Remove world buffs from raids

Even Summit1G was complaing about how unfun it is to get world buffs on his character for raids in HC. He complained non-stop about it.

No normal people (like Summit1G) like getting world buffs for raid.

Just remove world buffs from being used in raids already for all classic realms. The game will be better.

It’s really dumb to collect and use world buffs in raids. It’s boring and makes the game worse.

If you want WOW to appeal to normal people then you need to fix this.

Video explanation of why world buffs are bad in raids.


removing world buffs from raids is obviously the correct decision, seeing as how the OG devs never balanced raids around them. but gamers in 2025 will not stand for it :expressionless: they demand their undeseserved 1337 dps parses, and blizzard is happy to oblige.


What exactly do you hope to accomplish with this post? Surely you realize that this is a complete impossibility already.

No it isn’t. They could remove them at any time.

Summit1G has millions of viewers. He is making an impact on this game playing HC.

His opinion is relevant. He is the player Blizzard wants to attract.

He’s also a streamer so his opinion matters more than yours to Blizzard. Sorry.


If you don’t want raids with world buffs find a likeminded group and do raids without world buffs


i still don’t understand why people did it 100% of their game time since 2019 → maybe i don’t understand because i’m not dumb !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: stupid dumb people loggin/loggin out while don’t playing the game

seriously playing monopoly is more entertaining

the people is dumb weak stupid sheep

you simple mortals !!!



He is a normal gamer. He doesn’t follow the memes or the group think.

He’s the most normal streamer that exists.

Yeah, this is one specific subject that I just don’t “get”, because I’m not a sweatbeard for 20 y/o content.

If nobody has to bother with gathering World Buffs, yes, your character will output less total DPS. But so will everybody else and “pink parses” will still be pink parses (as the maximum damage output per class/spec is proportionately adjusted downward due to no World Buffs).


No one cares about your streamer


Good luck explaining basic logic

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he’s the guy married to lilchiipmunk.

Yeah he’s a great player and person in general.

They are optional.

yeah that’s what’s funny, the parselords would actually benefit from WB removal in raids :expressionless: but they don’t get it


Yeah you can parse better if people don’t have world buffs. It’s more fair. And you can parse every raid instead of 1 time per month with DMF.

People don’t even understand basic concepts.

The funny part is everyone is fine without WBs in TBC raids.



If you don’t like them don’t use them.

Pretty simple.

we’re having an intelligent discussion here, thanks :expressionless:


Just ignore him like I did.


Pretty simple stuff here.