Remove the stupid Vote kick System

You can’t stop people from trolling, it’s impossible. So there are going to be the very RARE occasions where somebody gets vote kicked for no justified reason. But, there are worse things out there, and you have to take the lesser of two evils. And in this case, the lesser of two evils “BY FAR”, is the 30 min debuff.


Getting kicked by a troll bad enough as it is. Then getting banned for 30 minutes? No thanks. Needs to be changed.

Once again, your brain somehow fails to understand the reasons for the 30 min debuff. You had tanks/healers hold runs hostage over and over again. And on top of that you had healers/tanks selling heroic dungeon Qs to players.

Both things drove up the wait time for DPS for dungeons to sometimes well over 45 minutes.

It started out as a 15 min debuff… or maybe even 10 I don’t remember. That didn’t stop it. So then they bumped it to 30 minutes, and for the most part that put an end to the nonsense.

The 30 min debuff, as I said is the lesser of two evils. Like it or not, it is observably better than what we had before the debuff.


I have never observed this behavior and I have played since TBC. What I have observed, and many other players on the forums have observed, its that people who get the slightest ick in a dungeon start tossing out vote kicks like no tomorrow.

Right because they have the 30 min debuff. The same debuff that’s been there since original cata because of the exact reasons I stated. Be THANKFUL that it’s there so you don’t have to observe it.

Many others? There are like 10 people on the forums complaining about it with an army of forum alts lol. That’s hardly “many others”.


Ten single posts about one issue? If that many people are coming to the forums to complain about it imagine how many are just in game and don’t ever consider the forums as an option to voice their grievances? You’re also making assumptions when you say they are alts, you can’t prove that.

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They aren’t coming here because they have probably been around long to know it happens sometimes and you gotta take the good with the bad.

They are right, if there was no debuff you would see tanks and healers walking into these runs making demands on the group. With no debuff its no sweat off their back, they just hop back in and you sit around waiting on another tank.

It exists and has continued to exist for a reason. Blizzard didn’t just stick it in to be pricks.

If you’re from Pagle or Grobb I’m immediately voting to kick.

There are lots of things that should not happen but they do… It is a fact of life.

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Coming from a dude on Benediction, that’s hilarious.

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Vast majority of WoW players don’t even look at the forums, let alone post on them.

Naming your feral druid Williamferal…did you try Chucknorrish first and find out it was taken?

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Bro your rat in on moon guard lmfao.

Wait till you learn how the world works

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He’s not wrong. At least remove the queue lock out. I saw 3 healers get removed in a row because a tank is a moron. There’s not a logical reason these healers should get a lockout for 30 mins because a tank never heard of mana.


yeah that’s sad. No wonder cata is more dead by the day. My prediction is that P2 of cata (firelands) will be the peak of the xpack then back to being slow again.

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Nice comeback there, even though it has no relevance to Cata Classic.

Keep trying though, you’ll get it soon enough.


Thomas the Train

The main problem with the vote kick system is that people want it to be changed. The number of people unjustly removed from groups is far fewer than the amount of people who deserve to be removed, I would say to a neglidgable amount.

You agree that there should be a system in place but don’t provide an example of what that’d be. Likely because anything you’d suggest wouldn’t be as effective as what’s currently in place. Any system in place has the potential to get abused, leave it as it is, it’s fine.

And their logic would be better to wait 15min than 30.

It will happen no matter what system is in place.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Complete and utter hyperbole, I’ve yet to see someone banned for a bad reason. Even a bad tank in my group didn’t get kicked because even though he was a horrible tank and messed up mechanics and sometimes even died, the DPS and the healers were enough to make up for it. This notion that people are getting kicked for unjust reasons left and right is complete hyperbole and quite honestly I believe is perpetuated by forum trolls and bad players.

He is in fact, wrong.


Exactly this, people were very much toxic about forming groups long before RDF and Vote kick.

It takes some serious rose colored glasses to try to pretend otherwise.

Yea… OP is one of those people that are crazy bad at the game and prob got kicked for a good reason.

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Moon guard is prolly worse than Pagle, we already know you’re trash from your server, you don’t need to make threads about how bad you are, we all already know.