Remove the Questing Addons

no. you are clearly not understanding my points. let me spell it out for you.

questing addons are just there like a rotational helper in live. you dont look at it unless you are lost and need assistance. you could be neck deep in it and focus on it at the cost of your situational awareness but that would not be to your benifit. othewise the boss does something that 1 shots you or you miss a stun or an interrupt that wipes the whole party.

quest helpers , like wowhead or other such guides that you seem not to have a problem with, are just that . helpers.

the lfg addon wouldve cut down on the personal nature of grouping. it just felt bad to people even if it was innocuous which is debatable thus the threads about it.


Its not like i could pull wowhead up on one of my other 3 monitors, or just have it conveniently ingame while im questing. Its not like this is a addon that only effects my personal experience with the game. How does it effect other players? What does it give me a unfair advantage that i know where to go, but this other player doesn’t? This entire thread is completely pointless.


But there is a huge difference between having an addon that tells you where to go in the game, and having to exit the game (or at least turn away from it) to find that information.

No doubt plenty of people will make the decision to look up the quest, I get that. BUT there is a chance that some people without the convenience of the addon will instead decide that they don’t want to break up their gameplay and will read the quest and engage with the RPG portion of the game.

That’s the whole point of Classic is it not? To take away all these small conveniences and actually engage with the game again?


It will not ever stop ! retail hippie’s will continue to troll and try to ruin classic because they live in a world where everything is free, everybody is equal, everyone’s owed something an they receive no gratification form working hard to accomplish and then receive an award or praise. If its not instant gratification and being able to attain what others have by being able to purchase it or have it given to them they are never happy. I mean seriously look at retail forums they are still asking for more. Once the hand out begin they are never enough. separate the forums and make it so you have to level to 20 in classic before you can even post. This will get rid of 80% of the trolls and cry babies.

maybe the guy is an advertiser on wowhead and wants his ads seen?

i actually paid so i dont have to see the addons . my computer thanked me by not lagging when i opened it with no adds or broken scripts :smiley:.

Questing Add-ons hurt the community; with one everyone will easily know where to find Mankirk’s Wife.

oh right its not like we have memes that are 15 years old or anything…

Adblocker and popup blocker is a must, wowhead has a pretty bad rep with the amount of adds the site has.

We don’t all care about the leveling phase… people used thottbot anyway…


Ok your understanding is extremely limited so I’ll do my best to break it down for you.

Quest addons completely butcher the RPG aspect of the game. They encourage and assist with mindless thoughtless play and ruin the experience of the user and everyone that user will encounter.

i think it was like 6 $ for 6 months sub . i hate to reward them for bad ads and scripts but bleh i had to do it with as much as i use it to find transmog pieces.

enough with you. they dont butcher it. even with a questing addon you still have to be mindful of what youre doing. it has never ruined the experience for me.

sounds like youve never used one to actually think like you do.

tell me… how is a questing addon in any way different that opening up wowhead on your second monitor and looking at the map and coords that it shows. is the coords addon not allowed in your mind either?

or are you a nefarious ad person on wowhead wanting your ads to be seen?

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Some people arn’t here for the RPG aspect of the game, were here to be apart of a community and play the original game that so many of us missed out on. Quest addons are a convenience that has existed since vanilla, all it does is save me 1-2 mins from looking up the details on wowhead/thotbot. Please explain to me how this convenience effects the community as a whole?

Edit: Also having to alt tab to look up some quest details on wowhead/thobot does nothing but bring me out of the immersive experience.

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Thottbot, wowhead, alakahzam all do/did the same thing.

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i think in game quest information would be great for people experiencing the ‘vanilla’ experience for the first time. having that information doesn’t mean they are going to ignore anything. i think it far more likely the ignoring is going to be from the power gamers who remember all the quest and are in a race to 60 to start raiding.

LOL I can tell you definitely need your hand hold addon since you can’t even read the thread, no way you can read the quests in game.

We’ve gone over ad nauseum why quest helper addons ruin the game, read the many posts or find an addon to do it for you.

The thing is that it still takes a conscious effort to decide they want to skip figuring out quests and a required effort to go online to find the solution. Sure a few extra might not look it up, but I also don’t believe it would be in any significant number.

and regardless of that, it also only impacts the player who chooses to use those things which is why I don’t see it as a problem.

Hell I would even advocate that newer players don’t use addons or look things up, and get lost in the world because it can be a pretty awesome experience. That is however ultimately up to the player to decide that.

The point of Classic was to get Vanilla’s gameplay systems back. It wasn’t for us on the forums to try to dictate exactly how other players were supposed to play the game.

The great thing about Vanilla is that there wasn’t one “correct” way to play it. So long as the addon isn’t harming the community(like the LFG one would have), then I see no problems with allowing it.

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Ah yes resort to insulting and putting him down to make his opinion seem lesser.

Blizzard I’m a really important person and my opinion matters more than anyone else’s does.

You should listen to everything I say and make the game exactly as I specify.

Anybody not playing the game exactly the way I want them to should be banned.

Sincerely the one, the only,



Yikes my dude