Quick question Slayt, what server you playing on in Classic?
Oh and so people who’ve never done it all of a sudden don’t matter to this conversation? Yeah great way to preach about how the community should act, your a real great example.
Why do you care?
Just curious, which one is it?
Just because you’re getting mad about something I’m saying doesn’t mean I’m trolling sweetie :3
Did I say that? Also I wasn’t the one who started shaming people for their mythic/arena status was I?
No one is mad cupcake. It’s just that “YEAH WELL YOU ONLY DO LFR BOOM!” is droll and so very retail.
I wasn’t shaming him? I was pointing out that his achievments don’t infact go back to classic. So how do i know he played, this is the internet just because you said you played back in the day. Doesn’t mean i should trust what you say.
Except I was responding to Ohmygolygosh who was doing that? Also we explained to you why his achievements say 2008.
After which i understood, still could mean hes lying.
It could, but that’s rather rude to assume he’s lying without any real proof.
What? classic doesn’t/did not have achievments? Now how are we going to compare e-peens
Its the in the internet 101 handbook, always assume what you read on the internet could be a lie or grossly exaggerated.
Edit: I always assume the worst. Even when its on a public forum.
Correct… if one has not actually played the game then why should we listen to them? They’ve literally achieved nothing of importance to help show me that they know what they are talking about.
Questing addons do not ruin the game for others, LFG-addons do. It’s literally that simple.
You’re right, the web sites 100% helped you level.
I don’t want any of the addons removed, I thought I made that clear. What I’m saying is there are addons that basically are guides that tell you where to go and what quests to pick up and blah blah. Who cares? LFG addons, gathering addons, questing addons, just chill out and let people play their own game.
This holier than thou classic community is toxic af and while I’m excited to play classic, I am starting to loath the crybabies I’m going to be playing with. I really hope I can find a guild of people who care a lot less than the people here.
Okay, but let’s think this through. There were quest helper addons in vanilla and do you know why that is? Because it’s more convenient than minimizing the game and heading to classic-wowhead-com which is what most people would do anyway when the get stuck and want to progress if they’re not using the addon. Back in day, it was thotbot or alakahazam (sp?) or whatever, but the same logic applies.
Having an optional quest helping addon in no way detracts from the original vanilla experience. Granted, I never used any addons back then but I didn’t see a problem with other people using them and I still don’t. To each their own.
That’s a rather cynical outlook. Aside from that the 2008 achievement thing is fairly well known especially if you were around for Wrath. So why assume he’s lying? Especially he didn’t bring up achievements in the first place.
He said he played in classic, Which anyone could be suspicious of lots of people like to play that card to add weight to an argument or point of view. In which case the person took a look at his achievements in which they concluded that they were from wrath and tbc?
He said to learn how to use the armory in which case i went and looked my self. I wasnt aware of the wrath change, but that still doesn make me belive him.
Actually Questing add-ons do ruin the game for others, and you don’t need to be a mythic raider to have an opinion on questing.
Look I get it, you want addons that will help you reach 60 so you can grab those purps, and you also don’t want addons that might others help them get those purps. You can’t be special in real life, so WoW is your only chance. That’s fine, just be honest about it. I totally care that you have imaginary weapons and have slain imaginary fish people or whatever it is in BFA, Really, I do.
Again your making it look like people who want to use this addon, are out to be special. Its so condescending.