Remove the stupid Vote kick System

Im so glad i started calling you people Cyber Karens because it describes you perfectly.
What you are throwing a temper tantrum about is a minor inconvenience in a video game. Go quest or farm, log onto another toon, play a different game, do something irl. Just do anything else with your time.
Nobody is losing any sleep over this except you. We’re not letting the occasional annoyance live rent free in our heads.

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When did I ever say that I don’t care that people get unfairly punished? Please point to a single time I said that.

I’ve said repeatedly that it sucks that it does on the VERY rare occasion happen. Also, if it did happen to me I would be annoyed for a minute, but then remember that me getting that 30 min debuff is the lesser of two evils and it’s WAY better than not having the debuff at all. And then I would log on an alt, or go do something else for those 30 minutes.

Clearly you’ve never seen the other side of the coin. You would be crying like a baby about how toxic the tanks and healers were, and that something needs to be done because the innocent DPS don’t deserve these 30-45 min Q times.

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Mastery has nothing to do with what you quoted.

Wearing all of your armor type gives you a 5% bonus to your main stat, that’s not mastery.

It’s why we don’t mix and match arnor types anymore and your bis is your highest armor type.

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It’s more that there is no reasonable solution that allows vote kicks to punish trolls but can’t also be used to troll itself.

And it’s demonstrable that someone getting unfairly kicked happens far less often that the amount of trolling that would go on without a kick penalty.

Never said that but you can think what you want.

Didn’t say that, the punishment isn’t too harsh, 30 minutes isn’t long.

And you’re free to have your opinion but how can a system know who’s who. Your ramping debuff idea will just have the same issue, oh but at least it’s not as long right?

I find it funny that you’re equating hanging people to a 30min time out.

It was Cata dungeons, it was in a Blackrock Caverns run.

A ramping debuff would just be permission to troll at whatever rate the ramping drops off.

He is, in fact, not entirely wrong.

But wrong on the things that matter.

I’ve never been kicked and I’ve probably done a hundred + dungeons on multiple toons. It’s a you problem.

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Only fitting for Cata classic to usher in toxic toddler brains at a similar rate to original Cata.

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The very first dungeon I did in Cata, everybody was in quest gear. The tank tried to pull like he was in Remix. He died as he should then barked “healer get good” even though we saved it without him. Then he initiated a votekick. I knew right then how Cata was gonna go.

Vote kick this OP

Yup… kicked from last boss in ZG cause the tank didn’t know what to do.

But kick the hunter, cause they are always the problem lol./

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I’m 100% sure it wasnt because you were being toxic or anything. Just randomly kicked you for no reason at all.

Tank tried to skip all mobs in lost city of Tol’vir after using wall jump exploit and killing first boss, failed horribly healer died on skip, healer is dying over and over trying to get back to group I go back to help, die, tank rages on me via whisper before I can reply = kicked and debuff

Tank was Belf palidin from whitemane IGN started with a K (All I can put to avoid breaking their TOS sadly) will be dropping his IGN all over discord with the vid warning people about them, would love to drop it here

And no I am not a forum troll just someone who thinks trash like that tank should not have power to ruin other people’s play experience

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LOL nope. Didnt say anything. hung around the chains for the smash, while the tank wandered around like a drunk sailor.

Keep spewing crap about stuff you have no idea what happened.

I got kicked the other day for saying “This tank is hard to heal”. It was a Pali from Grobbulus. His ilevel was around 570 to my 560. He was literally getting trucked with every hit. No one died until a dps ran into an extra mob. I healed the 2 remaining dps through, then after a caps lock “check my logs you dumb C—” and a few more one liners of the same caliber, I was vote kicked.

I didn’t really need the valor. I was there to see about building a Shadow set so rather than wait out the 30 minute debuff, I logged and enjoyed the rest of my day offline.

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I wasn’t even aware there was valor in retail still.

If we’re talking about Cata, 570 and 560 iLvl should absolutely destroy the dungeon, you shouldn’t even NEED to heal. But then again, iLvls above 500 don’t exist in Cata Classic. I think the highest right now is around 372?

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It has come to the point where as soon as a group wipes you gotta kick someone, doesnt matter who, we need a scapegoat!

372 is heroic loot and 379 off heroic Sinestra

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