Remove the level cap

No good response to legitimate observations, again. Par for the course. And a hidden profile user, to boot.

Lmao I knew you were one of that kind of “humans”. Lol

Regardless, devs dont care, they get promotions for making more money for blizz. Thats reality, and pretending it not is some big cope.

Riiiiight, I’m not a human because I disagree with your idiotic take. :rofl:

I like how you try to convince me you know anything by telling me you’ve worked on “it” (What, GDC?), but you’re unwilling to explain to me why you think I’m wrong about this (I’m not, by the way).

Please tell me why you think a fixed-salary employee in a giant corporation cares about how much money their corporate executives are making. Indie devs, sure, 100% they care about the bottom line, because they’re personally financially invested in the project. But tell me why you think any of the microtransactions in any Blizzard game came from the very bottom level of their development team who stand to gain absolutely nothing from Activision Blizzard’s revenue outside of job security (which they already have because it’s a tiny team devoted to two games).


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Name calling is inappropriate.

Please, let us keep the forums civil.

Despite what others might tell you, lying is not part of civility. And pretending that “name calling” invalidates the points made is both cowardly and childish.

They quitting their jobs? No? They don’t care. And dont start with the false bs about how virtuous you’d be and how much you or some whimpy dev care.

To care is to take action, not to claim to care. Like this.
You hit report button over petty stuff like a sad forum clown → You care, you took action.
You are not harassing the company to change their stupid stuff → You do not care, did nothing.
Company cares more about diversity stupid stuff and have automated systems to do something about it cuz they fear of harassers destroying company → They care, took action.

That’s reality.

EDIT: Seems like some ppl have this wrong idea that devs are “game devs”, they are not, they are product devs, and they get paid to do a product that sells a lot, that is their job, they do not care beyond that, and there is aboslutely 0 reason to believe otherwise when there has not ever been any action taken from then against the abusive practices against consumers, unlike all the outrage they make about petty minorities or whatever stuff.

Would a hug help friend?

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Response is spot on and what toon I post on does not matter to the conversation. That is called defer and deflect. You have no valid response back so you respond with a smoke and mirrors answer - that means, you are a troll, plain and simple.

xd, nice one, never saw that one. “Pretending to have the high moral ground”
xd xd xd.

There is nothing social about dungeon boosting. All the twitch streamers I have seen do it just sit at the entrance of dungeon while mage clears it. They are always alt tabbed playing something else.

Blizzard wants a social game.


Ironic they want a social game after a decade of pushing tools to make it less and less social because the least social ppl wanted to skip straight into the “mylootisgreati’mgonnabragnow” part.

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I love being schooled on civility by someone who implies you’re inhuman if you disagree with their unreasonable rants that they don’t back up with any explanation beyond “I’ve worked on it”.

The only “points” you’ve made have been completely unfounded conspiracy theory that you refuse to explain for some reason.

…Is what I’d call someone who doesn’t actually know how to argue so just resorts to petty name calling instead. :rofl: The irony is palpable.

No one here, including yourself, has any idea what you’re getting at right now.

“You don’t care if you’re not harassing people” :rofl: I guess that distills your logic quite well.


You still haven’t even come close to explaining your conspiracy theory.

Not really. It’s obvious that they’re trying to push Classic more in the direction that the game was originally going before Activision took over. Aside from the completely mixed signals we’re getting from the WoW team itself and the executives high up in the corporation, I’d say they’re being far more consistent now than I ever expected them to be once selling high level characters like some tacky private realm became a thing.

I’m just handing out hugs, friend.

You better grab one while you still can.

Sure mate, whatever u say, there is an entire industry and reality vs whatever u said that i didn’t bother reading, your kind of permanent forum dwellers that just want to have the last word on everything when they know nothing is just not worth anyone’s time.

But sure mate, whatever brings u peace at night. People that know fantasy ends outside the game will bother with reality while u live in your second fantasy.

if only there was some kind of system where people of the same level could group up and go do 5 mans.

It would definitely be cool if you judged me by my words, but that’s clearly not what’s happening here. It seems you’ve trained yourself to see “shilling” where it doesn’t exist.

This is apparently an unpopular opinion, but in the real world, things aren’t black and white. You can agree with a company in certain areas without being a shill. Not everything is a cartoonish morality war between good and evil.

You’ve literally defeated your own “argument”. You have absolutely no proof, or really any evidence, yet you’re here passing your theory as a fact. I mean, at least reason out your ideas if you don’t have good evidence, rather than just ignoring what other people say and insisting “I’M right, the proof is there!!”.

Ahh, so you’re backpedaling and withdrawing from the conversation because you have no explanation. Precisely what I figured would happen. :rofl: Next time maybe spew your conspiracy theories on a platform that isn’t meant for discussion if being asked to simply explain yourself completely dismantles you.

You typed all that nonsense and instead of using those keypresses to say “I’m not telling you”, you could’ve easily explained your argument Mr. Industry Expert. lmao

Exactly what I stated is what happened, you yet again have an uncontrollable urge to have the last word over anything there can be, such a sad existence.

Devs don’t care, and there is absolutely nothing u can show that would prove other wise, all you have is a conspiracy theory about them secretly caring. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Ah, so you finally agree with me! They don’t care about their corporate shareholders’ revenue. Glad we cleared that up.

haha last word go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

boosting is legit 90% Of the illegal rmt trade, no it stays gone, i wish blizzarded perma banned rmt already, ruins the game

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