Remove titanforging

The odds of a 370 WQ reward TFing to 425 are nearly 1 out of infinity.

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It’s rare ,like finding a needle in a hay stack.They don’t throw them out like candy.

Oh and op has nearly all TF…lol.Why are you complaining about wf/tf when you dawn them yourself ? You don’t want others to compete with you.yeah.


A slight exaggeration for sure. Good job you get ~15-20 attempts for it each day right!

The issue is more WF/TF plus things like embassies and darkshore which are already offering 395/400+ gear.
Sure odds of a 370 piece upgrading aren’t that high, but it’s very reasonable to see a 395/400 piece upgrade to that level. (425)

It’s also not unreasonable for a 400 item to TF to a 425.

That’s what I was implying.

Edit: Just fixed my post to clarify.

Never seen it but i did see a 415.but still it like one out of 100 chances.

Well, the OP is complaining about low item level items TFing to M BoD levels.

No,you’re not you’re a mythic dungeon grinder.

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I honestly don’t recall anything said specifically about how low the initial item level was that was being upgraded.
OP simply said no gear from content that is not Mythic raid or 2200+ PvP gear should come close in ilvl to that respective gear.

As far as I’m concerned, that statement includes 410s from M+10 cache and 400s from Heroic raids.

I also think there should be better gear for M+ 15s and above too, rather than merely 10s with the highest ilvl in M+

Which has zero to do with you raiding and earning those rewards.

And we do have different ways to gear. But I don’t need Heroic and Mythic raid gear to do world quests and low key M+.

And to some of us, it sucks and devalues the rewards progression raiders receive for the work they do.

Not really. If you work your way through those keys and want higher keys, you do the content that gets you the ilevels you need. And you earn the ilevel for the content. High keys are equivalent to raiding and that’s fine.

Getting Heroic and Mythic level gear from a world quest is not fine, imo.

Which is why I proposed still getting a reward, but not an over the top one that devalues progression raiding rewards.

And if people want to reduce the gap, they have methods of doing so with M+ and raiding. Doing world quests should not equate Heroic and Mythic gear, imo.


I agree with this. As someone who used to raid as well I feel the same way. Why would I raid when I get normal/heroic gear from doing little to nothing? I would like to progress through difficulties, not jump straight to the highest ones.This completely kills my motivation. This has been one of my biggest issues with BFA. I would rather work towards something, because when I have nothing to work towards, I have no reason to play.

In my opinion, getting something of high value should NEVER come from luck. I think rewards should equal to the amount of time and effort you put into something. Persistence, yes, but not luck.

It is Blizzard’s design structure, but I do not think it is very good compared to their past design structures. I personally don’t care when someone gets titanforged shoulderpads from a random world quest, but soon that becomes unfair when they start getting much more pieces from not putting any effort into the difficult end game. World quests are not difficult. Soon anyone and everyone will have very close to the same ilvl gear no matter WHAT content difficulty they do. In my opinion, that is not fair.

Another problem is I get high level gear from not doing any high end content, which leaves me with not much else to do. Awarding gear according to content difficulty completely makes sense.

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I differ,In the matter of pvp it wouldn’t be equal ,after all this game does have wpvp. To not want people to be equal in that value means there is indeed an imbalance of power.

It’s a very rare occurrence that some people greatly over-exaggerate. These casual players aren’t going to be swimming in 400+ loot unless they put in a lot of time doing a lot of world quests and even then it would require a great deal of luck.


I’m not saying they’re swimming in it. I just don’t think that I should be anywhere near a heroic or mythic ilevel of I don’t even run that content.

I haven’t touched a raid at all this expansion. I haven’t run a key higher than 4.

I have a character at 400 ilevel.

That, to me, is wrong and devalues the rewards those raiders get.

But we all have differing opinions. I just feel it gives me no incentive to do anything and we shouldn’t be putting casual players on the same level as dedicated raiders.

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How’s it hurting a heroic and mythic raider when they have first choice in gearing?


I don’t agree I have a 408 character that never raided and does M+ and that character doesn’t devalue raiders.


Did I pinch your fancy…

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It’s devaluing their efforts and making everyone else lazy and have no incentive to even run this content. Whether it’s high M+ or raids.

We have people whining about gear and yet they don’t even want to raid. They think it should be handed to them.

This game was better when there were tiers of gearing and paths to get there. You got the gear for the content you did and that was good enough. People had incentive to run higher content, join guilds, work as a team, achiev goals.

Now… they log in, do a few world quests, whine there’s nothing to do and sit around at a nearly heroic ilevel of gear with no reason to step into a raid, because they can get the same gear without the challenge or effort.

That, to me, spells doom for a good solid MMORPG.