Remove the level cap

so you want both? that seems like something a wow-hater would want. why do you hate wow? Mr. Onishi? Surokaku? Onomakiyaki?

Aren’t you the wow hater here . This is a mmo(multiplayer online) , but you wouldn’t know that you just a loser who plays with himself

never forget. me > you.

My World Tour GDKP’s have been over 200k pots since the doors opened.

41k for a T7 helmet last week.

I mean, if we are looking for Gold Buyers…boosting isn’t the place to find it.

(And I’m on Pagle, a Dad server. Couldn’t even imagine Benediction)

Obviously not any more… Did you just expect the farmers to throw up their hands and stop? Its big business, talking millions of dollars.

Doesn’t mean it still wasnt a good thing.

Also 41k for t7 helm is kekw at this point and i kinda dont believe it but w.e

I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw it go for 41k, but that’s where we are at.

So, saying it promotes gold buying, but no one new comes into this terrible rendition of Wrath is lol.

Just crazy. All my dudes were finished with tier so fast. Feel like any SR group could land a t7 helm in a week or two idk.

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That’s not entirely true, there has never been as many people leveling right now beside the launch due to the leveling buff.

If you really want to help your wife, why don’t you level a character with her ? I mean… that’s what I’d do.

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Unfortunately Joyous Journeys is not permanent and is a bandaid to a developer created problem.

Bringing in features to combat what they’ve taken away is kind of silly.

My wife can suffer alone in the mean time, because I’m not leveling to 49 to start helping her out.




Brian and Ion sticking their fingers in their ears is not usually how one hears the players.


im with you boss. i came to retail around the same time as you i think. Got to thoroughly enjoy RaF system with dungeon farming. i loved RDF back in the day, but if they removed the dumb things they did to prevent dungeon boosting, i wouldnt need RDF. but thats what you get with a libtard/PC company. they sent out a cata survey to a small group of people and will base the entire community off that because theyre too lazy to go through feedback from the entire community. lazy company

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My favorite mount!

RIP RaF rocket


Why don’t you present some actual data other than your emotions that support your case? You all keep claiming tons of people want it, but “tons” is not an actual number. Show real data otherwise it is just emotions and business does not run-on emotions (well good business does not)

Ahhh, and there it is, you can’t think ahead. You’d make a terrible chess player. EVERYONE can make as many accounts as they want and pay for as many subs as they want. What do you think that means? They can have as many boosts as their little bank accounts can afford. Their “road blocks” only net them more money. So much for

Because clearly, they DO value money more, and have ever since activision took over.

I find it very sad that white-knights go to this extent to try and defend blizzard, but the facts show that blizzard is everything they’ve always been accused of.

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What have they been accused of? You all act like they should give you stuff for free. You get nothing in this life for free. They are in business to make money. This ain’t World of Freecraft.

Well, if you’re not willing to read the thread you’re a part of, I’m not going to backtrack and re-type everything in it.
TLDR: Boosting(by players) and RDF should be in the game still, because it’s in the spirit of the game that was live AT THE TIME. Wotlk (this patch) had both, regardless of how prevalent boosting was then. This has nothing to do with ANYTHING being free, it has to do with blizzard sticking their nose in things mostly to make themselves a profit of some kind (whether you’re willing to admit it exists or not).

I’d also like for you to point out what EXACTLY I said I wanted to be given to me for free… Make it make sense too. I really don’t have time to dissect nonsensical feelings.


You are the one in here w/their emotions on RDF, boosting, and “spirit” of the game, “white-knights”, etc. RDF is not happening for wotlk, at least not right now. RDF and boosting have zero space in this game and the majority has spoken.

You say you are not asking for “free” things but then you bring up “sticking their nose into things mostly to make themselves a profit”. Which is it? You don’t want free things and it is ok to make a profit or you do want free things and they don’t make a profit? You might want to allow Blizzard to determine how to run their business, I suspect they know best.

You are grasping at straws like most of the “we want RDF”, “we want JJ forever”, and all of the other ridiculous things people are asking for. All that retail nonsense (which is why I play very very little retail) can stay right over there on the other side of the fence.

The problem was that people were buying gold from bots encouraging botting and gold sellers. Massively disrupting the economy and making the game worse for most players. It wouldn’t have been a big deal if it was just alts that were paying gold for boosts with gold they made on their main. It shafted a lot of players. It was more negative than positive. It wasn’t nearly as big of a problem when you played with raf as it was with classic.

The irony.
Clearly, along with everything else you probably do in your life, you also read very little of things you clearly have giant idiotic opinions on. My FEELINGS have nothing to do with the FACTS that RDF and player boosting were in the game when Wotlk was Originally live.
Also, “that retail nonsense” is a part of Wotlk, now if you wanna opt out, and not use it, or not play WOTLK because you don’t like those aspects, that’s completely fair and up to you, but to state that they don’t belong makes you, at best, confused.
Now, to the point of your quotes, you’re confused. The “majority” haven’t spoken, nor have they even been POLLED. This majority you speak of, is at blizzard HQ, and are also the same people that decided that players boosting other players wasn’t going to happen anymore, RIGHT BEFORE wrath prepatch and more boosts came out, oh boy how convenient for them, right?
Either stick to facts, or piss off.

People are still doing that now. Not WAS. A R E. N O W.
What blizzard have done did NOT remedy any of that. So, I’m not sure what you’re on about.