Remove the level cap

Yeah I’m not bothered too much … just don’t get their mentality sometimes . People wanting to play together shouldn’t affect them :man_shrugging:.

Wait until they find out Recruit a Friend was orginally introduced in WOTLK and it provided 300% EXP to the new player.

That’s when I started playing. I was boosted in dungeons by a level 80 Prot Paladin. It was pretty cool being able to play with my friend that was already max level.


I would rather that then there In game boost <which created a botting problem .

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Imagine respecting your own time so much that you dont want to waste it. IMAGINE.

I don’t understand people like yourself who get upset when someone decides to do something in a manner that you perceive as wrong. Stop trying to be so controlling, other people can have fun in different ways than you, and that is okay.

At the end of the day, why do you truly care? Is it because WoW is your measure of real life and you feel like people took a shortcut? It is a video game, people want to get to max level sooner because the leveling content is boring - straight up. Nothing is fun about leveling, you treat it like some sort of barrier to entry or rite of passage but guess what. THIS IS A VIDEO GAME - this is a hobby, people play it for fun.

Let people be dude. If you want to level by hand I applaud you. If you don’t I applaud you as well. I just want you to have fun - within reason (like if you find trolling or greifing fun that isn’t cool but i think you get what I mean)

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Enlighten me on where I said your idea is not valid?

I said you don’t speak for the masses.

Enlighten me on where I said this?

I said if you want the feature, then play with your partner where you can help him out as you see fit.


How about grow up?

I know. Thanks.

Feel free to look me up on Warcraft logs. As I’ve told others, I’m the only Zachaios in WotLK classic (currently and with the same armor too). :smiling_face:

I don’t feel the need to post on my classic toon when it’s essentially the same character. If you have a problem with it, then that’s on you.

So make an alt and level with him?

I would but he quit the game before hitting 80 .his character was 64 . Didn’t want to lvl another alt

You shouldn’t have waited until he quit the game. Sounds like he didn’t care for the game that much anyway.

He did try to play . I already had a bunch of maxed characters before he even played . He got bored fast cause he couldn’t find groups for the lower dungeons and all he was doing questing . I had helped him at the start before they changed it

i imagine measuring a video game by time spent not in the video game is immersion-breaking.

Then why didn’t you keep helping him? That is kind of what friends are supposed to do.

And you think he would have had more fun if you just leveled his character for him?

Maybe you should have helped him all the way through instead of abandoning him.

I didn’t abandon him he had to work ?? And yes he would have had fun, cause we were hanging out playing a game ?

What tinfoil hat conspiracy theory?? Have you ever seen a GDC (Game Developer Conference)? It’s literally a industry standard. I’ve worked on it.

Gonna have to disagree here. I have never once been affected by someone getting boosted by another player.

Helps rampant gold selling and allows people to do nothing but wait for !!FOLLOW commands to automatically level them.

Good changes.

You could make an argument for almost anything in the game to be helpful towards gold buying, I dont really consider that a good argument.

As for people the follow commands, ive never been affected at all by someone levelling that way.

Perhaps you could describe how youve been personally affected by someone else getting boosted in SM?

Boosting was never required to lvl.

Well I did play on Earthfury with the guy who had 20 alliance accounts all made to dispel the horde

When his 20 got banned he afk boosted 20 more.

So yes. I have very much been personally effected by it.

How’s that better than in game paid boost ? Paid in boost just skips the whole lvl experience. People still had to travel to place to place to level even if people did boost . Now you see those zones dead.