quest helping addons were in vanilla meaning they are apart of the vanilla experience…
Blizzard can’t do this, infact just having the game run on a modern client goes against this, the updated addon api goes against this. Plus the general gaming community is alot different then it was 12-13 years ago. Welcome to reality, its 2019 not 2004. This a remaster not a recreation.
Edit: Also the fact that we as players have so much more information and tools available to us then back in the day changes everything.
What are you talking about?
I have Commander at 60, Onyxia’s Lair at 60, leveled unarmed and other weapon skills to 400, Hero of Zandalari, and Upper Blackrock Spire(60).
I cleared MC, BWL, AQ40 to Twins, and cleared 2 wings of Naxx but it didn’t record anything for some reason in the achievements.
First and foremost, people are not guaranteed to be helpful regardless of whether you are using a quest addon. The quest addon influences your solo experience alone and no one elses. If some meanies were calling you dumb in general chat, that’s not the addons fault.
The LFG tool however, automates a function that bypasses one of the largest elements of WoW Classic. If you did not have the addon, you would be impacted significantly. You would not have access to as many grouping options.
It directly isolates players who do not want to use / do not know about the addon from a section of the game that can now only be accessed by players who use this tool.
Yes, you can still look for groups in chat, but guess what? No ones going to see your message because they hit the Find Party on LFG and tabbed out until the party finished filling up.
Questing addons have absolutely no where near that devastating of an impact on the game. And yea, there are some addons that are permitted that do isolate players, namely DBM, but its not an addon that affects the social element of the game and is generally determined by your guild or pug raid whether or not they consider it mandatory.
you know , sometimes i dont agree with you but, on this youre right.
quite honestly though in stress test if i diddnt remember the quests i wouldve been completely lost as to what to do in even the gnome starting area. i knew the quests but i tried reading them to remind me where to go and the quest text is freaking useless for alot of them.
i imagine people who dont know about wowhead or questing addons wandering around lost for hours only to end up grinding mobs cause they gave up.
No it isn’t. People are being a little more silly since a Blizzard employee made a statement. It will die down. The add-on being blocked is truly one that divides the community into those who use it vs. those who do not. A questing add-on does not do this and Blizzard knows this. There is a big difference between an add-on that affects the entire server vs. an add-on that affects the individual only.
Incorrect. As I stated before I understand that it takes very little effort to look up a quest, but that little effort is still more engaging than mindlessly following a GPS while you barely pay attention to what you do in game.
People might not download all sorts of addons, what does that have to do with whether they’re allowed or not?
Here’s the thing though. You’ve insisted that these questing addons offer nothing that you can’t get from looking up quests on WoWhead? So why have them at all then? If these questing addons offer no advantage over looking up the quest than there should be no issue with getting rid of them and just seeing if players actually engage with the RPG portion of the game.
lol good luck with that when you wander into a roaming pack of mobs or some other such hilarity .
people have to control their character and theres not very many places in game where you can just auto run and not pay attention.
OK, but questing addons do have a deleterious impact on the game. It may not be as severe as LFG (very debatable), but it’s still bad. Are we only going to ban harmful addons if they’re as harmful as LFG?
See what I mean now?
So then it sounds like these questing addons aren’t very useful and could even make the experience worse for a player? Why are we keeping these harmful addons again?
You made a whole thread because the LFG addon is being broken? Just like Blizz said they would do. Stop throwing tantrums and get ready to have fun Monday.
Why y’all so insecure about your hand holding addons that you constantly have to deflect to the LFG addon?
Is Vanilla WoW really that hard for y’all without being led around on a leash?
this cracks me up. we have classic servers. monday is close. go play, have fun. who cares if joe has quest helper that directs him to where his quest is located.
And who cares if people use an LFG add-on?
LFG’rs are so salty right now, kek
i sure don’t.
Care to add anything else to the discussion?
My point is that if we’re going to say “but some people might not look it up” as an argument, then literally the same argument applies to the addon: Some people might not download it.
In both cases it takes a conscious effort on the part of the player to decide “I don’t want to bother with figuring out quests”. Once a player has made that decision, do you really think that making them search it on WoWhead is going to be that much of a barrier that making them download and install an addon wouldn’t have been?
The point of allowing the addon, if it doesn’t cause harm to the community as a whole, is to allow players to customize their personal experience with the game.
Players needing to put ever so slightly more effort into looking up a quest on WoWhead doesn’t have any significant impact on the community as a whole as far as I can see.