Remove the stupid Vote kick System

I mean, does the guild UI change the spirit and core of era? Idc about your end comments about cata and wow tokens as neither are in era.

You just ranted about the guild UI like it means something serious. Don’t get me wrong I prefer the classic one as well across all versions of the game but, the core of classic era is still there.

If the guild UI is really just your biggest gripe then idk man sounds like you just want to be mad for the sake for being mad

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s…t…f…u goo goo gooo ogooo oooogooogogogogoogog

Makes it harder to trash talk off line guildies.

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This is incorrect. It’s an assumption you thought sounded nice and are using to construct your argument.
When designing LFG the devs had to answer one question. How does the group deal with a player who the other 3-4 do not want in the group? That can be for any reason or no reason at all. And the answer was the vote kick system. There is no fairness. There is no responsibility. Those who kick you owe you nothing nor are they accountable for your inability to emotionally handle being kicked.

If hypocrisy was money your wealth would be enviable.


I think it’s just the millennial/zoomer cusper that I am, but I just make a new discord server to invite the cool guildies into so we can trash talk the other guildies.

But I do see what you mean though.

If all you see is headlights, maybe you’re in the wrong lane.

I don’t get it, I’ve never been kicked from a group… maybe I’m doing something wrong?

Just start mouthing off to the tank/healers, pull random stuff, insult the other dps spec and performance, stand in all the fire and afk randomly.

Don’t worry you’ll be kicked in no time.

They have to always have something to blame other than themselves for any and all issues they face. Because it is never their fault.

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Me and my guildies bad mouth eachother to eachothers faces.

We have a few ledge lords from tbc raiding still. (Nicknames given from walking off the ledge on sunwell twins boss before pull time)

The irony.

100% needs to be removed. it’s abused in every single dungeon i’ve run in the last month.

not to mention I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of exploit/bug atm where someone can get kicked without a vote going out. Just got kicked from a dungeon and no one knew why or even saw a vote. they were still pming me like i was in the dungeon and talking strats

No you’re so wrong !! It’s east coast on west coast. Ateish is kicked from pagle and Benedict realm which is east coast. I was kicked yesterday for no reason at all level 71 Warlock. East coast doesn’t like west coast. Know your facts and know what you’re even talking about before you comment. Different time ….same week Also my guildy was kicked 2 mins later when he said brb He was moving with us and was back. They abuse the system. Thousands of dollars into a PC and a sub for wow and this is what we get. Keep the kicking let us laugh but don’t put the 30 min buff on us. Smh

I am sure this is also true for them in real life.

Doubtful any of this happened.

can you imagine the drama fests your changes would ensure?

imagine kicking bc ur from a different time zone kekw
wow players man lmao a different breed 4 sure.

What are you even on about? And you spent thousands on a computer for classic?

No one is kicking because of time zone - nice story that never happened.
Did they boot you for being toxic, afk, or a burden? This is the most likely case of what happened.

You spent “thousands” on a pc for classic wow only? Hmmmm…well that seems to tell me everything I need to know.

OP got kicked and big mad

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