Remove the level cap

You still can help them. They can complete their dungeon quests and get really great dungeon gear. Thats a massive help to your bf.

But playing the game for them so they can AFK and level is awful for everyone.

Im glad the level cap is still in the game.


What else could Blizz have done? Hire GMs?


Im curious about how it killed the game. I completely disagree, if anything, it gave people more to do.

New players in WOTLKC are few and far between. The major hurdle stopping it (my wife included, being a new player) is that there just isn’t anyone to play with in the old world.

Another fun fact before you continue on with your “it ruined the game” take, is it’s still in the game. Players are being boosted in Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning. The difference being Blizzard made sure to inflict maximum pain and suffering to new players and new alt characters in the old world, with no RDF.

*I don’t want to immediately go “retail wock puppet” here, but it’s looking like that’s what was dragged in with this thread. I’m happy to listen, but I’m concerned if you believe we have a plethora of new players.


Imagine being you.


I don’t really know how you expect people to respond to your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory here… :rofl: A significant number of us hate the idea of people ruining the leveling experience by exploiting game mechanics. The devs have voiced agreement with that and put roadblocks in the game to prevent it.

I have no idea what gives you the impression that the devs themselves care about how much money their corporate shareholders are making when their own salaries are fixed. At this point you’re just creating this cartoonish evil characature strawman to hate and willfully ignoring reality…

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People who enjoy playing the video game. People who don’t want to cheat or pay their way through a process that was literally only created for entertainment. :rofl:

That makes absolutely no sense because they limit it to 1 swipe per account. If this was some conspiracy to make as much money as possible, it makes literally zero sense for Blizzard to put roadblocks up that bar their own income.

Selling high-level characters like some tacky private server was definitely a decision made solely for the purpose of revenue, but it makes far more sense that they wouldn’t limit it to one per account if they really threw all caution to the wind and valued profits entirely over the quality of their game.

Well, people want to be carried for experience because it removes the leveling aspect from the game… And people carry others through dungeons because it isn’t a huge time/effort sink…

Sitting AFK at an instance portal wouldn’t be the path of least resistance if this truly “added more stuff to do”. :rofl: Literally the only reason why this is the path of least resistance is because this method of getting characters to level cap requires the very least amount of cumulative gameplay (including the gameplay of the people selling carries). Prove me wrong.

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I don’t know where I should be proving you wrong.

Your opinion can’t be wrong because it’s yours.

Why do you care how someone else plays the game? Genuine question, I’ve never understood this. I literally don’t care, I only care that they’re on time to raids, consumables in bag, and preferably with 50% or more durability.

Edit: I see what you want proven wrong now.

I disagree, I believe people making alts and getting boosted has more engagement by the community then…well, what the world is today, which could be defined as a ghost town. Joyous Journey’s is life support. RDF is the cure.

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t tell people “NO RDF, NO LFR, ETC” so they can gain faster access to level (via dungeons or combo if they desire) but say it is ok to boost (so you can line your pockets with gold).

If RDF killed wow, so did boosting. Plus you all clog up ALL the chat channels w/ your garbage boosting commercials that everyone was sick of seeing.

I think all of those are okay. I believe stopping unique ways to level up in an MMORPG is a bad play. I welcome RDF with open arms, because I enjoy Classic and don’t want it to die out.

I also find a level 29 in SFK destroying the experience gains for the rest of the group is just as dumb as TBC Boost spam. With LFG in the game, we shouldn’t even have a chat channel.


I don’t want either. Both are a cancer to the game.

TBH I was not buying the whole RDF thing killed wow, but after playing (toying) with retail for a few weeks - wow - talk about no one talking or saying boo, they don’t even say thank you nor if something happens do they help. Watched someone die and they just left for dead to run back, tank was on a pretend M+ run I guess (in his head).

I have good news: You don’t have to use it.

See how silly this gets?

I’ve got better news; we don’t want it and the players of classic have had their voices heard. Time to move on away from RDF. Maybe you’ll get it in Cata (if they release that).

You brought it up and kind of derailed the thread. I don’t think you even know what it’s about because you brought RDF into it.

I’m not here arguing, and I respect your opinion-but, it’s just that, an opinion. I’ve layed out my opinions as well.

So yea, lucky you I guess. You don’t have to worry about RDF because it’s not in the game. But worry not, even if it was, you wouldn’t have to use it. :slight_smile:

Edit: That’s some real nice armor for a level 40 in Classic. Where’s it from?


I don’t enjoy going at other people’s pace.

Because you speak for the masses, right?

Something tells me this is just a thinly veiled RDF thread.

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I didn’t derail anything (but nice try). I brought it up because you can’t it have both ways (and you know where I was going with this so twisting things around won’t help you).

Nice try (I am not stupid) but we all know that the toon you use to post on has ZERO to do with the conversation unless it is about actual toon/armor. Nice attempt to derail the conversation and defer/deflect.

I know many people that quit a month into wraith cause they had no one to lvl with . And no my topic isn’t about rfd. Final fantasy makes it so you could level together.
People seem so against people playing with each other

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Then why not play FF?

Or retail?

Both have the feature.

It didn’t come out until long after WotLK.

I’m not saying I’m adverse to the idea, but making generalized finite statements implying everyone will be doing exactly as you say isn’t going to win any points for discussion here.

Why isn’t my idea valid ? So you agree with blizzard tactics of killing the game. Why do I have to play ff and retail fudge off with your statement.

Youre right. It came out in Classic. It was called playing the game with whatever leveled players you wanted to play with.

Another retail sock puppet enters.

Ignore the sock puppets.

They don’t understand how the game worked 5 months ago, and how the changes had positive and negative effects to the game.

(The positive was bots had less to do, but uh, they PVP and worked around the changes, leaving real players being the only ones that got screwed over)