Remove the ability to respec

Dual-spec ruins the game but min-maxing tryhards, no-lifers, and goldbuyers already play like dual-spec exists. The only way to prevent respecing from being exploited and to make specs a meaningful choice as they were intended to be, is to either remove the ability to respec, increase the cost dramatically(adjust for inflation), or to place a cooldown on respecing(2-4 weeks).

This change has near universal support. For the health of the game, please make this change. Thanks Blizzard.


This thread is going places. :popcorn:


save me a seat.


I would support this because an RPG character should not be to able to just ‘change’ up mid-game.


Enjoy sub rogues in your raid


yeah no. 100g a week to swap between sub and combat is plenty


yep go diablo 2 style


LOL I thought the samething

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Why would anyone take a sub rogue to a raid? If they chose to be sub, then they have chosen to PvP.


I’m sorry, but who has rogues in their guild


In TBC the devs allowed a maximum of potentially 50g per respec as an option for those who truly needed a change made a mistake, or whatever else.

This was the design in Classic Vanilla and it was the design in original TBC and Vanilla until we got dual spec in WOTLK.

I see absolutely no sense in arbitrarily making character management “harder” than it actually was in TBC.

I’ve seen this movie before.


I agree, or maybe you can only respec within the talent tree you’ve invested in ?

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In the spirit of #somechanges, let the respec fee start at 1 copper, and have it double every time it is used. Then let the fee decay by halving it every two weeks from the time of the last respec. Also increase the respec fee cap to be the character gold cap.

This should allow plenty of cheap opportunities for people who are using the respec feature to make adjustments or to occasionally retcon their characters while preventing people from repeatedly respeccing so they can ignore the RPG elements of the game in order to minmax for every possible activity.

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The game was designed so that your choices matter. The original 50g respec would have been the equivalent of a 500g respec today. This highly punitive system forced players to make meaningful choices.

Currently, gold is so easy to get that people respec multiple times a week. No hardcore raider shows up in anything but an optimized cookie-cutter PvE spec. Hardcore PvP’ers use a cookie-cutter PvP spec.

No one is making hard choices when it comes to their specs. The only choice players make is whether they’re willing to farm the gold.

In order to make specs meaningful they can’t be something that you can change multiple times a day.


I support this and choose violence.


I like watching classic players kill their own game lol


Can you explain in detail?

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If I could only engage in one of pvp or pve each week and not both, i’d effectively be paying my sub for half the game. Which I wouldn’t do and nor would most other people.

The game “was designed” exactly how it is now, in regards to respecs.

Not sure what point you’re trying to make, lol.

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I agree allowing respecs is rooted in racism, sexism, and all other sorts of isms. It also is hate speech to spec shame and insist on making others respec “to be good” Implement this great idea Blizzard.