Remove timers from M+

How is it skill to take weeks to clear a raid? Thats how

Raid has weekly lockout.

M+ can be farmed, without timer, anyone can be boosted by guildies and friends to +15, for max weekly reward and 210 gear.

It took me 4 +13 runs to get a +14 key for weekly reward, with your dumb system, I’d get it easily and have 210 gear farmed up in days.

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Wow, and you accuse others of strawman, and here you are doing it yourself.

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And anyone can be carried in any part of the game your point? Clearing difficult content should be rewarded whether it takes an hour or a week


I actually like the timer in M+!

Maybe I’m weird, but I enjoy time-attack content now and then.

It’s a different form of content then raiding where you can take a more slower approach, and helps break up the monotony that this game can feel like sometimes.

This is why when I level I usually level with a combination of Questing/Dungeons, Dungeons/PvP, or Questing/PvP. Helps me focus better when I’m juggling.

No you can’t. With timer here, you can’t be carried, if you did any 10+ keys you’d know 4 people can’t meet timer if 5th doesn’t do anything, but also dies and adds -time to timer.

You can be carried by boosters you pay, but not guildies or anyone.

People sell key carries all the time to think otherwise is delusional

Yeah, sold by people who time +18 keys.

Do you know anyone who times +18 keys?

Yes and they carry thier guildies you act as if these people don’t have friends they help for free

I would be fine with this option as well, I had friends that were always trying to get me to try higher keys during BfA but the timer made me always decline, I don’t like having the thought in the back of my head that if I made one mistake it could cost us the timer, which being friends I know they didn’t care about, but I still put the unnecessary pressure on myself.

Still have friends trying to convince me to try it, but again it goes back to the whole pressure on myself thing.

Sure, they carry their friends, are you their friend though?
If it’s so easy, why aren’t you getting boosts in +14?

Oh wait, it’s not, it’s hard to carry dead weight.

Timer exists for a reason. If you don’t understand it, that’s on you.

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Most people aren’t dead weight though, most classes bring some value at least to a group whether is stuns cc interrupts. Etc even if they’re dmg isn’t top tier utility is more useful in some cases.

If you’re struggling to time +6 keys, but want timer removed so you can reach +14, then you’d be dead weight in +14 with timer.
4 other people would need to make up for your low damage, no interrupts, no cc, and deaths if you don’t afk at entrance.

Don’t do them if you can’t handle it.

Well, didn’t you just say earlier that only damage matters, so only high aoe classes get in?
Now you say utility matters?
pick a lane.

They added timers to add a challenge to the game. It’s the same reason bosses have enrages. Maybe you just suck?

No one said ONLY dmg matters

This is why there’s a timer, this is how many dungs it took me to get to +14 pugging.

Without timer, it’d be 10-11-12-13-14-15.

If you can’t handle the key, you get easier one, it’s simple.

So you clearly could do a +14 but an arbitrary timer made it so you had to suffer through tons of lower level keys than what your skill is at. That sounds like perfect system.

No arbitrary timer, we messed up on a pack with mage pulling extra pack before prideful. Actions have consequences, sometimes you’ll be 5 secs off timer, sometimes 2 mins, that’s just how it is.

Without the timer, they’d need to add like 2 more affixes to make getting to +14/+15 much harder, while also making it take hours.

You know why? Gear.
Gear is reward of m+.
Without timer, people would reach at least 5 keys above what they can now and get better gear. Unless you want +10 loot moved to +16, and your +6 to +12. And only 1 item dropping for 5 people, instead of 2 when you time the key.