They changed the 1 reset spot.
No they didn’t.
There are even more reset spots now.
I leveled Frosstfire in ZF bro. You can’t lie to me.
They added a wall to the 1 spot by the small block, yes they did rofl.
Nope they didn’t.
You just don’t know what you are doing.
I literally leveled drinkblink in 2019 doing it lmfao.
You must have died as much then too.
I prolly did that was before the pull we do today was out.
Back then i kited the zombies with cone of cold right where they spawn.
The pull we do today didnt come out for a few months later.
Then i did solo UK in wotlk, then did heroic UK in cata to level.
Im so much better than you it isnt even funny.
I leveled my 1st mage in classic abusing the XP bugs like doing 10 man lower level dungeons and getting full XP.
Then we farmed the respawning torch guys in BRD for XP (yes they used to give XP).
You sound pretty casual.
Lil guy didn’t know these things were even possible it sounds like.
The torch guys were around when i leveled my mage too.
Not casual i just started off as a priest as horde.
Saw ally would be underdogs and rerolled Whitemane ally right before BWL launched.
Pretty much everything you say is a lie and nobody believes you.
Not one person has ever believed anything you have said.
One day he will realize that.
Prolly not tho.
He knows I’m right.
Those bugs were in classic in the first few weeks.
Casuals wouldn’t know about them.
The torch guys were around when i leveled Drinknblink.
I didnt go ally until like a month before bwl.
Brd wasnt fixed yet.
Unless im confusing it with my priest.
It was super fun. You could pull like 100x mobs and instantly delete them or they instantly deleted you.
It was a gamble.
I know i did it.
Then they insta respawn.
Yeah over and over.
I just dont recall if i did it on my mage or my priest.
I was a horde priest on classic launch.
Didnt go ally with Drinknblink until a month before BWL.