actually tom tom give you a automated update of a arrow that show you directio to go ad so it must go too
infact just break all addons
actually tom tom give you a automated update of a arrow that show you directio to go ad so it must go too
infact just break all addons
No it did not automate anything. It provided an interface to see parsed data nothing more nothing less. It didnt auto groups it didnt spam anyone etc. Quest helpers make your questing more efficient and if you want to play obtuse about that be my guest. Both provide a benefit you just prefer yours to theirs and justify it.
Yes, having to cooperate and socialize with others to figure out quests is a damn good reason to keep out GPS addons that do that for you. But it’s more than just that, when you read the quests and actually play the game rather than having it played for you, you become immersed in the game. You start to care about the world, the characters, the lore, the reason why we’re going on this adventure.
Back in the days of games like AC, SWG and Vanilla WoW, there were a lot more of those types of players and that led to a community that was much better then the one that doesn’t care about anything except for flexing their ILVL.
Bingo. Thank you.
In fact, make everyone required to play WoW with a fightstick.
It allowed you to auto invite for any group, which skips the part of whispering and group lead asking questions such as spec and so on. You could literally say deadmines group and click auto inv and setup a full group just like that. NOW that is bad.
Wallhacks do nothing but reveal things… It doesn’t help you aim. Still a cheat. Quest addons and DBM are no different.
I think this says it all
I have, and so have many others. You refuse to engage with those arguments because you know they’re true, and you just really, really want your hand hold addon so you can get to 60 without thought or care and get those precious purps.
This isnt a fps game, its a personal choice to have more information available to you. Thats all these addons do, theres no major advantage that it gives you. All this information is there its just displayed alot easier to be tracked.
“It’s difficult to articulate a clear-cut rule for exactly when an add-on crosses the line. However, when an add-on goes beyond presenting information or providing aesthetic customization, and attempts to create an interconnected social network that relies on other players also using that same add-on, we are likely to scrutinize it particularly closely.”
Pretty clear there’s nothing wrong with quest helpers, they just display information, don’t create a social network
And an LFG-tool allows you to make LFG information clearer and available to you in an easier format than Blizzards default chat.
I promise you, people won’t just auto-invite anyone for dungeons without knowing if they can clear it or not.
Nothing in the description I saw said that. In fact it was under the “wont ever have this” that auto invite would be a thing. But lets suppose it did auto invite who in their right mind would do such a thing in classic wow in 5 man. Clearly some of you didnt play vanilla. You actually ask questions before wasting your time on ANYONE you invite a 5 man past SM trust me you learn from that run alone.
You act as if thats a bad thing.
Kiss my backside. I am so sick of you classic people trying to dictate how everyone is suppose to play this game. I use addons in retail, not many but I use them. I will be using them in classic because that’s how I wanna play, not how you or anyone else want’s me to play. If you wanna start paying for my sub then you can dictate how I play, if not stick it where the sun don’t shine!!! I was never here for Vanilla & after seeing the BS in this forum the past days, I am so happy I will be only questing with my hubby. After seeing all this, I don’t even want to bother with trying to venture out & be more sociable. I have enough drama in my RL as is don’t need this extra ridiculous BS. If this is how you classic players are gonna be dictating how everything goes then keep your game. I don’t need the extra BS.
Your opinion.
No one ever promised this austere version of Classic that you envision.
It is amazing how much blame you attribute to ALL addons for what you view as the ultimate downfall of WOW.
Yet, these same addons were a part of what drew millions of players to a game that broke records. Who knows if it would have been as popular had the addons not been a part of the original Vanilla experience.
We won’t know the answer to that any more than you can prove a claim that addons were the cause for retail WOW being the game that it is today.
With all the “LFG is the fault, cross realms are the fault, flying was the fault” and a hoard of other things that players point to as the downfall of WOW, no one will ever know exactly what caused the change to turn WOW into a whole different game than what it was at it’s start.
Dev choices, need for pleasing stockholders and so many other things that one could point to.
You cannot make EVERYTHING the cause of retail WOW being the game that it is today.
You cannot keep moving the goal posts and using this kind of argument every time someone wants something that you do not want.
Much of life includes choices. Addons were choices in Vanilla and they should remain choices in Classic or it is not a genuine Vanilla experience.
It just becomes your preferred experience.
As I’ve already stated, many many times, the inclusion of this addon isn’t going to matter in addressing these concerns. All the information is out there, and all banning the addon accomplishes is inconveniencing players mildly. It’s not going to magically make people ask general chat instead of tabbing-out to check the internet.
Again, you’re making assumptions about the way people engage with this content.
Plenty of players don’t experience the questing content the same way you do, and trying to dictate their experience is a jerk move. I don’t see much of a difference between this and advocating that all servers be PvP because those PvE carebears are missing out on such an “important part of the experience”.
People are allowed to make their own choices as to how they engage with content. I get that it’s really important to you but try and understand that your opinions do not and should not determine how others play their game.
read the first part of that post, you’ll notice how they said it undermines the “social” part of the game,
ht tps://
Its literally removed the social aspect from it.
One thing I am certain of I am so happy and thankful that years of wow self destructing did not cause me to be so bitter and jaded that I feel like controlling how anyone plays in an mmo… This is just crazy to read some of your responses lmao