Remove the Debuff / Buff Limit in Classic Era

With meme specs on the rise, and lack of options, to bring to raid, not everyone wants to bring 20 Warriors and rogues to clear end game content.

On hardcore you’re removing the debuff Limit, and Buff Limit.

You’re changing the PvP Classic Era system, so the “No Changes” is out the window, and that’s a great thing.

Removing the Debuff and Buff Limit will allow players to play their classes and is something you guys have commented on about an issue you wanted resolved back in Classic 2004, but were limited to fixing.

Hope you guys listen, it’s good feedback.

It’ll increase Warlock Gameplay, Boomkins, Shadowpriests, Hunters, and all the classes people would like to enjoy. Would be awesome to see more diversity in raids in Classic Era, while we wait for SOM 2, or Classic +.


Debuff limit removal is a good change imo pls do it


yes, this and the anti-boosting changes should be added to era.


Classic Era is Classic+. I’m indifferent to the debuff limit being removed. I don’t think it would hurt anything if it got implemented but I doubt it would have much of an effect on how people choose to organize their raids.

What was the effect in SoM? I didn’t play.

not much. affliction locks were happy but it’s not like they were top dps or anywhere close :expressionless:

100% Agreed!

A change I can agree with. Let’s see it happen!

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Debuff limit removed, removal of world buffs in raid instances, maradon/strat dungeon mobs gained abilities to hamper mass farming, stringent XP penalties for powerleveling, gathering stones activated, more/novel raid boss mechanics, increased gathering node spawns and respawns, chance to find black lotus in high-end herbs, chance to proc duplicate item crafts with alchemy, multi-catch fishing, chance to find elemental fires/earths when mining, war effort materials cut in half, war effort auto-complete accelerated, brood of nordormu rep doubled

I’m sure I missed a few.


I mean what was the effect on the meta when they removed debuff limit.

Oh, idk. I didn’t step foot in SoM. My prediction is that warriors remained at the top of dps charts due to their inherent overtuning, even without world buffs.

little to no effect on meta. :expressionless:

Affliction locks are drooling rn

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Literally no difference. Casting shadowbolt is still better.

I played SM/Ruin in raids in SoM I was pretty high up on the meters most of the time. I rarely got to run Agony though, so I don’t think I really ever broke top 5 on any fight. Always stuck debuffing Reck/Elements/Shadows.

But overall, Aff lock was super fun. I honestly love the spec in Classic.

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Guild Banks!

no. guild banks are a bridge too far :expressionless:

The problem is not the meme spec’s needing more debuff slots (tho that would be nice)

the problem is that warriors literally do 4X the damage of non Mage / Rogues and they do like 2X what Mage / rogue can

One last problem exists… Group buffs are a pain in the Rear for non-optimal raid comps

Gathering Stones are far more destructive to the world than a guild bank.

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Removing the buff/debuff limit will have little real impact on an actual raid as the classes that will get the most benefit, won’t really see a big increase in DPS, there was a reason most people were told not to use these abilities, and it was because the impact was generally low enough that you didn’t want to sacrifice something else.

I really can’t see why it wouldn’t make sense to roll this out to all the ERA servers, as most of the “don’t change classic” is somewhat gone and even the people who don’t want change would probably be happy with this, as it really doesn’t change the overall feel of the game other then simply letting some people use a few more abilities.

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