Remove the Debuff / Buff Limit in Classic Era

Whether you (or I, for that matter) don’t like the nochanges argument, it is still valid. Era plays the way it does right now in large part because of things like the debuff limit. If you take that away, the game is different. It’s my understanding that without the debuff limit, Season of Mastery was mostly the same, but there still was a difference.

If that’s all you did then it actually probably would be fine, but that’s not how it plays out. You change a little thing here and you change a little thing there and when the dust settles, are we still playing Vanilla? Even now, are we?

The whole point is to play something as close as possible to the Vanilla game. Most of the changes we have now were necessary. The player base was engaged in a behaviour that was detrimental to their experience and so Blizzard stepped in. This is the primary motivation behind both Chronoboon and the PvP changes, whether anybody agrees with them or not. Can the same be said about removing the debuff limit?

As said both here and in posts above, I would love this (along with stacking hots for different druids, dang it!) but I don’t think we can just outright dismiss nochanges. It should be a filter that we use to think carefully about what changes mean and why they might be necessary. I don’t think our own convenience is sufficient enough an argument to just throw these things in there.

This is just a complete nonsense statement that so many people say. If it were out the door then they wouldn’t have SoD. SoD would just be Classic Era.

Maintaining the vanilla experience as closely as possible is the idea. Changes that were made were made in order to bring the meta more closely in line with that vanilla experience. Chronoboons, which were probably the biggest change, were added because in 2005 people weren’t raid logging in order to preserve world buffs. Black lotus spawns were changed because populations were higher and so to create a more vanilla like black lotus supply relative to the population they increased the spawn rate.

I question the change to the PvP system as it doesn’t follow this philosophy. I think they lost sight of the goal on that one, but it is what it is.

As for removing buff/debuff cap, nah. It won’t change anything anyways. It would be completely pointless. Warlocks lose DPS casting anything but shadowbolt in a raid. Shadow priest’s DoT isn’t going to make them worth bringing into a raid. Their DPS will still be dwarfed by warlocks and mages and a disc/holy priest will always be more valuable.

You could push more buttons with your meme specs I guess but that’s not worth going down the path of changes for.

As for HoTs, people always think you can’t HoT in a raid when world buffs are out because you’ll push buffs off. Well this only really applies to main tanks. You can HoT the rest of the raid and raid healing is really where HoTs shine anyways. So that’s kinda whatever.

I’d also like to point out that just because something was a technical limitation doesn’t mean it is or is not an essential piece of the experience of the final product. I’m sure there are many other technical limitations that guided design choices made which gave us the vanilla WoW we all know and love. Why they made a decision is not relevant at all as it relates to its impact on the experience.

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+1 remove limit please, i want to play a resto druid in era fresh eventually or lock that is allowed to use corruption thx


Nope. If you want changes, retail is there for you.

I would love it if they removed the debuff / buff limit in Classic Era! Please do it Blizzard. Also bring back Might of Stormwind while you’re at it! Plz and ty.


Loooool.(yeah, this was my honest reaction while reading this)

I’m totally ok with this. Seeing aff locks in raids would be cool. It’s not like anything would really change. The meta would still be the same. However it would allow some of the off specs to actually play their class in raid. It’s really nothing but a positive for the health of the game.

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