Remove the stupid Vote kick System

It’s ironic that call for the death to petty tyrants, yet you and your ilk (alts) are more petty than most on these forums.

Plus, I’m sure that Tom Petty doesn’t like being called a tyrant.

Yep! This happened to me one run, and then my friend the next. We were just doing random heroics and both times, someone went ape poopy and kicked us. We weren’t doing bad at all.

The first time, the tank wasn’t using his cooldowns and died several times. He also didn’t wait for the healer to get mana and later in the run, caused a wipe. I battle rezzed him once and then he died again, which caused said wipe. Right after we released, they kicked me and no words were said.

The next run, the tank decided he didn’t want to do the run and went afk. So we kicked him out. Right after, they kicked my friend out. They didn’t even do anything wrong. They didn’t even say why, they just did it on a whim.

People are completely abusing the vote to kick system. They need to change it, because this is not working.

Every person posting in this thread is why Cata Classic sucks, even me. I buy tons of gold and dont get banned for it, its great.

Another liar busted. “Shocking”

If you just kicked the tank out that would leave 4 people in the dungeon. So you would have had to vote kicked your friend out for the 3 votes to pass.


Do you have nothing better to do than attack people on the forums? I didn’t vote kick my friend, they replaced the tank and as soon as the new guy got in there, they kicked my friend. That’s all I know.

changing your story now to fit the narrative once you’ve been busted in the lie.


Query, if someone tells you they don’t like your behavior in chat would you change that said behavior or blow up on them? lol

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17 posts, playing the victim…I smell a Hottie alt.


Pins aren’t required online.

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I think the main problem with the vote kick system is the unnecessary 30 minute debuff. I understand and agree there that there should be a way to remove toxic group members, but when the system is abused it doubles the pain when you are then also banned from queueing.

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This has been stated many many many many times…
The debuff is there for a reason and it is totally necessary.

If you’ve been kicked (and I assume you have) then you are looking to get it removed so you can AFK or be toxic or be a burden to your group w/o a penalty.

Oh well – the debuff will live as long as Cata Classic is here.

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It’s amazing some people don’t seem to understand that the debuff is to prevent people from trolling in the first place.


I agree. All this does is punish players who do get kicked unjustly.

I also understand that the deserter debuff is there to prevent players from holding a dungeon hostage, however, entering a dungeon from the dungeon finder incurs a 15 minute cooldown before it can be used again, so even if someone held a dungeon hostage and got kicked, they’d have to wait 15 minutes anyway.

I’m honestly waiting for the day when we can pay good money to be able to reach our arm through a computer screen and beach slap a 304.

You’re being disingenuous if you think the only time people are kicked from dungeons is when they actually deserve it.

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The VAST majority of the time they actually deserve it. Radalpho has said many many times that YES there are some very rare occasions where people get kicked that should not have been kicked. But those instances are just that… rare.

I’ve not seen votekick abuse on a single toon that I’ve leveled up via RDF or geared to pre raid BiS through heroics. And that’s a ton of dungeons to have ran and not seen any abuse of the system.

Also the vote kicks are not just for keeping people from holding dungeons hostage. It’s also to stop healers and tanks from selling dungeon Qs. This was a huge thing back in the day as well and added a TON of time to how long it took DPS to get into runs.

The 30 min debuff is needed. We are far better with it than without it. Even though on the VERY RARE occasion a kick can happen for no apparent reason.


Read what Vizual just stated and you know my answer as well.

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Wait till I’m in your group.

I’m kicking and for reason I’m putting “Pagle”.

I mean you COULD do that, but since i’ve not run a single dungeon on this toon since the day after it hit 85 and I got pre raid bis… it would be pretty hard to do.

And even IF you did run into me, or one of my alts, and the votekick was simply for “Pagle”, and I was doing my job, It likely would not go through.

And even IF it did go through, that would be completely fine with me, becuase I know my 1 random vote kick in the probably thousand runs that I’ve done, is far better than what we would have if we didn’t have the 30 min debuff. I’ll just get one one of my many alts and fill the time in other ways as the debuff counts down. I won’t come here and cry, make up lies about how it “happens all the time”.


I don’t care how often it happens. It shouldn’t happen at all.