Remove the Debuff / Buff Limit in Classic Era

Actually, I got pretty confused here because you were replying to both threads. Why not just reply to one? Seems odd to call me out for this and then do it yourself. Each post thread was slightly different and so was my post on each, although overall on the same topic. It’s not spamming. I rarely go to the forums at all, how could I possibly be spamming when I’ve posted so few times?

This is fedlulreserv, swapped to my ERA main as I did not mean to post as that character in the first place.

I think you are actually him.

You got flagged for spam, you misunderstood why, I clarified for you. If you have something meaningful to contribute to the conversation about the debuff limit on Era, please pick a thread and stick to it. This will be my last post in response to this line of thought.

Good luck to you!

Wrong. I linked it to my dad because we’ve talked about this before and he hopped on and gave his two cents. Come over to Mankrik server on ERA and talk to us if you want. My grandma and brother also play. We raid weekend nights.

Know that you have been flagged for trolling and it’s evident giving your historical posts that you do this very often. Moderators should see this and seriously investigate your actions as I believe you are actively trying to diminish the quality of this forum.

Straight up you replied to both of my posts on two different threads, so your statements make absolutely no sense. I began talking to you in a different thread and now we’re here for what reason? You replied to me to troll me.

Classic “no u” reversal when you got caught using three accounts to remove my post pointing out how forum jockeys ruin discussion from real players and then you completely proved my point with your actions :slight_smile:

You really should not try to suppress people when they have an opinion that opposes yours. Folks like that have done a lot of damage to wow over the years and probably caused a lot of people to leave the forums out of no longer being willing to deal with this nonsense.

Still, back to the topic, I feel that these ideas for slight changes to classic need to go in front of real players in the game and not expect people to voice themselves on clustered forums like this and have to deal with trolls.

Debuff limit is completely against the social aspect of the game that I believe raiding was meant to push. Big groups of people having fun together fighting some cool bosses. Having to tell people they can’t use certain gear or skills that are core to their spec just is not fun and I do not believe was added for any reason other than limitations of the time.

Not sure how else to get this desire in front of blizzard devs other than post on the forums. I really don’t want to use social media to do this, but maybe it’s necessary.


Being able to actually use HoT’s in a raid without being yelled at for potentially pushing off WB’s would be amazing. Remove the Buff limit please!!


You can. Just don’t HoT main tanks. Literally everyone else in a raid with world buffs out can receive HoTs without much issue. Very low risk of pushing buffs off unless there’s a mage group with 5 atieshes or something crazy like that. And when booned you can HoT anyone.

Don’t ask for changes to Era. Era isn’t meant for changes, especially those that would shift the meta. Go to season servers with those requests.

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Removing the debuff limit will not help meme specs, it will actually buff warriors more, the problem is not the hybrid / meme spec, its that Fury is literally 3X better than every other spec for a few reasons.

  1. AGI scaling on warrior is too good… needs to be nerfed down to 30 Agi = 1 crit.
  2. Rage scales way too good, needs a slight nerf
  3. Flurry is too strong, cut it down to 20%

I have said that one thing to sim is an incentive to wear all plate gear.

There are two things going on. Warriors scale the most from all stats in the game. There technically isn’t a useless stat for us. Warriors can equip almost everything in the game. Warriors scale so incredibly well from stats that “BiS” is literally determined assuming full raid buffs, consumes and world buffs (where another piece is better without consumes and world buffs).

Not a fan of messing with Rage at all. Having Rage to use abilities is not the issue. Heroic Strike is not an issue if it doesn’t affect the combat table/hit chance. They should start with that if there is a serious desire to close the gap.

Inwas only describing how I would nerf warriors if I were doing it. It would still leave warrior at the head of the pack regarding DPS, just they wouldn’t be 3X better, maybe 1.5X stronger after.

For what it’s worth, I don’t care if it doesn’t help meme specs, it just feels nice to be able to press your buttons. In my version of Classic+ Warriors are still top dps, the memes are just a little bit better and less crappy feeling to play. Same goes for HoTs not stacking or not not be able to use HoTs because someone’s buffed up to the teeth. It just feels crappy :wink:

I think the buff limit is important though… it’s probably not a great idea to let people run around and try to stack every single buff in the game; however, I think there needs to be two categories of buffs, something like…

  1. 16x General Purpose Buffs - Things like world buffs, flasks, elixers, etc… You get 16 slots, pick what you want to fill them with.
  2. Unlimited Class Ability Buffs - Anything that a character can cast on you from their spellook. No limit and HoT spells are character independent. Maybe special rules for PvP on HoTs or group/raid limits like how Pally Greater Blessings work.

I’m not proposing changes for Era here, just discussing hypotheticals.

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No issue with that at all, and I don’t mind Warriors being slightly behind or tied with Rogues to be honest.

Unpopular opinion with the current meta, but if Deep Prot or the spec I played in original Vanilla (31/5/15) could pump massive TPS that’s good enough for me. Fury is supposed to be good DPS but I don’t think it needs to be this far ahead.


I would support removing the buff/debuff cap.

This was not a game design decision, as the original developers have noted several times. The intent was for every class to be able to use their abilities without pushing off other abilities.

The cap was a technical compromise given the state of technology 20 years ago.

Removing the buff/debuff cap would actually be a move toward the original vision of the WoW developers.


While I agree with you, this idealism is a double edged sword. If we want to talk about the original “vision” of Classic then something needs done about world buffs. The devs didn’t create them and balance any of the content around them. They were just added for flavor and to have fun with in the overall experience, not the “end all be all” in raiding content.

Some would consider either of these ideas as “changes” regardless of the intention of the actual devs themselves.

Classes were never tuned with them in mind.

Here is a perfect example of the sort of thing I am talking about… Melee attack power buffs such as Blessing of Might were specifically made to not work with Range attack power because they did not want Hunters globaling people from 40 yards…

Meanwhile the disconnect between the people making the gear being pressured by Blizzard Developers, and the 1 guy making the classes (Kevin Jordan), in comes things like BWL shaman trinket, ZHC, etc… you get the idea… Big power adders that circumvent that intended style of play where its fast but not globaled by a single player.

If they wanted to “Tune” anything it would be to nerf some of the on use trinkets by a lot, and cut the effectiveness of spell damage and healing by 50% and the +Healing Stat by 75%… In addition nerf the Attack power Stat by 50%, and additionally (all this is regarding stat on gear, not the player character)

Additionally nerf Agi scaling for warriors to mirror Rogue agi scaling…

Further Make World Buffs have a 1 month CD per player and you can only get 1 per month.

The content will still be EZ mode after that, but this is all a long list of stuff that will never happen.

That wasn’t at all the point of my statement, I agree with you though. My point was he mentioned it being a coding limitation and the limit wasn’t within the vision of how Blizzard designed WoW, it was a technical compromise, my response was in regards to how that thinking can be used in a good or bad way as Blizzard also didn’t create those world buffs to be factored into the content as they never intended it to be more than something cool to add flavor to the game for some fun. The playerbase however has turned it into a meta and have a sick fascination for it despite it not being the “classic spirit” or “classic design” for the buffs to be used this way.

The logic can be used to to open more doors to changes as Blizzard had a lot that needed to be compromised based on limitations and time constraints. It’s like the Eranikus quest chain where it just abruptly ends. They originally had more content involved with that. So if Blizzard added cut content, are we staying true to Vanilla because it wasn’t in there when we played it? Or is it true to Vanilla because the team wanted it but limitations kept them from adding it?

Then it comes down to their vision for classes. They didn’t create the classes with the mentality of this new age playerbase in mind. So then what do we do? That opens up the debate for which is the right way to handle it. Should balance be in mind to fit the original vision behind how the devs imagined we’d just play the game as it was intended, and that anyone will be able to play the class for the flavor and do all the content without this gate keeping nonsense and “Stack the warrior” meta. In that case the players aren’t able to “play their way” because their way isn’t in the spirit of the vision of Vanilla.

Specifically in respect to the debuff limit, its not so much a code issue but a resources isssue.

Think about the game in terms of math; the more bullcrap you strap on the more horsepower you need to move the load, and as a result of that the servers themselves would have become unreasonable in 40 players raids in respect to lag.

This is why when they upscaled the debuff slots to 40 in TBC they nerfed the raid size to 25.

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Please. Do it.


The buff limit in particular is absolutely ridiculous.

So because the tank has 10+ consumables, 6+ world buffs, fort, motw… healers can’t press renew, rejuv etc. without knocking off a world buff or a consumable?

I hate playing my druid in naxx because people are constantly complaining about having too many HotS on them… sht is annoying. I just wanna have the freedom to heal the way Blizzard intended druids to heal.


In all seriousness: this would be an excellent change. Along with the recent Might of Stormwind / Druid polearms / etc.

The only argument AGAINST it is that it makes raids slightly easier… but world buffs make that point completely moot.

World buffs are wayyyyyyyyy stronger. Debuff limit barely moves the needle. On the other hand, removing the debuff limit makes many builds actually playable. It’s a no-brainer to remove, IMO.

Season of Mastery didn’t have a debuff limit. Neither does Season of Discovery. It’s a non-issue. Just a matter of “do Era players want this obvious improvement to the game?”


Yeah. Ppl r talking about “still nothing doing a great dps.” This isnt the point, the point is, for exemple, i can finally play PvE using my shadow spec even that the dps isnt that great. Now we know blizzard acctually make changes on era, who knows…


They have no good argument other than this idealized “no changes” route that is non existent. Stubb’s overuse of the forums and continuous press of bad ideas has probably done a lot of damage to wow. It’s sad that blizzard listens to people like him for some reason (guessing he’s a wow dev)

No changes has been out the door since the beginning and the only actual classic+ that makes sense is just gradually putting small common sense fixes into era and maybe spinning up new servers every couple years or so for people who want a fresh start.

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