Remove the Questing Addons

If we’re going to start removing the mods that makes the game closer to retail, why don’t you disable questing add-ons?

These add-ons clearly interrupt the Classic experience, because they did not arrive until later versions of WoW via Carbonite.

It allows players to automate their questing experience by guiding them to the location of each quest which is not inline with the Classic experience which required players to read text and socialize to discover the location of questing mobs and items.



How about no.



wat? /10char

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It depends on just how much the addon is doing, but quest helper was an addon during actual Vanilla.


It would be fine. I’ll join the no addons crew!


Now we are just getting ridiculous.


No, this was inevitable.

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That a vocal minority thinks they can dictate what experience everyone else should have?

Yeah, seems to be the way this is heading.


Questing addons are kind of a grey area for me.

I don’t think they would have as much effect on the game as say, the ClassicLFG addon.

But if you feel differently, I’d love to hear other people’s opinion on this.

Quest mod’s are entirely personal. There is no comparison.

(Note: I hate quest mods and dont use them, but they do not impact the Server)


I honestly don’t like the questing addon, but it won’t at all disrupt the community like lfg would have.

So, I would have to say it should stay.


They don’t automate like the LFG add-on does.


The removal of addons is going to be great



I honestly don’t think either one have much of an impact really. I don’t care lfg addons getting disabled, but Blizzard’s writing on these quests would have to be much better than what they were for no quest helpers. This isn’t exactly Morrowind directions on these things.

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Cope harder

They literally show you where to go for all of the quests.

These were not around during most of Vanilla’s lifetime, and emerged on later patches. If we’re going for the OG Vanilla experience, then most players did not have them until much later in Vanilla.

I find it hilarious that the “community” (loosely used) gets frustrated when someone makes an LFG Addon, but are fully embracing mods that clearly did not exist for most of Vanilla’s lifetime.

If we’re going to go partial Cave Man, we might as well go full Cave Man.


I don’t know how you anyone can in good faith argue that questing addons don’t ruin the experience. By not knowing where to go and what to do that forced you to interact with people for directions/help/etc.

Having these super convenient quest addons completely removes that part of the experience. If you don’t support the removal of these addons then you clearly are just a retail tourist.


Since they don’t automate anything in-game, they wont have any real major impact on Classic. We already saw these addons in Vanilla and it didn’t have a big impact.

In all honesty leveling guides will probably have a bigger impact than questing addons since they teach people how to level several magnitudes faster than they otherwise could have.