Remove the Debuff / Buff Limit in Classic Era

Yup, the only way to really fix “Meme” spec is to nerf warriors… Not buffing Meme specs… buffing everyone is just a bad idea. Better to just nerf warriors.

true. I am against meeting stone teleports as well :expressionless:


Classes should be able to be played the way they were meant to be played, not just shadowbolt and frost/fire bolt over and over. So yes I agree 100%


I agree I think the debuff limit removed does not bring a detrimental impact and might give everyone more time to enjoy playing some mix up talents and builds as well as different group organizations in the raid. Furthermore, anti boosting changes seem generally pretty good for the game and healthy too.

However on the topic of other changes we have seen proposed by folks, I think summoning stones should stay disabled though personally. It’s understandable to want them from the quality of life perspective, but the world zone is what makes the world of Warcraft the world of Warcraft. The expectation should be that the dungeon is a huge pain to trek to, requires planning and communication etc.


People, please: this is not about doing the most DPS, it’s about being able to use the spec you want and not being instantly rejected because of the debuff limit. Stop thinking like a M+ player please, this is Classic.


If they’re doing this on Hardcore then they should 100% do this on Classic Era. I don’t want to bring 20 warriors to raids to clear content, and I don’t want to worry about Cancel Aura’ing Priest Renews and Regrowths and Rejuvenations, it’s the opposite of how this game should be played.


Please roll this over to all era servers.

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This needs to be applied to all Classic Era realms. This shouldn’t be a discussion. It should’ve been done A LONG time ago.

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While I would agree that they should remove the buff/debuff limit, it won’t likely change the classes that people want to bring to raid, poor performing classes will still perform poorly, even getting to use abilities that are currently restricted in raids.

Would make shadow priests more viable, and allow them to use their abilities, FF< Insect Swarm etc etc. We just want our players to be able to play their classes without screwing over the raid they’re in.


Every class is viable in Vanilla.

Please remove the debuff limit. It’s absurd that we have to ask players to not use certain spells or gear because it will drop spells like ignite off the debuff table and massively nerf raid damage… It’s just not fun. Just remove it, please.

Most of all, like others said, it’s silly to make people shy away from certain specs just to keep this pointless, unfun feature around.


Flagged for spam. You’re digging up old threads an hour after posting in a relevant recent one.

Keep the debuff limit. Keep the game we know.


So I get flagged because you disagree? cool… I’m not trying to spam and that’s complete junk censoring people like this. I’ll wait a day and make my own post.


No, it’s because you’ve recently necro’d three threads all having to do with the same topic in order to express your thoughts. You are welcome to share your views and whether or not we agree doesn’t invalidate those views, but please consider focusing on the quality of your argument instead of the quantity.

Says your a 70 human Monk, why would you care about era?


Flagging is also a type of spam. I only see that he replied once. That was not spam at all. Guess you are the spammer, lol.

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If they don’t want people commenting on old posts, then why not lock then after some time? I felt it was pointless to make new posts when the discussion already existed. So I replied to the most recent ones with my opinion.

It’s pretty obvious that you just don’t like my opinion so you logged on to three accounts and flagged all my posts as spam to have them auto removed.

You know I made good points in that changes should go to in-game players for votes instead of relying on social media and forums since that’s hardly representative of the actual player base. Most players don’t check the forums, and it seems like it’s mostly people who just want to troll.

To the moderators, my posts should be reinstated on this thread. You can delete the other ones, but it isn’t right to censor what I was saying like that.

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Look at the main page and observe the most recent necros of this topic. There are three, with one of them having three posts in a row. I’m not being antagonistic here, just pointing out facts. You seem oddly defensive on behalf of Fedlulreserv.

Which is more than fair. However, you don’t need to do this three times. The first one was sufficient. Maybe just consider picking the one that’s the most relevant to the views you want to share and sticking to that? It actually takes away from your message when you make too many posts at once.

Actually, you can do what you like, but you might also get reported for spam. Your choice, good luck to you!

I am defensive because he is my son. I see that you have over 20k posts. He had 3 and you decided he did not have a right to speak his opinion. I can report you to blizzard for a lot more than trolling. I know you mean it in a respectful way, but the presentation was not respectful.

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