I know without quest addons I’d just use Joana’s guide or similar, questing and leveling isn’t a journey for everyone, for some of us it’s just a means to an end, and that end, gearing, raiding, etc, is where we have fun
You and every poster in this topic don’t represent every person who will use a quest helper addon. Even if only a small percent of quest helper addon users would instead figure out the quest rather than look it up, that’s still worthwhile.
Not true at all. You may realize you missed something about the quest the first time. Or having gotten to 60 and more knowledge about the world you see the quest in a new light and/or from a different perspective. Also, I meant more that you were unlikely to complete every zone on your way to 60 your first time around, but you’ve inadvertently made a tremendous point in favor of banning quest helper addons.
Missing a quest in a zone the first time and discovering it in your next playthrough adds incredible replay value to the game. Not discovering absolutely everything your first time in a zone is a great thing and keeps the world mysterious and exciting.
Lore isn’t important to everyone true, and the same goes for raiding and pvp and crafting etc. Yet all those things still have an impact on the game and the players, whether the players care about those things or not. That’s what make the world feel like a world, why should the lore of the world be excluded from this?
Yes I understand that. My point is that the people who don’t use quest helper addons only being beaten by the speed levelers is slightly better than being beaten by both the speed levelers and then all the quest helper addon users.
Endgame resource competition is going to be a nightmare regardless but every little bit helps.
If the only sample you have are the people in this forum and the overwhelming majority have stated they would just alt tab and look it up then thats pretty much a good consensus of what the majority of questhelper users would do. Those who got questhelper not only looked up on a site for a questhelper, downloaded the app to get the questhelper and then downloaded the questhelper went through a lot of work when compared to alt tabbing and looking at a site or asking someone on chat. They dont wanna ask chat obviously.
You’re also neglecting that just cause you’re using a questhelper addon doesnt necessarily mean you’re skipping reading the quest text anyway as the questhelper just shows you where the quests are located, it doesnt skip the clicking on the questgiver and accepting the quest. You can do both read the quest text and use a questhelper at the sametime.
I mean I will give you that missing a quest the first time around does add replayability but you’re talking to people who have played the game with or without questhelpers for maximum of 15 years… Obviously the game has replayability regardless.
I never said it should be excluded. If its important to you then I hope all the lore is great lore but not everyone plays for the same reason. You cant force your playstyle onto someone else. I myself don’t care much for lore but you dont see me asking them to get rid of quest text or for a more extreme example, to get rid of lore altogether do you? Thats the beauty of questhelper, it has no impact on your lore or your exploring zones as you don’t have to use it to enjoy the game if you dont want to.
But thats not a legitimate reason to break an addon. Otherwise you’d be in favor of getting rid of the websites that provide the same content and even if you are in favor of that, “slightly better” isn’t a legitimate reason for breaking either of them.
Pls go back under your bridge, you arent entertaining.
I’ll translate …
“wah I didn’t get my LFG addon, lets trash the room in protest, #noaddons because I didn’t get my LFG addon … wah wah wah … I got told to go back to retail …”
Get a life
The majority aren’t vocal.
Everyone on forums is a vocal minority, you and your followers are the minority vocal minority for the LFG thing (which is obviously what you are alluding to).
I don’t like arrow and marker quest addons either, but there are no secrets in vanilla now. The days of “Where is X NPC” are sadly unretrievable. It won’t effect the all important white text chat when you’re in the quest zone.
It won’t hurt forming groups and meaningful social interactions. I personally do agree that it will hurt immersion because rather than following in game POIs and such it’ll descend into the modern ‘follow the big blue blob or yellow arrow’-- but that’s more akin to ruining a single player experience.
It is the MMO features that need protecting in Classic, because unfortunately the more personal RPG elements cannot be due to time and knowledge.
That would fall under socializing and alt tabbing actually takes longer than just reading the quest text itself or socializing. It was the worst of the available options. With Questhelper it is actually the most efficient and the least social and most mindless as well. It has no downsides and a few actual negatives.
Remove asap.
No that’s the only sample YOU have and it’s a pretty poor one at that, seeing as this just one topic on one forum that not everyone uses. You are the one assuming that all quest helper users will look up every quest, I’m merely suggesting that may not be the case. See the difference?
Absolutely, but the temptation is there. You skip one quest, then another and then another. What led to retail was a tiny convenience here and a tiny concession there, over and over again. Take away the quest helper addons and that temptation to just auto pilot the game isn’t as strong, and that’s good.
Yes, so why remove replay-ability for the sake of convenience? The game is so compelling because it’s not full of these little conveniences, because that’s what makes an RPG feel realistic and immersive.
But it does! When people in the game don’t know the story of the game or the lore or have any sort of context for why we’re killing this dragon or fighting these orcs that makes the game so much less immersive. It’s hard to care about the RPG elements of the game when no one around you does.
I’d agree that it’s not a great reason to get rid of an addon on it’s own, but it’s a perfectly valid reason among many others as to why these addons should be banned.
All these addons do is add “mild convenience” at the cost of absolutely gutting the rpg elements of the game. No one is taking away your wowhead, why do you also need an in game GPS too?
Would you like to deflect some more?
A bunch of people whining on the forums doesn’t equal a “majority”. Generally, in these situations, this kind of thing comes from a vocal minority. You see it all the time in politics. Same thing applies here.
Im not suggesting that all users will look up every quest, Im suggesting the majority of them will. I dont even use questhelper and I would prefer to alt tab and find it on the website than to ask chat.
Or you remove how some people prefer to enjoy the game with an addon that doesnt affect other players and it removes the temptation for them to play the game which then actually does affect you by there being less of a community.
There has been 15 years of leveling and questhelper has not taken away from the replayability of leveling yet. There are other conveniences that were made that made leveling worse.
Ive played this game for well over a decade without caring about the lore aside from maybe a little of the Lich King… It has not made the game unenjoyable or not immersive to me. I still care about a lot of the RPG elements that are coming back to classic and not knowing about the lore takes nothing away from that. I dont really care whether people I play with or who I see around me knows about the lore either, it has no effect on me. Thats more a you thing than a game thing.
Its a mild convenience that youd never know if someone is even using it or not… It only bugs you because you dont like it.
Ok and as I already stated if even if it’s a minority who decide to play the game and engage the RPG aspect of it, then it’s worth it. Wowhead and alt-tabbing will still be there for the rest.
Once again the add-on does affect others, and if people are only playing Classic because they can use Quest Helpers to auto pilot the questing then well…Classic isn’t for them.
Precisely my point. Quest Helper is one of many cuts that killed questing and leveling, lets not go with half measures and get rid of only some of the things that killed questing.
Yes, YOU don’t care about the lore, and you don’t care about immersion, but other people do! No one has a problem expecting a bare minimum of competency when it comes to playing the game, but expecting players to have bare minimum understanding of the game’s lore and story is too much? Why? Is it really too much to ask of you to actually care just a little about this game besides just the loot?
Again whether I know if people are using the addon is not the point. The addon has an overall affect on the community that can be felt even if I can’t point to the exact source.
Yes it does bug me because I don’t like it, this is a game that we pay for and there will be things I like and things I don’t. I’ll advocate for the things I like and and argue against the things I don’t. Trying to dismiss me because “I don’t like it” is childish.
And if you have people using questhelper, people using alt tab or dual monitors and people asking chat because theyre social butterflies and theyve all coexisted for 15 years, why should we just break it now?
Questhelpers came out in Classic so in reality, its one of the most authentic things to Classic and one of the things that survived 15 years from Classic. Its likely survived longer than your subscription did. Again though, it doesn’t effect others.
Not sure where you think I proved your point by saying that theres been 15 years of questing and quest helper has done nothing to damage the replayability of it but whatev, you do you. The other conveniences made to leveling is what made leveling worse, none of which is from questhelper.
In this very thing you responded to I said I care about a lot of the RPG elements that are coming back to Classic but all you reference is loot? lol, cmon man you can do better than this. You can have questhelper and take in and understand the lore all at the sametime. Questhelper may let you avoid some things but it doesnt mandate that you skip the lore or reading the quest.
The source is your psyche. Thats it. You dont like it so it effects YOU. What amuses me is youre here fighting for an addon that does nothing to actually effect how YOU play the game, how YOUR character progresses, how YOU choose to immerse yourself to get broken when theres a rumor going around that tradeskillmaster is coming to classic and that impacts so much more than this lol.
Im not dismissing you, Im saying that youve exaggerated all these reasons in your head why you dont like this addon just simply because you dislike the addon.
This is the sentiment that I agree with. If you use a questing add-on, that doesn’t effect my gaming experience as a non-user save perhaps seeing other players level faster than me. At the end of the day, we’ll all be blocked at level 60 some day anyways. If the community however, embraces the use of an LFG channel this early on to facilitate group creation, I am impacted heavily even if I want to ignore the add-on because group formation is something everyone must participate in.
I agree, remove all addons. People want it hardcore, give it hardcore. Also make it so you can’t tab out of the game and you’re locked into it as long as the game is open. Force all additional monitors to just go completely black while Classic is launched. No outside help, just Classic.
Most servers already have a discord group setup. If a player does not use discord then they will be impacted heavily even if they want to ignore discord.
No one is going to tell me how to play.
only noobs use add-ons. noobs go back to play retail wow.
Blizzard can and is.
Honestly, this impacts communities too. I didn’t use any quest addons in vanilla and made friends by asking people for quest advice and giving it.
Of course saying “heavy impact” leaves the gravity of that statement up to the imagination. Discord however is outside of the game, and is very unlikely at this primitive stage of the games history to become the main way people meet each other and form groups early on. I know this may be hard to believe, but there will be a large body of classic players who will not level or frequent discord to participate in group formation.
On the other hand, an add-on is integrated in the game like laces to shoes, once you tie the knots it becomes extremely difficult to remove that from a servers culture. Given it’s usage in retail, it has the possibility of very much “heavily impacting” server social dynamics. Although I believe that LFG could come to be if a server organically over the course of months came to that conclusion, such an add-on is extremely intrusive on the play experience of others this early on when classic is not even out yet.
As the blue post mentioned, a lot of this is on a scale. Evidentially, group formation using an integrated LFG add-on crosses the line, while using discord does not. I agree with that position.
I think Discord is more dangerous to the community than a LFG addon honestly. With Discord you’ll have groups and communities talking to eachother that has near no reason to talk in general or trade whatsoever if they dont want to and thats using something thats not even within the in game interface.
But I do like Discord and am not advocating for it to have anything negatively done to it.